
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Locations | all forms
account locationрасположение учётной записи (microsoft.com bojana)
Add primary intranet search locationДобавление основной службы поиска в интрасети (Windows 7 Rori)
Add secondary intranet search locationsДобавление дополнительных служб поиска в интрасети (Windows 10 Rori)
Based on Locationв зависимости от местонахождения (An item on the Call Forwarding On menu, which is opened from the user's My Status menu. This item automatically forwards incoming calls based on the user's current location)
binding locationрасположение привязки (Visual Studio 2008 ssn)
cell locationадрес ячейки (jaletta)
child Locationsдочерние папки (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
cluster configuration storage locationместо хранения данных о конфигурации кластера (ssn)
data co-locationсовместное размещение данных (In DPM, a feature that enables protection of multiple data sources on a single volume or on the same tape. This allows you to store more data on each volume or tape)
default local locationместное размещение по умолчанию (Windows 8 Rori)
default locationместоположение по умолчанию (microsoft.com bojana)
default locationрасположение по умолчанию (ssn)
destination inventory locationсклад назначения (An inventory location where materials required by a final kanban production activity or transfer activity are received)
distribution locationместоположение распределения (microsoft.com bojana)
distribution location listсписок местонахождений распределения (microsoft.com bojana)
Export Locationрасположение экспорта (Small Business Services 2003 Rori)
Export Locationрасположение для экспорта (Office System 2010 Rori)
federated location definitionопределение федеративного расположения (The configuration settings that describe how to issue a query for a given federated location and display the search results. Rori)
file locationрасположение файла (Ding_an_sich)
FTP locationFTP-сервер (Andy)
host process locationрасположение хост-процесса (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
hosted cache locationрасположение размещённого кэша (Windows 10 ssn)
install locationрасположение установки (Andy)
inventory locationместо хранения (ssn)
local locationместное расположение (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
local locationлокальное расположение (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Location and Other SensorsДатчик расположения и другие датчики (An area within the Windows Control Panel that provides support for sensors such as enabling, disabling or uninstalling sensors and sensor-enabled applications, changing sensor settings, etc)
location and other sensorsдатчик расположения и другие датчики (ssn)
Location Aware Printingпечать с учётом сетевого расположения (A feature that automatically configures the default printer based on the user's network location. When a mobile user changes network locations, the default printer also changes to the correct one for that network, as defined by the user)
location aware printingпечать с учётом сетевого расположения (ssn)
location-based forwardingпереадресация в зависимости от местонахождения (An option in the Options dialog box, on the Phones tab, that forwards incoming phone calls based on the user's current location)
location codeкод склада (A code that represents the physical location where an employee works in the organization)
Location Definition FileФайл определения расположения (Andy)
Location Information Serverсервер информирования о местонахождении (A network node originally defined in the National Emergency Number Association i2 network architecture that addresses the intermediate solution for providing Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) service for VoIP telephony users)
location information serverсервер информирования о местонахождении (ssn)
Location Information serviceслужба информирования о местонахождении (A web service that manages a table of network elements and locations for use by clients of Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1). Rori)
location ofместоположение (ssn)
Location of master holds listрасположение списка главных удержаний (Office System 2010 Rori)
location of the eventместоположение события (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
location policiesполитики расположения (microsoft.com bojana)
location profileпрофиль местоположения (A method of converting phone numbers that can be dialed from a named location to a single standard format for purposes of routing both incoming and outgoing calls. Location profiles specify valid number strings and normalization rules and are maintained on the server)
location sensorдатчик расположения (A category of sensor that can detect the current location of your computer)
location servicesслужбы определения местоположения (A set of services used by Windows Phone, Windows, and other applications to access the user's current location)
media download target locationпапка назначения для скачивания файлов (Alex_Odeychuk)
name and locationимя и местоположение (напр., базы данных распространителя ssn)
name and location of the distribution database and log filesимя и местоположение базы данных распространителя и файлов журналов (ssn)
Network Folder Locationрасположение сетевой папки (Andy)
network locationрасположение в сети (In a URL, a unique name that identifies an Internet server. A network location has two or more parts, separated by periods, as in microsoft.com)
network locationсетевая папка (microsoft.com bojana)
network location awareness serviceслужба сведений о подключённых сетях (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
Network Location Serverсервер сетевых расположений (NLS microsoft.com bojana)
office locationрасположение офиса (A contact's office number)
offline shared network locationавтономная общая сетевая папка (microsoft.com bojana)
Open Process File LocationОткрыть расположение файла процесса (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
reads and writes to memory locationsоперации записи и чтения ячеек памяти (Alex_Odeychuk)
report locationsместоположения отчётов (Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
Select the name and location of the distribution database and log filesВыберите имя и местоположение базы данных распространителя и файлов журналов (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
service locationобнаружение службы (The process by which clients can automatically discover and select a network service–for example, through Active Directory publishing or DNS SRV resource records)
shared network locationобщая сетевая папка (microsoft.com bojana)
source inventory locationсклад-источник (The inventory location where materials required by a kanban production activity or transfer activity are picked)
supplied inventory locationсклад пополнения (ssn)
target locationпапка назначения (Alex_Odeychuk)
the Row number of the memory error locationНомер строки, указывающий на размещение ошибки в памяти (Windows 7)
trusted locationнадёжное расположение (A folder or file path on your computer or a location on your intranet from which it is safe to run code. Default trusted locations include the Templates, Addins, and Startup folders, and you can specify your own trusted locations)
trusted locationнадёжное расположение (ssn)
User Intranet Locationsрасположения пользователей в интрасети (Office System 2010 Rori)
Windows Location Providerопределитель местоположения Windows (A feature in Windows that communicates with a Microsoft online service to determine a PC's approximate location based on wireless network or IP address info)
Windows Sensor and Location platformплатформа Windows Sensor and Location (A Windows platform that provides a standard way for device manufacturers to expose sensor devices to software developers and consumers, while providing developers with a standardized application programming interface (API) for working with sensors and sensor data. Examples of sensors include ambient light sensors, location sensors, motion detection sensors, etc)
XML error locationМестоположение ошибки XML. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)