
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing On/Off | all forms
go off onпоносить (Taras)
go off onпорочить (Taras)
go off onоскорблять (Taras)
go off onчернить (Taras)
go off onнаговаривать (Taras)
go off onгрубить (Taras)
go off onкритиковать (go off on (someone) – to criticise, denigrate, diss. An item of black slang of the 1990s, also adopted by younger white speakers Taras)
have on-again, off-again thingсходиться и расходиться (They had this on-again, off-again thing Taras)
on the off chanceс надеждой на удачу (We didn't think we would get into the football game, but we went on the off chance. Val_Ships)