
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Interactive | all forms | exact matches only
Excel interactive viewинтерактивное представление Excel (An online view of data that provides an enhanced visual experience through tables, slicers, charts, and other Excel objects)
Interactive Buttonменяющаяся кнопка (An animated button on a web page that is activated when a mouse pointer is moved over the button or when the button is clicked)
interactive demoинтерактивный ролик (A demonstration of a product or service that a customer interacts with to see how features work)
interactive demoинтерактивный ролик (A demonstration of a product or service that a customer interacts with to see how features work. Rori)
interactive desktopинтерактивный рабочий стол (A Windows desktop session running with an interactive user's access token applied)
interactive dialog boxинтерактивное диалоговое окно (A dialog box that requires a response from the user. Intermediary devices such as a security host require such a dialog box as an added layer of security between the client and the remote access server. In such dialog boxes, the user types an access code or a user name and password on the remote access terminal screen)
interactive logonинтерактивный вход в систему (The process of logging on to a local computer using a keyboard)
interactive moveинтерактивное перемещение (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 SP1 ssn)
interactive move operationоперация интерактивного перемещения (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 SP1 ssn)
interactive processинтерактивный процесс (ssn)
Interactive process 0 was not added to the Startup Program List for user 1Интерактивный процесс 0 не добавлен в список программ запуска для пользователя 1 (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
interactive structured query languageсредство ISQL (An interactive command prompt utility provided with SQL Server that lets users run Transact-SQL statements or batches from a server or workstation and view the results that are returned)
interactive userтекущий пользователь (A user that is interacting directly with the user interface of the computer, by using the local console, Remote Desktop Services, or Remote Desktop)
interactive view galleryколлекция интерактивных представлений (A gallery of objects that provides different ways of visualizing data)
Step-by-Step Interactiveинтерактивный учебник (Interactive training published by Microsoft Press that is integrated into Windows XP Help and Support Center)