
Terms for subject Formal containing NOT | all forms | exact matches only
are not subject to disclosureне подлежат раскрытию (Ying)
be not in compliance withне соответствовать ("The Department shall replace donated foods received by distributing or recipient agencies that are stale, spoiled, out of condition, or not in compliance with specifications when: ....." The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America, Par. 250.13 ART Vancouver)
do not misunderstand meпоймите меня правильно (Bullfinch)
employ means that are not harmfulиспользовать средства, которые не наносят вреда (rand.org Alex_Odeychuk)
everything's not as it appears inвсё не так, как изложено в (таком-то документе Alex_Odeychuk)
everything's not as it appears inвсё не так, как представлено в (таком-то документе Alex_Odeychuk)
I think notя полагаю, нет (в обоих языках формальная речь: "Will you be going tonight, James?" "I think not." cambridge.org Shabe)
is not availableотсутствует (This item is not available. We apologize for the inconvenience. ART Vancouver)
is not intended to be a substitute forне предназначается для использования в качестве замены (ART Vancouver)
is not permitted under any circumstancesне разрешается ни при каких условиях (Smoking is not permitted under any circumstances inside the house. This applies to the tenant and their guests. ART Vancouver)
is not recommendedне рекомендуется (ART Vancouver)
it is not advisableне рекомендуется (igisheva)
it was not, in fact, the practiceфактически не сложилась практика (to + inf. // The Guardian, 2021 Alex_Odeychuk)
let us not flatter ourselvesне будем обольщаться (Bullfinch)
not adequateнедостаточный (Riley's anxiety spiked, she began acting out, culminating in two concerning incidents including one where broke a window and another where she began hitting objects with a baseball bat. The inquest showed that supports provided had not been adequate, and had not included staff specifically trained in autism. ART Vancouver)
not as much a... as it is aне столько... сколько (This is not as much a recipe as it is a 'how to'; Perl is not as much a reflection of hot new technology as it is a manifestation of old ideas freshly applicable to today's problems Maria Klavdieva)
not awareнеизвестно (We are not aware of these facts. – Нам неизвестно о таких фактах. ART Vancouver)
not by choice but necessityвынужденно (I’m an British expatriate living in Magadan, not by choice but necessity. – не по доброй воле, но вынужденно ART Vancouver)
not in compliance withне соответствующий ("The Department shall replace donated foods received by distributing or recipient agencies that are stale, spoiled, out of condition, or not in compliance with specifications when: ....." The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America, Par. 250.13  ART Vancouver)
the matter will not bear discussionВопрос не подлежит обсуждению ("The matter will not bear discussion," said he abruptly. "You have made a most damnable intrusion into the privacy of our family." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
this is not to necessarily suggest thatэто совсем не означает, что (While it is clear that humans and other animals possess consciousness, one theory goes one step further by suggesting that absolutely everything – from the planets in the solar system to the chair you are sitting on – are conscious as well. Known as panpsychism, this idea is not a new one, but a growing number of scientists seem to be subscribing to the notion that consciousness may be far more pervasive than we previously thought. This is not to necessarily suggest that a chair, for example, is just as conscious as a human, but that objects possess levels of consciousness relative to their state and complexity. At the most basic level, even fundamental particles may possess some level of consciousness. (unexplained-mysteries.com) ART Vancouver)
we ask that you do not + verbпросим Вас не (We would like to remind everyone that interpreters are independent contractors rather than employees of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). We ask that you do not present yourself as an employee of the IRB when speaking with other people about your work either in person or on social media.)
when this is not the caseв противном случае (goroshko)