
Terms for subject Geology containing NOT | all forms | exact matches only
... does not exceed ... m in thicknessМощность ... не превышает ... м (Sediment is thickest in the floor of Boulder Basin where it commonly exceeds 20 m, is thin in Las Vegas Bay where it does not exceed 4 m in thickness. ArcticFox)
it is not feasible to performневозможно выполнить (ArcticFox)
not commonредкий (XXX occur normally, whereas YYY are not common. ArcticFox)
not-gradedне имеющий уклона
not unlikeвесьма похоже
not weatheredневыветрелый (Olivine is characteristically green when not weathered. ArcticFox)
water content at the expense of not frozen waterвлажность мёрзлого грунта за счёт незамёрзшей воды (Himera)