
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Mean | all forms | exact matches only
mean businessна полном серьёзе (говорить, сказать: She wasn't kidding, she meant business. • If you do happen by a coyote while on the trails with your pet, pick the pooch up immediately and let the coyote know you mean business. Always make some noise. Scare the coyote off at all times. We don't want coyotes to become habituated to us. – дайте койоту понять, что вы не шутите ART Vancouver)
mean troubleне сулить ничего хорошего (igisheva)
mean troubleпредвещать беду (igisheva)
mean troubleсулить беду (igisheva)
mean troubleне предвещать ничего хорошего (igisheva)
what do you mean?в каком смысле? (ART Vancouver)
what do you mean – ...?как это ... ? (expressing surprise: What do you mean – you're not going? – Как это ты не пойдёшь? • The bag was completely empty. "Why, there's nothing in it!" "What do you mean -- nothing?" ART Vancouver)
what do you mean by that?в каком смысле? (ART Vancouver)
you don't mean that?да ты что! (expressing disbelief, shock, amazement ART Vancouver)
you know what I mean?вы меня понимаете? (There are other things we have to take into account in a multi-ethnic work environment – you know what I mean? •  ART Vancouver)