
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Long | all forms | exact matches only
a lever long enough will move the worldДайте мне точку опоры, и я переверну Землю (grafleonov)
a long and wild journeyдолгий и непростой путь (Alex_Odeychuk)
a long way down the roadещё долго (far in the future anastasia1986931)
as lazy as the day is longужасно ленивый (VLZ_58)
as lazy as the day is longлень вперёд родилась (Лень вперёд его о родилась означает, что он настолько ленив, что ему лень было даже первому родиться. VLZ_58)
as long asвсё время, пока (Ulkina)
as long asкакой-то период времени (for some period of time Interex)
as the day is longужасно (VLZ_58)
as the day is longочень (as lazy as the day is long VLZ_58)
as the day is longнеимоверно (VLZ_58)
be long time in the makingнаходиться в длительной разработке (most of the cases have been a long time in the making Val_Ships)
be long time in the makingнаходиться в продолжительной разработке (Val_Ships)
by a long shotдалеко (Баян)
by a long shotнесоразмерность (Interex)
by a long shotнесоответствие (Interex)
by a long shotнеравенство (Interex)
by a long shotничуть (в отриц. предложениях; We haven't eliminated the disease by a long shot; i'm no programer by a long shot Баян)
by a long shotсовсем (Баян)
by a long shotотнюдь (Баян)
by a long shotс большим разрывом (Interex)
by a long shotс большим преимуществом (Interex)
by a long shotс большим запасом (Interex)
by a long shotс большой разницей (Interex)
by a long shotс большим отрывом (By a wide margin; indicates a very big difference or disparity. Interex)
by a long shotабсолютно (Баян)
by a long stretchсм. by a long stretch of the imagination (Баян)
by a long stretch of the imaginationс большой натяжкой (Only by a long stretch of the imagination can you call store-bought chips and cold drinks food – только с большой натяжкой/сильно постаравшись магазинные чипсы и прохладительные напитки можно называть пищей Баян)
by a long stretch of the imaginationдалеко не (Баян)
by a long stretch of the imaginationотнюдь (Баян)
by a long stretch of the imaginationничуть (It might be interesting to try, but it's not pizza by a long stretch of imagination; A big car doesn't mean safe by a long stretch of the imagination Баян)
by a long stretch of the imaginationпри большом желании (Баян)
by a long wayв разы (VadZ)
by a long wayзначительное (VadZ)
by a long wayмногажды (VadZ)
by a long wayво много раз (VadZ)
by a long wayнесомненно (Of all the books I've read, this is by a long way my favorite. = Из всех книг, что я прочёл, эта – несомненно моя любимая. VadZ)
by a long wayнамного (VadZ)
cast a long shadowсильно сказаться (на чём-то/ком-то Shurrka)
come a long wayдобиться большого успеха (to become very successful (Merriam-Webster): He's come a long way from his days as a young reporter. Now he's one of the country's most respected journalists. (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
come a long wayпройти славный путь (We have come a long way from the humble beginnings to a billion-dollar empire. ART Vancouver)
come a long wayзначительно продвинуться (to make a great amount of progress (Merriam-Webster): Medicine has come a long way in recent years. (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
come a long wayсильно измениться (в положительную сторону: Wow – Coal Harbour has come a long way in the last 25-30 years! ART Vancouver)
do one's nails all day longфирма веников не вяжет (Taras)
everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody elseвсё смешно, пока это происходит с другими (W. Rogers Artoforion)
for a long haulнадолго (Yeldar Azanbayev)
for a long timeтысячу лет (He and Michael had known each other for a long time. Abysslooker)
for the long haulнадолго ("In the meantime, showbiz shows no sign of breaking Danes's spirit: 'I love it a lot more than I hate it. I'm in for the long haul." (People Magazine) • "We have no way of knowing the length of time Hannah's condition and journey may fill. We are in this for the long haul." What happened to Hannah Upp? How could someone go missing for weeks on end with no recollection of where they had been of what they had done during that time? mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
for the long haulв течение длительного времени (периода; Before you invest in Internet stocks, be sure you can afford to invest for the long haul. VLZ_58)
