
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Off | all forms | exact matches only
back-off strategyстратегия отката (If there's a retry mechanism in place for handling failures and it doesn't have a proper back-off strategy or doesn't check for the success of the previous attempt, it might end up fetching the same event multiple times. — Если имеется механизм повторных попыток для обработки отказов, но он не имеет соответствующей стратегии отката или не проверяет успешность предыдущей попытки, то в результате одно и то же событие может быть получено несколько раз. Alex_Odeychuk)
BitLocker off modeрежим отключённого BitLocker (A mode in which BitLocker Drive Encryption protection is turned off on a disk volume and the disk volume is not encrypted. This leaves the disk volume with a standard clear text file format)
Call Forwarding Offотключить переадресацию звонков
Drop Off Libraryбиблиотека-распределитель (A SharePoint document library where users can upload files that are then routed automatically to the correct library or folder in the site based upon rules defined by the site administrator)
flash offбез вспышки (A flash mode when the phone's built-in camera flash is set to off)
log offвыйти из системы (To terminate a session with a computer accessed through a communications line usually a computer that is both distant and open to many users)
off-axisвне оси (One of the presets for 3D rotation effects. When selected, specifies that the object will be rotated off-axis)
off-pageдругая страница (Andy)
off-page referenceмежстраничная ссылка (Andy)
off-page referenceссылка на другую страницу (Andy)
Off-Page Referenceссылка на другую страницу (A 2-D shape that you can use in large flowchart diagrams to link to another page in the drawing)
Off-peak timesВремя низкой загрузки (A feature that allows the user to schedule automatic synchronization between the device and the Exchange Server every time an item arrives or is changed in Exchange Server (if the organization is running Exchange Server with Exchange ActiveSync), and after the first full synchronization with Exchange Server when the volume of e-mail is low)
Off Workне на работе (An item on the user's My Status drop-down menu. This is a status the user can select to say that he or she is not working right now, but is on personal time)
one-off addressодноразовый адрес (An address that is used to send messages to recipients who do not have a corresponding entry in any of the session's address book containers)
one-off addressодноразовый адрес (An address that is used to send messages to recipients who do not have a corresponding entry in any of the session's address book containers. Rori)
policy automation is turned offавтоматизация политики отключена (SQL Server 2008 ssn)
power offотключить питание
Select or clear the check box to turn a visualization on or off.Установите или снимите флажок, чтобы включить или выключить отображение зрительных образов. (Windows 8 Rori)
Time Offвыходные (A menu item on the Set Up menu that opens the Time Off dialog, which defines how much of the user's schedule is affected by a schedule change)
trade-off matrixтаблица согласования (A tool for managing project trade-offs by portraying them in a matrix that reflects the three project variables (presented on the y axis) in the context of three decisions (presented on the x axis). The project variables are resources (people and money), schedule (time), and features (the product and its quality). These variables are sometimes presented as the trade-off triangle. The three decisions are whether to optimize, constrain, or accept a given variable. A change to one of the project variables requires that the team make a correction on one of the three sides to maintain project balance, including potentially the same side on which the change first occurred. For example, a decision to add a feature to a product may require that other features be removed if sufficient time and resources are unavailable to support their development)
Turn Off Application Compatibility EngineОтключение обработчика совместимости приложений (Windows 7 ssn)
Turn off Most ViewedОтключение фильтра "Популярные" (Windows 8 Rori)
Turn off page zooming functionalityотключить функцию масштабирования страниц (Windows 7 Rori)
Turn off Quick Tabs functionalityОтключить быстрые вкладки (Internet Explorer 8 Rori)
Turn off Touch PanningОтключить сенсорное панорамирование (Windows 7 ssn)
turn off your computerвыключить компьютер (Alex_Odeychuk)
Turns off event handlerОтключает обработчик события (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
Turns off the confirmation message.Отключает сообщение подтверждения (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
write offсписать (To remove a debt that will not be paid by a party)