
Terms for subject Grammar containing NOT | all forms | exact matches only
could not possibly have + past participleникак не мог (The second witness is telling the truth. She couldn't possibly have seen the assailant's face. • "He could not possibly have been drowned in the moat, which was at no place more than three feet deep." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
it is not reasonable to expectнеразумно ожидать, что (It is not reasonable to expect a person to tolerate being treated in that particular way. — Неразумно ожидать, что человек будет терпеть такое обращение. britannica.com Alex_Odeychuk)
not being declinedнесклоняющийся
not proper transitive verbнесобственно-переходный глагол
not supposed toнельзя (+ infinitive: That spot is reserved for deliveries. It's not supposed to be parked there! – там нельзя ставить машину ART Vancouver)
preposition, not followed by the noun groupпредлог, за которым не следует именная группа (ssn)