
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing ON | all forms | exact matches only
as if on cueсловно в ответ на эти слова (at the exact moment one would expect (Oxford Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
as if on cueкак по сигналу (ART Vancouver)
as if on cueсловно в ответ на это (at the exact moment one would expect (Oxford Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
based on who, what, whereв зависимости от того , кто, что, где (The Snallygaster is difficult to define—a baffling mixture of body parts and features that seems to change based on who’s telling the story. When its existence was first reported in 1909, in the Valley Register, a newspaper published out of Maryland’s Frederick County, it was described as having “enormous wings, a long pointed bill, claws like steel hooks, and an eye in the center of its forehead.” atlasobscura.com ART Vancouver)
based on the informationна основе информации (from sb. – полученной от кого-л.: I have prepared a report based on the information from my colleague, Phil. ART Vancouver)
based on the obtained resultsна основе полученных результатов (VLZ_58)
based on the results obtainedна основе полученных результатов (VLZ_58)
based on these numbersисходя из этих цифр (ART Vancouver)
be a little short onнемного не хватать (о количестве: All you need to become a Snow Angel is a shovel and good health. The city currently has around 400 volunteers. “We’re a little short on volunteers in the Champlain and Marpole areas, but we can use volunteers across the city,” Lawrence said. (CityNews 1130) ART Vancouver)
be on the hunt forохотиться за (Wildlife officials in Oklahoma are on the hunt for a mysterious creature that they believe to be an out-of-place coatimundi that somehow found its way into the state. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be on the lookoutбыть начеку (for sb., sth.: Officers are on the lookout for drunk drivers 24/7. ART Vancouver)
be stretched out on one's Chesterfieldрастянуться на диване (I was cycling west on Wall Street in Round Cape when I heard a crash behind me. Quickly I went back and saw a car bumper, then noticed the fence was gone. A car had flown across Wall Street coming down the hill on Renfrew Street. It missed me by seconds. I looked over the embankment and saw a white Honda on its side lying on train tracks! I called 911. Fire and ambulance and police were all there in under 15 minutes. I went on with my ride though I felt shaken. As I am stretched out on my Chesterfield in the living room, I can hear my mother saying 'it was not your day to die'. Good to be alive. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
before embarking onПрежде чем приступить к ...
bring it on!ну давайте уже! (поддерживая план, проект, замысел: A third crossing? Bring it on! We've been waiting for it for years. ART Vancouver)
carry on with one's dayкак ни в чём ни бывало продолжать заниматься своими делами (The bear, evidently, fared better in the collision than Milner did. “Man, those bears are built like a truck,” he said. “I thought I was going to die.” The bear also wasn’t phased by the bystander trying to ward it off from the injured and upset Milner. “He was kind of looking at me, really curious, kind of like, ‘What’s up with you?’ he said. “Then the bear just started eating grass. He pretty much just carried on with his day.” nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
champagne taste on a beer budgetтот, кто любит дорогие вещи, но не имеет средств на их приобретение (Someone who likes expensive things but does not have the money to afford them. Interex)
classic work on this subjectклассический труд на эту тему (But as the psychic researcher G.N.M. Tyrrell commented when describing the 'perfect apparition' in his classic work on this subject, "Apparitions": 'The apparition might speak to us, and possibly it might go as far as to answer a question; but we should not be able to engage it in any long conversation.' -- в своём классическом труде на эту тему (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") • В своем классическом труде «Состояние человека» писатель Томас Китинг рассказывает интересную притчу. (vk.com) ART Vancouver)
come on!да ладно тебе, будет врать (Come on! -- Да ладно тебе, будет врать! ART Vancouver)
cut down on the number ofснизить число (кого-либо: More realistic solutions involve improving transit to make it more desirable, and building affordable housing to cut down on the number of people who need to commute across the bridge. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
cut down on the number ofсократить число (кого-либо: More realistic solutions involve improving transit to make it more desirable, and building affordable housing to cut down on the number of people who need to commute across the bridge. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
deal on an urgent basisоперативно разобраться (with – с: We must deal with this on an urgent basis. ART Vancouver)
deal on an urgent basisразобраться в срочном порядке (with – с: We must deal with this on an urgent basis. ART Vancouver)
depending on who you askв зависимости от источника (информации: First, the Black Pyramid fits neatly into the pantheon of paranoid inducing military installations in Alaska. The most infamous of these is the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, located just outside of Fairbanks. Depending on who you ask, HAARP is a high-frequency transmitter used to remotely set off earthquakes to topple Venezuelan dictators, control the world’s climate and undermine the fossil fuel industry, or help scientists study the ionosphere. Take your pick. anomalien.com ART Vancouver)
don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining!не лги мне!
