
Terms for subject Dentistry containing Is | all forms | exact matches only
area of a tooth where the retentive portion of a clasp of a removable partial denture is placedповерхность зуба, на которую опирается удерживающая часть кламмера частичного съёмного протеза (MichaelBurov)
Black's classification of carious cavitiesКлассификация кариозных полостей по Блэку (OstrichReal1979)
complaints include acute pains after eating hot food that pass after something cold is takenжалобы на сильные боли от горячего (MichaelBurov)
condition in which the palate is high and narrowвысокое узкое нёбо (MichaelBurov)
condition in which the palate is high and narrowгипсистафилия (MichaelBurov)
hard enamel that is deficient in quantityгипоплазия эмали зуба (MichaelBurov)
mucosa is swollenотмечается отёчность слизистой (MichaelBurov)
new dentin formed in response to stimuli associated with the normal aging process or with pathological conditions such as caries or injury, or cavity preparation: such dentin is highly irregular in natureиррегулярный дентин (– according to Dorland; – secondary dentin according to Dorland MichaelBurov)
new dentin formed in response to stimuli associated with the normal aging process or with pathological conditions such as caries or injury, or cavity preparation: such dentin is highly irregular in natureвторичный дентин (– according to Dorland; – secondary dentin according to Dorland MichaelBurov)
removable, soft silicone appliance that is used for gum protection or replaces lost or receding gingival tissueдесневая маска, применяемая при изготовлении протеза, если имплантаты установлены ниже десневого края (MichaelBurov)
removable, soft silicone appliance that is used for gum protection or replaces lost or receding gingival tissueдесневая маска, применяемая при отбеливании (MichaelBurov)
removable, soft silicone appliance that is used for gum protection or replaces lost or receding gingival tissueдесневая маска (MichaelBurov)
there is facial asymmetry on account of …Отмечается асимметрия лица вследствие …
there is facial asymmetry on account of ...Отмечается асимметрия лица вследствие