
Terms for subject Road traffic containing ON | all forms | exact matches only
crossroad with traffic lights onрегулируемый перекрёсток (translator911)
drive on!трогай! (hellamarama)
lose traction on an icy roadзанести на обледеневшей дороге (Roger recounted the time he was driving a cargo van from Janesville, Wisconsin to Cleveland, Ohio, and lost traction on an icy road. According to Roger, he slid uncontrollably toward what he thought was certain doom and blacked out. – занесло на обледеневшей трассе coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Manual On Uniform Traffic Control DevicesРуководство по унифицированным техническим средствам организации дорожного движения (AlexanderGerasimov)
on completing the journeyв конце поездки (Yeldar Azanbayev)
on-site reportпротокол (The State Duma is set to pass a bill on Friday that could simplify the process of completing insurance claims for car accidents, a move that would cut down traffic snarls caused by fender-bender victims waiting for police to complete on-site reports. VLZ_58)
on the day of departureв день отъезда (Yeldar Azanbayev)
pass on the rightобогнать справа (Earlier today, on the Coquihalla, a truck tried to pass our plow on the right. This is a serious no, no. Many of our trucks are equipped with a wing plow on the right side. This "wing" extends roughly half the length of a GMC pickup with a full cab bed. Thankfully, everyone made it through, but it could have been much, much worse. -- попытался обогнать наш снегоуборщик справа (Twitter) ART Vancouver)