draw on expertise and experienceопираться на знания и опыт (Johnston Homes draws on expertise and extensive experience of its entire team of architects, designers and building professionals. ART Vancouver)
draw on one's years of experienceопираться на многолетний опыт (drawing on our years of experience in art book design ART Vancouver)
Following up on your kind proposalПользуясь Вашим любезным предложением (Leonid Dzhepko)
fool around on one's wifeизменять жене ("Look, Ted is a very high-maintenance guy," says a long-time girlfriend of Fonda's from Los Angeles. "He is known for loving-the-one-you're-with syndrome, and fooling around on his wives." (Vanity Fair) ART Vancouver)
go on the rampageгромить (A gang of teens went on the rampage at the mall and there wasn't a police officer in sight. – стали громить ART Vancouver)
go out on a journeyотправиться в путешествие (History is full of intrepid individuals who went out on a journey, never to return. mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
hang on!держись! (Hang on Toronto, the winter is making a comeback tomorrow! ART Vancouver)
have a significant impact onв существенной степени повлиять на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
have a significant impact onоказать существенное влияние на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
have a significant impact onоказать значительное влияние на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
have a significant impact onв значительной степени повлиять на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
I would like to congratulate you onПримите мои поздравления с по случаю (Leonid Dzhepko)
if you don't behave I'll come down on you with a heavy handесли ты себя будешь плохо вести, то тебе придётся не сладко (Leonid Dzhepko)
if you take something on, you ought to do a thorough job of itесли ты за что-то берёшься, ты должен довести дело до конца (per Michele A. Berdy Leonid Dzhepko)
I'll be on my way nowну, я пошёл (прощаясь: Okay, I'll be on my way now. -- Ну ладно, я пошёл. ART Vancouver)
I'm with you on that oneполностью согласен с вами в этом вопросе (ART Vancouver)
it dawned on meменя осенило (After visiting Point Roberts several times a week for a number of years it dawned on me I should move here and focus my professional real estate energies in an area I truly loved. ART Vancouver)
keep a careful eye onвнимательно следить за (It's a fluid situation, we're going to keep a careful eye on it. -- Ситуация постоянно меняется, мы будем внимательно за ней следить. ART Vancouver)
keep a close eye onвнимательно следить за (keep a close eye on the situation ART Vancouver)
lax on crimeиспользующий мягкие методы борьбы с преступностью (So, we should be lax on crime? It seems that is what has gotten us here in the first place. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
Like shooting ducks on a pondпросто (Interex)
Like shooting ducks on a pondлегко (Interex)
Like shooting ducks on a pondбез затруднения (Interex)
oh, come onда будет вам! (нести чушь: Oh, come on. MST is considering the "needs" of the wealthy first and foremost. All other considerations are secondary. Who else will be able afford to live there? vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
on a massive scaleв гигантских масштабах (A Victoria hospitalist is warning that if the province opens up access to a greater variety of highly addictive and potent opioids without a prescription or supervision, new addictions will occur “on a massive scale.” Dr. Mark Mallet was reacting to a call by chief coroner Lisa Lapointe this month for prescription-free access to a wider array of quality controlled opioids and stimulants to reduce illicit drug overdose deaths. -- новые случаи наркозависимости будут происходить в гигантских масштабах / достигнут гигантских масшабов nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
