
Terms for subject Proverb containing NICE | all forms | exact matches only
a nice place to live away fromхорошее место, но лучше держаться от него подальше
(every family house, community has its own private/ problems and troubles every heart knows its own bitterness. it is a poor kin that has neither whore nor thief in it a skeletons in every cupboard or closet.every house, ugly or nice, has its own problems and miceпод каждой крышей свой мыши ( NU[YK )
every house, ugly or nice, has its own problems and miceпод каждой крышей свой мыши
first you judge how nice, then you judge how wiseвстречают по одёжке, провожают по уму (Lily Snape)
have a nice meal!приятного аппетита!
here's a nice how-d'ye-do or how-de-do!вот тебе, бабушка, и Юрьев день (said to show one's surprise, pain, disappointment when one's hopes, expectations have not come true. the code of laws of 1497 allowed Russian peasants to move from one landlord to another once a year during a week before and a week after st. yuri's day, i. e., the 26th of november, old style. the limited freedom was banned in 1580 -1590, and st. yuri's day entered the folklore as a symbol of disappointment)
in a puddle nice and big you will always find a happy pigСвинья грязь найдёт
it would've been nice to be in paradise, but many a sin doesn't let me in!и рад бы в рай, да грехи не пускают
it would've been nice to be in paradise, but many a sin doesn't let me in!рад бы в рай, да грехи не пускают
that's a nice how-d'ye-do or how-de-do!вот тебе, бабушка, и Юрьев день (said to show one's surprise, pain, disappointment when one's hopes, expectations have not come true. the code of laws of 1497 allowed Russian peasants to move from one landlord to another once a year during a week before and a week after st. yuri's day, i. e., the 26th of november, old style. the limited freedom was banned in 1580 -1590, and st. yuri's day entered the folklore as a symbol of disappointment)
your home is nice, brother, but I have to go to another!спасибо этому дому, пойдём к другому