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Terms for subject Mathematics containing One of the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a method for determining the shapes of pulses caused by the impact of bullets at one end of a long rodна одном конце
as one goes higher and higher in the scale of numbersпри переходе к всё большим и большим значениям
at one set-up of the workза одну установку детали
if one could gather all the parts of an exploding atom, their total weight would be slightly less than the weight of the original atomесли бы ... то ... бы
in proving this theorem one considers a family g (x, i) of admissible curves of the formпри доказательстве данной теоремы ...
in the method of finite differences one places a rectangular grid over the domainнакладывать сетку
in the multigrid method one defines a set of nested gridsмногосеточный метод
is carried out with relative accuracy up to the thousandth of one percentс относительной точностью до тысячных долей процента
on any one of the arcsна любой из дуг
one manner in which the energy loss due to movement in the boundary conditions is manifested is through a lowering of the natural frequenciesодин способ, как проявляется потеря энергии вследствие движения в граничных условиях
one of the elements of Aодин из элементов А
one of the main factors но не reasons that govern но не governs the intensity of heat exchangeодна из основных причин, определяющих
one of the most significant aspects ofодин из наиболее существенных моментов в
similarity of triangles means that the three angles in one triangle are equal to the three angles of another triangle and, as a consequence, the corresponding sides are in the same ratioподобие треугольников
since then, several generations of computing equipment have been developed, each being significantly better than the one before itс тех пор
the inverse problem of frequency sounding in one dimensionв одномерной постановке
the movement of two particles relative to one anotherотносительно друг друга
the next generation is certain to discard this model in favor of a better oneзаменив
the one exception to many of these drawbacks is represented byодно исключение из
the onset of a propagation regime close to a steady-state oneвыход на режим
the product of one half and three1/2 x 3 половина от трёх
the proof of this theorem uses very similar techniques to the ones outlined in the above papersдоказательство этой теоремы использует технику, подобную приведённой в цитированных выше работах
the proof of this theorem uses very similar techniques to the ones outlined in the above papersдоказательство этой теоремы использует технику, подобную применяемой в вышеуказанных статьях
the proof of this theorem uses very similar techniques to the ones outlined in the above papersдоказательство использует очень близкую технику
the proof of this theorem uses very similar techniques to the ones outlined in the above papersдоказательство данной теоремы использует технические средства, подобные указанным в вышеназванных статьях
the relations between ... can be illustrated with one of the cooling curvesэти соотношения между ... могут быть проиллюстрированы ...
these two expressions differ from one another by a quantity of the order of h2на величину порядка
this allows one to discard the boundary conditions on the opposite side of the domainотбрасывать
this collision causes the formation of numerous smaller particles, which may collide with each other, producing even smaller onesдруг с другом
this cone is one with a vertex that is not directly above the center of its baseс вершиной, которая не проектируется в центр его основания
this device may exceed the transmission rate by one or two orders of magnitudeна один-два порядка
this potential can be split into two components, one represents the effect ofэтот потенциал можно разложить на две компоненты, одна из которых представляет
we seek a good estimate of the least value of the function of one variableискать
we shall do this starting with p z of degree 1 in z and letting the degree of p z increase in going from one case to the nextзаставив степень p z возрастать
when passing from the plane problem of perfect plasticity to a "similar" spatial one, we obtainпри переходе