
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Master | all forms | exact matches only
add to the master branch of the codeдобавить код в главную ветку проекта (Alex_Odeychuk)
content masterобразец содержимого
domain naming masterхозяин именования доменов (A domain controller that holds the domain naming operations master role in Active Directory. The domain naming master controls the addition or removal of domains in the forest. At any time, the domain naming master role can be assigned to only one domain controller in the forest)
Enable Customizing Master Pages and Page LayoutsРазрешить настройку главных страниц и макетов страниц (Office System 2010 Rori)
Flexible Single Master Operationsоперации одиночного гибкого хозяина (FSMO microsoft.com bojana)
Gigabit Master Slave ModeГигабитовый ведущий или ведомый режим (Andy)
infrastructure masterхозяин инфраструктуры (одна из ролей хозяев операций microsoft.com bojana)
intercompany master planвнутрихолдинговый сводный план (A master plan that is used for intercompany master scheduling)
intercompany master schedulingвнутрихолдинговое сводное планирование (The process for generating a timetable for two or more legal entities that are part the same organization)
intercompany master schedulingвнутрифирменное сводное планирование
Key Masterмастер ключей (A DNS server role that is responsible for all DNSSEC key management for a specific DNSSEC-signed DNS zone. Different DNS zones can have different Key Masters. The Key Master role can be moved from one DNS server to a different DNS server, but a DNS zone can have only one Key Master at a given time. To be a Key Master, the DNS server must be authoritative for the DNS zone, the zone must be signed with DNSSEC, and the DNS server must be selected to be the Key Master for the DNS zone)
Location of master holds listрасположение списка главных удержаний (Office System 2010 Rori)
master boot codeосновной загрузочный код (A small amount of executable code contained in the master boot record that scans the partition table for the active partition, finds the starting sector of the active partition, loads a copy of the boot sector from the active partition into memory, and transfers control to the executable code in the boot sector)
master boot recordосновная загрузочная запись (The first sector on a hard disk, which begins the process of starting the computer. The MBR contains the partition table for the disk and a small amount of executable code called the master boot code; MBR)
Master Category Listосновной список категорий (The list of categories that you can use to group items or to find items. This list contains general categories such as Business, Personal, and Phone Calls. You can add categories to and delete categories from this list)
master computerкомпьютер-образец (A fully-assembled computer containing a master installation)
master copyмастер-копия (The most recently checked-in version of a file or project stored in a Visual SourceSafe database)
master dataсправочник (Entities that describe the parties, locations, products, and activities that are referenced by entities that document and record economic, resource flow, and accounting events)
master dataосновные данные (The critical data of a business, such as customer, product, location, employee, and asset. Master data fall generally into four groupings: people, things, places, and concepts and can be further categorized. For example, within people, there are customer, employee, and salesperson. Within things, there are product, part, store, and asset. Within concepts, there are things like contract, warrantee, and licenses. Finally, within places, there are office locations and geographic divisions)
master data managementуправление основными данными (The technology, tools, and processes required to create and maintain consistent and accurate lists of master data of an organization)
Master Data Managerдиспетчер основных данных (A component of the Master Data Services application for managing and accessing master data. Rori)
Master Data Services Configuration Managerдиспетчер конфигурации Master Data Services (A SQL Server configuration manager used to create and configure Master Data Services databases, Web sites, and Web applications)
master databaseбаза данных master (The system database that records all the system-level information for an instance of SQL Server)
master elementосновной элемент (An element in a parent document to which a child document is attached. Examples of master elements are input, frame, iframe, or elements created by an element behavior)
Master Explorerпроводник по образцам (A window that shows a hierarchical view of the masters and styles)
master fileглавный файл (The file installed with earlier versions of SQL Server used to store the master, model, and tempdb system databases and transaction logs and the pubs sample database and transaction log)
master file tableосновная таблица файлов (An NTFS system file on NTFS-formatted volumes that contains information about each file and folder on the volume. The MFT is the first file on an NTFS volume)
master imageглавный образ (The hard disk image from which the manufacturer creates all other operating system images on the computers being manufactured. The master image is the final operating system image that contains all of the software, configuration settings and other customizations requested by the solution provider. It is installed on every computer in a particular offering during manufacturing)
master installationустановка-образец (A customized installation of Windows that an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or corporation plans to duplicate onto one or more destination computers)
master installationосновная установка
master keyглавный ключ (The key used by the client and server for all session key generation. The master key is used to generate the client-read key, the client-write key, the server-read key, and the server-write key. Master keys can be exported as simple key BLOBs)
master-level guideнаправляющая в образце слайдов (A guide that is created and edited in Slide Master view, and that applies to slides that use the master layout in which it was created)
Master Licensing Agreementосновное лицензионное соглашение (A license agreement that is signed by OEMs who wish to preinstall Microsoft software on their customer systems and distribute and sublicense the preinstalled software to end users. It consists of core terms and various schedules)
master licensing agreementосновное лицензионное соглашение (ssn)