for the long termв конце концов (tavost)
give a long song and danceнаплести с три короба (about something Anglophile)
give a long song and dance about something с три короба (наплести с три короба-ПЕРЕВОД от Anglophile andreon)
give a long song and danceвешать лапшу на уши (Anglophile)
go a long way offуехать подальше (ART Vancouver)
go a long way towardsочень облегчить (A little preparation goes a long way towards having fun at a birthday party. -- очень облегчит ART Vancouver)
got a long faceприунывший ("Why've you got such a long face?' 'My girlfriend doesn't want to see me any more." ART Vancouver)
have long blackвыпить чёрный кофе без сахара ("I did a lot of cocaine, like a lot," she said in the video. "So basically I just smoked cigarettes, had long blacks and did coke. And in between, had the tapas. Like my life was tapas and cocaine." shapker)
have on a long faceпоказывать своё несчастье (Yeldar Azanbayev)
have on a long faceне улыбаться (Yeldar Azanbayev)
he are not just sitting around twiddling our thumbs all day longфирма веников не вяжет (Taras)
he has a long faceна нём лица нет (grafleonov)
in the long haulв конечном итоге (VLZ_58)
in the long haulв конце концов (VLZ_58)
it is a long lane that has no turningи несчастьям бывает конец
it takes a long time to grow an old friendсъесть вместе пуд соли (Yeldar Azanbayev)
it takes a long time to grow an old friendчтобы вырастить старого друга, нужно много времени (Yeldar Azanbayev)
it's a bit of a long shot, butдовольно мало шансов, но попробую (I know it’s a bit of a long shot, but we were parked from 7:45am to 8:15am on near the intersection Semlin and Triumph, a white SUV. Someone side swiped us during that time and it’s a $500 deductible, unless we have footage or a witness of the incident. Hoping maybe someone in the area might have footage of the incident, it would greatly help. Definitely a bit of a bummer for the day :( (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
it's a bit of a long shot, butмаловероятно, что получится, но попробую (I know it’s a bit of a long shot, but we were parked from 7:45am to 8:15am on near the intersection Semlin and Triumph, a white SUV. Someone side swiped us during that time and it’s a $500 deductible, unless we have footage or a witness of the incident. Hoping maybe someone in the area might have footage of the incident, it would greatly help. Definitely a bit of a bummer for the day :( (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
little goes a long wayмал золотник да дорог (Yeldar Azanbayev)
live life like a long lost weekendповесничать (VLZ_58)
live life like a long lost weekendвести разгульную жизнь (VLZ_58)
live life like a long lost weekendгулять (VLZ_58)
live life like a long lost weekendкутить (VLZ_58)
live life like a long lost weekendпрожигать жизнь (I was living my life like a long-lost weekend. Never felt nothing, jumping right into the deep end. – Saturday Night Gave Me Sunday Morning, Burning Bridges, Bon Jovi, 2015 VLZ_58)
long absent, soon forgottenс глаз долой и из сердца вон
long afarнамного / гораздо дольше (Spiritual leaders of many religions preserve customs and forms long afar the lay population has abandoned them. Баян)
long afarнамного / гораздо позже (Such a problem often is not discovered until long afar the product is shipped to a customer Баян)
long-faded grandeurостатки былой роскоши (Maria Klavdieva)
long gameигра с дальним прицелом (Featus)
long goneдавно завершилось (a phrase which means "gone a long time ago" Val_Ships)
long goneдавно прошедший (Supernova)
long goneдавно закончилось (The ice cream and cake are long gone. Val_Ships)
long haulвсерьёз и надолго (vlad-and-slav)
long haulнадолго (Yeldar Azanbayev)
long porkчеловеческое мясо (Solidboss)
long porkчеловечина (Solidboss)
long shotшансов мало (однако попробовать можно: I know this is a long shot, but figured it was worth posting just in case. My fiancé lost his passport downtown on Friday night and hasn't been able to track it down. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
long shotмалая вероятность (оценка: That's a real long shot. -- Маловероятно. ART Vancouver)
long shotдогадка наобум (ART Vancouver)
long time in the makingдлительное время на создание (чего-либо; The film was several years in the making. Val_Ships)
long way homeдолгая дорога домой (Ivan Pisarev)