on account ofучитывая (Alex_Odeychuk)
on account ofучитывая, что (Alex_Odeychuk)
on account ofс учётом того, что (Alex_Odeychuk)
on any given dayобычно (о деятельности: Back in college, my friends and I would always all go to the cafeteria across campus together for lunch. There were about 8-10 of us on any given day so normally you had 3-4 of us in a huddle followed by the other 3-4. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
on any given dayкак правило (о деятельности: Back in college, my friends and I would always all go to the cafeteria across campus together for lunch. There were about 8-10 of us on any given day so normally you had 3-4 of us in a huddle followed by the other 3-4. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
on medical leaveна больничном (I'm on a medical leave (all is going to be good) I hope to be back very soon. ART Vancouver)
on one's partсо стороны кого-л. (There will be boats that are left to sink (or sunk deliberately) with insurance claims and that will come with fuel spills and environmental damage. The Squamish Nation has done no consultation with Coast Guard, DFO, Ministry of Environment or various city governments. Disgusting conduct on their part. -- с их стороны (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
on one's partс чьей-л. стороны (There will be boats that are left to sink (or sunk deliberately) with insurance claims and that will come with fuel spills and environmental damage. The Squamish Nation has done no consultation with Coast Guard, DFO, Ministry of Environment or various city governments. Disgusting conduct on their part. -- с их стороны (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
on regular basisрегулярно (For use of any illegal substance the minimum punishment is one year in prison while for repeat offenders it's two years (the maximum is ten). Drug traffickers get the death penalty on regular basis. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
on technicalityна формальных основаниях (напр., победить на выборах: [Ken Sim] was elected by a majority mind you – Trudeau wasn't. The Conservatives won the popular vote whereas Trudeau won on technicality – he won based on seats and of course China's help. He's an illegitimate leader without a mandate. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
on the flip side of the coinв то же время (напр., о минусах, после перечисления плюсов Халеев)
on the flip side of the coinс другой стороны (Халеев)
on the groundsна том основании, что ("that" missing [informal]: The federal government has denied an Alberta drug trafficker's bid for transfer from a U.S. jail to a Canadian jail on the grounds he may one day commit another crime. ART Vancouver)
on the grounds thatна том основании, что (The San Francisco Council in 2007 banned the oil-based bags on the grounds that they were eco-unfriendly. ART Vancouver)
on the matter ofпо вопросу (On the matter of getting a neighbour to trim the gigantic hedge obscuring my view, I took in a lot of flak. Some people just prefer to be hidden from the rest of the world, I was told, and it’s their business. ART Vancouver)
on the same pageв согласии (Yeldar Azanbayev)
on the topic ofпо вопросу (This week at a meeting of high-profile speakers on the topic of extraterrestrial life, astrobiologist Dirk Schulze-Makuch asserted that the compounds weren't necessarily stray Earth remnants. When the lander samples were discovered, he explained, water was added to them with the assumption that in a moistened environment, the microbes would become more energized and easier to examine. Instead, the hydration may have done the opposite, essentially drowning the samples. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
on the wholeв общем и целом (I approve your plan etc.; я ваш план одобряю и т.д.)