master pageэталонная страница (A page that defines the layout and common elements for a set of web pages. It is merged at run time with content pages that define page-specific content)
Master Page Galleryэталонная страница (A collection of pages with the .master extension that define shared page elements and content place holders)
Master Page Galleryколлекция главных страниц
master planningсводное планирование (A planning process that encompasses many manufacturing activities, such as demand management, production and resource planning, and master scheduling)
master projectглавный проект (A project containing one or more inserted projects. These can retain links to their source projects and may be linked to one another)
master project planплан основного проекта (A deliverable of the planning phase for a development project. It consolidates feature team and role plans. The master project plan includes a budget plan, capacity plan, communications plan, deployment plan, development plan, pilot plan, purchasing and facilities plan, security plan, test plan, and training plan)
master project scheduleрасписание основного проекта (A schedule that identifies all the project's activities and milestones, consolidating all team and role schedules. The master project schedule is a deliverable of the planning phase)
master schedulingсводное планирование (The process for generating a timetable for matching supply with demand)
master secretглавная копия секрета (A security key generated by the master secret server when an Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) Administrator requests it. This secret key is stored in the registry as a Local Security Authority (LSA) secret on the master secret server. Only SSO Administrators can access this secret key)
master secret serverсервер главной копии секрета (A protocol server that stores and can provide a master secret in response to a request from a protocol client)
master shapeобразец фигуры (A shape on a stencil that you use repeatedly to create drawings. When you drag a shape from a stencil onto the drawing page, the shape becomes an instance of that master)
master shapeобразец фигуры (A shape on a stencil that you use repeatedly to create drawings. When you drag a shape from a stencil onto the drawing page, the shape becomes an instance of that master. Rori)
master/subordinateглавный-подчинённый (Pertaining to an architecture in which one device (the primary device) controls one or more other devices (the secondary devices))
Microsoft OEM Master Licensing Agreementосновное лицензионное соглашение OEM с корпорацией Майкрософт (A license agreement that is signed by OEMs who wish to preinstall Microsoft software on their customer systems and distribute and sublicense the preinstalled software to end users. It consists of core terms and various schedules)
Microsoft OEM master licensing agreementосновное лицензионное соглашение OEM с корпорацией Майкрософт (ssn)
multi-master replicationрепликация с несколькими хозяевами (microsoft.com bojana)
net change master schedulingсводное планирование только по изменениям (A master scheduling principle in which net requirements are calculated only for items that have had a change in demand since the last master schedule was calculated)
Pairwise Master Keyпарный главный ключ (A 256-bit key derived from the Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS) or Protected EAP (PEAP) authentication process)
primary domain controller emulator masterхозяин эмулятора основного контроллера домена (PDC emulator master – одна из ролей хозяев операций microsoft.com bojana)
primary masterосновной DNS-сервер (An authoritative DNS server for a zone that can be used as a point of update for the zone. Only primary masters have the ability to be updated directly to process zone updates, which include adding, removing, or modifying resource records that are stored as zone data. Primary masters are also used as the first sources for replicating the zone to other DNS servers)
product masterшаблон продукта (A standard or functional product representation that is the basis for configuring product variants)
product master listосновной список товаров
Purble Masterмагистр игры (Skill level in the Purble Place game. Once a Purble Place game is completed, a player gets a skill level rank assigned automatically by the game (based on number of guesses and hints during the game))
relative ID masterхозяин относительных идентификаторов (RID master – одна из ролей хозяев операций microsoft.com bojana)
RID masterхозяин относительных идентификаторов (Relative Identifier Master microsoft.com bojana)
RID masterхозяин RID
schema masterхозяин схемы (A domain controller that holds the schema operations master role in Active Directory. The schema master performs write operations to the directory schema and replicates updates to all other domain controllers in the forest. At any time, the schema master role can be assigned to only one domain controller in the forest)
schema masterхозяин схемы (одна из ролей хозяев операций (в данном случае – на уровне леса) microsoft.com bojana)
schema masterсхема
single-master replicationрепликация с одним хозяином (blogspot.com bojana)
Slide Masterобразец слайдов (в Microsoft PowerPoint foxsub)
slide-title master pairпара "образец слайда – образец титульного слайда" (The slide master and title master for a given design template that you have applied to a presentation. Rori)
title masterобразец титульного слайда (The slide that stores information from the design template pertaining to styles on title slides, including placeholder sizes and positions, background design, and color schemes)
title masterобразец титульного слайда (The slide that stores information from the design template pertaining to styles on title slides, including placeholder sizes and positions, background design, and color schemes. Rori)
Use the above servers to create a local list of master serversИспользовать эти серверы для создания локального списка основных серверов (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
Volume Master Keyглавный ключ тома (oszone.net bojana)
volume master keyосновной ключ тома (An advanced encryption standard (AES) 256-bit key that is used by BitLocker Drive Encryption to encrypt the full volume encryption key. There is only one volume master key per volume)
Web masterвеб-мастер (A person responsible for creating and maintaining a World Wide Web site. A webmaster is often responsible for responding to e-mail, ensuring the site is operating properly, creating and updating Web pages, and maintaining the overall structure and design of the site)