might be a long shot, butшансов мало, но попробую (попробую что-л. – напр., получить ответ на вопрос): Might be a long shot, but I woke up with intense hives over my body and am wondering if anyone else is having the same problem. I’ve never had this before, and haven’t used any new products or done anything differently lately, except going swimming at English Bay beach yesterday for the first time in a month. Is it possible the water wasn’t safe and they just hadn’t tested it yet? (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
over the long haulв долгосрочном плане (Our company has proven itself over the long haul. ART Vancouver)
pull a long faceсостроить гримасу (Inchionette)
put something on the long fingerоткладывать в долгий ящик (Irish Baxter)
receive the long-awaited visitпринимать долгожданных гостей (sega_tarasov)
Short cuts make long delaysДольше едешь-дальше будешь (перевод фразелологизма взят из книги Д.Р.Р. Толкиена "Властелин Колец" Mythrael)
so long and best wishesнаше вам с кисточкой (в качестве прощания, ироническое grafleonov)
speaking long-termв долгосрочной перспективе (Virgelle)
take the long viewСмотреть вперёд (Имеется в виду смотреть на ситуацию шире, смотреть за пределы данной ситуации: They are taking the long view despite having lost the first game in the semi-final series. APN)
that's too long a conversation for one lunchв двух словах об этом не расскажешь (Microsoft Russian Style Guide, 2017 Alex_Odeychuk)
the long and short of itесли вкратце, то (Евгения Анатольевна)
the long and short of itодним словом
the long and short of itсуть в том, что (В.И.Макаров)
the long and short of itкак бы там ни было (В.И.Макаров)
the long and short of itсловом
the long and short of itкороче (Vadim Rouminsky)
the long and short of itкороче говоря (Vadim Rouminsky)
the long and short of itчто ни говори (Vadim Rouminsky)
the long and short of itс какой стороны ни смотри (Vadim Rouminsky)
the long and short of itкак ни крути (Vadim Rouminsky)
the long and the short of itесли вкратце, то (Dad keeps saying that he can't spend the rest of his life in mourning for Mother. I finally asked him if he was thinking of getting married again. "That's the long and the short of it," he admitted. Евгения Анатольевна)
the long and the short of itсуть в том, что (В.И.Макаров)
the long and the short of itв двух словах (Баян)
the long and the short of itкак бы там ни было (В.И.Макаров)
the long and the short of itодним словом
the long and the short of itсловом
this is probably a long shot butмаловероятно, что получится, но попробую (This is probably a long shot but I lost a necklace with a lot of sentimental value. It’s a gold necklace with a cross pendant and I think the chain might have broken and fell off. I believe I lost it near Cliff Ave & Broadway around 4AM on Sunday May 19, 2024. If anyone found it please let me know. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
this is probably a long shot butшансов мало, но попробую (This is probably a long shot but I lost a necklace with a lot of sentimental value. It’s a gold necklace with a cross pendant and I think the chain might have broken and fell off. I believe I lost it near Cliff Ave & Broadway around 4AM on Sunday May 19, 2024. If anyone found it please let me know. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
Threatened men live longкто предупреждён, тот вооружен (SvlLana)
Tom Long the carrierчеловек медлящий с доставкой (чего-либо; его только за смертью посылать Bobrovska)
wait rather a long waitзаждаться, затянуться (Waiting for a king to apologize, one can wait rather a long wait dissenter)
we are not just sitting around picking our noses all day longфирма веников не вяжет (Taras)
why the long face?Чё приуныл? (arturmoz)
why the long face?почему такой грустный? (A question asked to know why someone is upset. It's Christmas, Jane. Why the long face? (Why are you so unhappy on Christmas?) – Urban Dictionary arturmoz)
with a long-range goal in mindс прицелом на будущее (VLZ_58)
with a long-range goal in mindс дальним прицелом (VLZ_58)
would go a long wayна многое способен (She's a little girl who would go a long way for a thousand bucks. (Raymond Chandler) – Это такая девочка, которая на многое способна ради тысячи баксов. ART Vancouver)
your favor will be returned before longза мной не заржавеет (VLZ_58)