
Terms for subject Proverb containing Mean | all forms | exact matches only
Free speech doesn't mean careless talk!болтун – находка для шпиона (pfedorov)
hunger is rather a mean stepmotherголод не тётка
lovers' quarrels mean the renewal of love паи lovers under the sun quarrel just for funмилые бранятся – только тешатся
the golden meanзолотая середина (only sing.)
the wisest, greatest, meanest of mankindмудрейший, величайший, подлейший из людей
used as praise words or as jocular self- advertising to mean: good hands always make good things such carpenters, such chipsдело мастера боится
used to mean: it is none of our my business and no concern of ours mine he cares not whose child cry, so his laughмоё дело сторона
used to mean: it is none of our my business and no concern of ours mine he cares not whose child cry, so his laughнаше дело сторона
used to mean: you'll never overcome that obstacle, it's too big for you you can't knock down a wall with a pea-shooterлбом стенку не прошибешь
used to mean: you'll never overcome that obstacle, it's too big for you you can't knock down a wall with a pea-shooterлбом стену не прошибешь
used to mean: you'll never overcome that obstacle, it's too big for you you can't knock down a wall with a pea-shooterлбом стены не прошибешь