
Terms for subject General containing Order up | all forms | in specified order only
break up the orderрасформировать заказ (cypelek1983)
compulsory winding-up orderордер на принудительную ликвидацию компании, выданный по решению суда
follow-up orderдозаказ (This, and the Hoval Giga-3 (3000) delivered as a follow-up order in the summer of 2006, are fired with natural gas and supply heat to almost the whole works ... FlexQube® received a follow up order for 12 pallet carts. The customer in Michigan, USA, already had more than 80 carts from FlexQube® in ... Alexander Demidov)
in order to keep one's spirits upдля храбрости
line up in order of heightпостроить по росту (You have two minutes to line up in order of height, from shortest to tallest. • In fact, at school, whenever we had to line up in order of height, I was always at the front. 4uzhoj)
line up in order of sizeпостроить по росту (On the stage, the children were lined up in order of size. 4uzhoj)
order upвелеть подать наверх
order upвелеть взойти
the chemist is still making up the doctor's order, and says it will be ready in half an hourфармацевт всё ещё готовит лекарство по рецепту и говорит, что оно будет готово через полчаса
the elevator is out of order and we have to walk upлифт не работает и нам придётся подниматься пешком
these papers are all out of order – will you page them up for me?эти бумаги в полном беспорядке – не пронумеруешь их?
they gave up certain conveniences in order to shelter the refugeesони жертвовали своими удобствами, чтобы приютить беженцев
we got the order to saddle up just after dawnнам было приказано быть готовыми к выступлению сразу после рассвета