
Terms for subject Religion containing OFFICIAL | all forms | exact matches only
Edinoverie (an Old Believer sect which accepted clergy from the official Orthodox Churchединоверчество (единоверие)
follower of official Russian Orthodox Religion who makes the sign of the cross with three fingersщепотник
official canon of Sunni Islamофициальный канон суннитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
official harassmentгонения со стороны государства (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
official Islamофициальный ислам (state-sponsored religious institutions Alex_Odeychuk)
official Islamислам официального толка (promoted by state-sponsored religious institutions Alex_Odeychuk)
official orthodox Islamофициальный традиционный ислам (Alex_Odeychuk)
official Russian Orthodox Religionниконианство (practiced by the Old Believers in czarist Russia)
specific content of the official teachingконкретное содержание официального вероучения (Alex_Odeychuk)
top official religious figureрелигиозный деятель высшего ранга (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)