
Terms for subject Formal containing Non | all forms | exact matches only
non-availableне имеющийся в наличии
non-commercial natureнекоммерческий характер (носит некоммерческий характер – is of a non-commercial nature: "This section confirms that the movement is of a non-commercial nature." Instructions for filling the Health Certificate for the non-commercial movement into the EU from Canada of dogs, cats and ferrets inspection.gc.ca ART Vancouver)
non-compliance with regulationsнесоблюдение правил (A private helicopter that made what looked like a non-emergency landing on a Tofino beach has sparked an investigation by Transport Canada that could result in fines and suspensions for the operators. (...) "If it is determined that there has been a non-compliance with the Canadian Aviation Regulations, the department will take appropriate enforcement action, which could include fines or suspensions," Dupuis said. – нарушение / несоблюдение правил управления авиационными средствами ART Vancouver)
non-compliance with regulationsнарушение правил (A private helicopter that made what looked like a non-emergency landing on a Tofino beach has sparked an investigation by Transport Canada that could result in fines and suspensions for the operators. (...) "If it is determined that there has been a non-compliance with the Canadian Aviation Regulations, the department will take appropriate enforcement action, which could include fines or suspensions," Dupuis said. – нарушение / несоблюдение правил управления авиационными средствами ART Vancouver)
non-compliantнарушитель (We don't have the resources to be chasing down every non-compliant traveller. -- гоняться за каждым пассажиром-нарушителем ART Vancouver)
non-essential travelпоездки без уважительной причины (ART Vancouver)
non-financial entitiesнефинансовые предприятия и организации (под нефинансовыми предприятиями и организациями понимаются коммерческие и некоммерческие предприятия и организации – резиденты, находящиеся как в государственной, так и негосударственной собственности, а также юридические лица – нерезиденты Alex_Odeychuk)
non-public informationнеразглашённая информация (ART Vancouver)