on this countв этом отношении (On this count you're very, very wrong. ART Vancouver)
one foot on a banana peel the other in the graveпри смерти
plan onсобираться (+ gerund -- заняться чем-л.: How’s the snow at Eagle Mountain? Planning on going snowboarding sometime this week, anyone who’s been there in the past few days, is it bad? -- Собираюсь съездить покататься ... (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
set off on a journeyотправиться в путешествие (Realizing their lives were in a rut, in 2014 they decided to do something wild, putting away all of their possessions into storage, postponing their planned wedding, and setting off on a journey to tour Europe in their camper van. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
someone's on the phone for youтебя к телефону (Юрий Гомон)
stand on endвстать дыбом (igisheva)
stock up on foodзапасаться едой (также on groceries: Take time now to stock up on bottled water and nonperishable food (food that won't spoil) so you'll be prepared in case something happens. ART Vancouver)
take on challengesне пасовать перед трудностями (He praised the Beatles' professionalism and willingness to take on challenges, noting their exceptional ability to adjust to the ever-growing crowds and intense schedules, which allowed them to succeed during the tour. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
take on challengesне отступать перед трудностями (He praised the Beatles' professionalism and willingness to take on challenges, noting their exceptional ability to adjust to the ever-growing crowds and intense schedules, which allowed them to succeed during the tour. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
take on this responsibilityвзвалить на себя такую ответственность (If you are choosing an attorney—this may be your spouse, a close family member or friend—you may also want to ensure that whomever you choose: -Knows how to manage money and property. -Is reliable and available to take on this responsibility. -Clearly understands what is expected of them. (rbcroyalbank.com) ART Vancouver)
take on this responsibilityвзять на себя такую ответственность (If you are choosing an attorney—this may be your spouse, a close family member or friend—you may also want to ensure that whomever you choose: -Knows how to manage money and property. -Is reliable and available to take on this responsibility. -Clearly understands what is expected of them. (rbcroyalbank.com) ART Vancouver)
the list goes onи так далее, и тому подобное (igisheva)
there's someone on the phone for youтебя к телефону (Юрий Гомон)
there's someone on the telephone for youтебя к телефону (Юрий Гомон)
thinking on one's feetОперативное мышление (NataliaB77)
Tight as the bark on a treeскупой на деньги (Stingy when it comes to money. Interex)
Tight as the bark on a treeочень экономный (Interex)
Tight as the bark on a treeочень бережливый (Very frugal. Interex)
time is getting on, we had better startвремя идёт, давайте начинать (Perhaps, as time is getting on, we had better start. ART Vancouver)
time on your handsлишнее время (Interex)
time on your handsсвободное время (Interex)
touch onкоснуться темы (Robinson also touched on an odd photograph of a "winged creature" or fairy, the Green Lady apparition at a Scottish castle, and haunting phenomena at Chingle Hall in Lancashire. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
touch on a subjectзатронуть тему (How do people just vanish with no clues to what happen? Finally someone has finally touched on that subject providing hundreds of bone-chilling, hair-raising cases of people who have vanished without a trace. – затронул эту тему ART Vancouver)
touch on a topicкоснуться темы (There is another topic I'd like to touch on... – Мне хотелось бы коснуться и другой темы... • She also touched on the Dogon tribe, who had advanced astronomical knowledge that may have come from ETs, as well as such topics as crop circles, lunar & solar anomalies, and stargates. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
touch on a topicзатронуть тему (There are other topics I'd like to touch on. – Мне хотелось бы затронуть и другие темы. • She also touched on the Dogon tribe, who had advanced astronomical knowledge that may have come from ETs, as well as such topics as crop circles, lunar & solar anomalies, and stargates. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
tough on crimeиспользующий жёсткие методы борьбы с преступностью (Are more cops and a tough-on-crime approach the answer to safety concerns in Vancouver? A UBC law professor is pushing back against the rhetoric that getting tough on crime with more police is the answer. (dailyhive.com) ART Vancouver)
went on to say thatдалее заявил, что (In the interview, the retired general who is now an esteemed professor told a reporter that the United States and Israel have been in contact with ETs for quite some time. Eshed went on to say that "there is an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here." Part of that unsettling pact, he said, includes a secret underground base on Mars which is staffed by a team of ETs and Americans. • He went on to say under questioning that he had knowledge of "people who have been harmed or injured" as part of government efforts to conceal information on UFOs, and that he had feared for his life as a result. -- Отвечая на вопросы, далее он заявил, что ... coasttocoastam.com, singularfortean.com ART Vancouver)
where on earth did you spring from?Откуда ты взялся? (ART Vancouver)
you can bet on itобязательно (ART Vancouver)
you're wanted on the phoneтебя к телефону (Юрий Гомон)
you're wanted on the telephoneтебя к телефону (Юрий Гомон)