
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing MIND | all forms | exact matches only
have one's best interests in mindруководствоваться интересами кого-л. (Whether you’re appointing an attorney or opening a joint bank account with somebody, it’s important to make sure the person you choose is someone you trust and has your best interests in mind. (rbcroyalbank.com) ART Vancouver)
I don't mind if I doне откажусь (реакция на приглашение выпить, закурить, присоединиться к трапезе, попробовать что-либо заманчивое ART Vancouver)
in one's mindпо мнению кого-л. (Sibrel grew up as the biggest fan of the purported "moon landings", yet gradually began to recognize their unfortunate falsification, largely because of his professional familiarity with their studio lighting. In Sibrel's mind, as well as many others, the claim that NASA walked on the moon on the very first attempt with 1960's technology, which only had one-millionth the computing power of a cell phone, when today with five decades of better technology NASA can only send astronauts one-thousandth the distance to the moon, simply defies logic. sibrel.com ART Vancouver)
it should be borne in mindследует иметь в виду (Евгений Тамарченко)
it was one's mind playing tricksпочудилось (on sb. -- кому-л.: I often wonder what I actually saw and if there is some family out there wondering whatever happened to their daughter. I don't know. Was this someone vanishing? Was it a ghost? Was it just my mind playing tricks on me? I have no idea, but I believe it is at around that point that I developed a keen interest in mysterious disappearances. -- Или мне это просто почудилось / привиделось? mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
mind one's own businessне лезть не в свои дела (After witnessing the large-scale corruption around him, Hicks went to his sergeant about the matter. "He told me to mind my business... so I took it to the lieutenant," Hicks disclosed, adding the lieutenant essentially ignored him and told him they were going to put him back in a detention role. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
never mindне говоря уже о (*stealing examples is not nice*: Sovereignty is a dead issue for Quebecers, never mind the rest of the country • Ukrainian families are being put in brand new residential detached properties costing 245,000. There's not enough housing for the Scots, never mind anyone else. Congolians, Afghanistans as well. Charity begins at home. dailymail.co.uk ART Vancouver)
Never mind aboutОтстань от меня со своим ("Where's my fifty per cent? I want it now!' 'Never mind about your fifty per cent! We'll talk about it later." ART Vancouver)
out of your mindпотерять над собой контроль (Yeldar Azanbayev)
would you mind waiting for a few minutes?подождите, пожалуйста, несколько минут