
Terms for subject Formal containing No | all forms | exact matches only
assumes no liabilities onне несёт обязательств по (val123)
at no greater than monthly intervalsне реже одного раза в месяц (Ying)
has no criminal convictionsсудимостей / -ти не имеет
has no expiration dateбессрочный (б/с – бессрочный ART Vancouver)
has no prior criminal recordранее несудим (ART Vancouver)
have no objection toничего не иметь против ("My friend turned to the country inspector. "I suppose that you have no objection to my collaborating with you, Mr. Baynes?" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Полагаю, вы ничего не будете иметь против / вы не будете возражать против ... ART Vancouver)
have no recordданные отсутствуют (Уведомление: Contact us immediately about your gas service. Although the meter at this address shows that natural gas is being used, we have no record of an active gas account. To ensure you continue to receive your natural gas supply, you must apply for service. ART Vancouver)
no failure to exerciseнеосуществление (Soulbringer)
no record of marriage has surfacedактовая запись о заключении брака отсутствует (напр., в государственном демографическом реестре, государственном реестре актов гражданского состояния или книге государственной регистрации актов гражданского состояния Alex_Odeychuk)
the Ministry accepts no responsibility for the contents of the above documentфакты, изложенные в документе, Министерством не проверялись (тж. "assumes no responsibility ")
there being no other businessв связи с исчерпанием повестки дня (There being no other business the meeting ended/was adjourned. 4uzhoj)
there is no evidence to suggest thatнет никаких доказательств того, что (According to Bayer, there is no evidence to suggest that this drug is associated with violent behaviour.)
there is no legal obligationпо закону не обязан (for sb. to do sth.: [Justice David] Crerar conceded it may have been prudent for the trustee to apply to have the deposits sent to the courts, but he found there was no legal obligation for him to do so. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
there is no recourse but to.ничего не остаётся делать, кроме как (Marina Smirnova)
through no fault of Youне по Вашей вине (information which has entered the public domain through no fault of You or any persons to whom You have provided Confidential Information ART Vancouver)