
Terms for subject Military containing Military Reserve | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
military intelligence officer's reserve corpsрезерв офицерского состава военной разведки
military intelligence reserveрезерв ЛС военной разведки
military intelligence reserve officerофицер резерва военной разведки
Military Intelligence Reserve SocietyОбщество резервистов военной разведки
military reserveрезервные части
military reserveвоенный резерв
military reserveрезервные части (A military reserve force is different from a reserve formation, sometimes called a military reserve, a group of military personnel or units not committed to a battle by their commander so that they are available to address unforeseen situations, bolster defences, or exploit opportunities (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_reserve))
military reserve plantрезервный военный завод
pre-conscription and reserve military trainingвневойсковая подготовка (LyuFi)
reserve military airmanвоенный лётчик резерва
reserve military aviatorвоенный лётчик резерва
retired military-reserve categoryкатегория запаса (dfas.mil Ася Кудрявцева)