
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Id | all forms | exact matches only
advertising IDидентификатор получателя рекламы (An identifier used by app developers and advertising networks to provide more relevant advertising to users by understanding which apps they use and how they use them)
app IDидентификатор приложения (An identification number for a software application)
Belgian structured payment IDБельгийский код структурированной оплаты (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 ssn)
Blocked Transaction IDидентификатор блокированной транзакции (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
buyer IDкод покупателя (A code that identifies the person who purchases the item from a supplier)
Calculation base date field ID.Идентификатор поля, содержащего базовую дату расчёта (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Called Station IDидентификатор вызываемой станции (Windows 8 Rori)
Caller IDидентификатор звонящего (The identity of the originator of an incoming call)
caller IDномер телефона (A feature that displays the identity of the originator of an incoming call on the device screen)
caller IDномер (A feature that displays the identity of the originator of an incoming call on the device screen)
caller IDАнтиАОН (A feature that displays the identity of the originator of an incoming call on the device screen)
can not find a Registrar Pool Service Id for FQDNне удаётся найти идентификатор службы пула регистратора для полного доменного имени (Lync Server 2013 Rori)
carrier interface IDкод интерфейса перевозчика (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 ssn)
changeset IDидентификатор набора изменений (A numerical ID that is assigned to a specific changeset)
class IDидентификатор класса (A universally unique identifier (UUID) that identifies a COM component. Each COM component has its CLSID in the Windows registry so that it can be loaded by other applications)
Class ID extensionрасширение CLSID (An extended HTML element that is used to describe the class of a viewable or downloadable document. It can be misused to pass dangerous attachments; EHS allows users to block this tag)
Client Licensor Certificate IDкод сертификата лицензиара клиента (Windows 8 Rori)
compare based on IDвыполните сравнение на основе идентификаторов (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
compatible IDсовместимый код (An ID used by the Plug and Play Manager. If Plug and Play does not locate a match for the device hardware ID, Plug and Play installs the driver .inf file associated with the compatible ID)
computer IDидентификатор компьютера (A number that uniquely identifies a particular computer)
Conference IDИдентификатор конференции (A field label for the identifier of a conference that is conducted through a conferencing service provider)
context IDконтекстный идентификатор (A unique number or string that corresponds to a specific object in an application. Context IDs are used to create links between the application and corresponding Help topics)
context IDконтекстный идентификатор (уникальное число или строка, соответствующие определенному объекту в приложении. Контекстные идентификаторы используются для создания связей между приложением и соответствующими разделами справки. См. Microsoft glossary (VBA) ssn)
Custom Field ID Value RequiredТребуется значение идентификатора настраиваемого поля (Office System 2010 SP1 Rori)
Delete production orders with a duplicate inventory transaction idУдалить производственные заказы с повторяющимися кодами складских проводок (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
device IDкод устройства (A unique ASCII string for the device created by enumerators to identify a hardware device and used to cross-reference data about the device stored in the registry. Distinguishes each logical device and bus from all others on the system)
Digital IDцифровой идентификатор (A combination of a digital certificate and a public and private encryption key set)
Digital IDцифровое удостоверение (A combination of a digital certificate and a public and private encryption key set)
directory IDкод каталога (An identifier that is given to a customer record to indicate that the customer is the same as a corresponding customer record in another company that shares the same directory ID)
dispatch IDидентификатор обработки (A 32-bit integer that identifies a property set)
Document IDИД документа (A unique, persistent identifier assigned to a document or other item in SharePoint Server that allows it to be referenced and retrieved regardless of its location)
Document IDидентификатор документа (A unique, persistent identifier assigned to a document or other item in SharePoint Server that allows it to be referenced and retrieved regardless of its location)
Document ID Lookup URLURL-адрес запроса по ИД документа (A URL that is based on a query using the Document ID rather than the physical location of the item. Rori)
Document ID Lookup URLURL-адрес запроса по ИД документа (A URL that is based on a query using the Document ID rather than the physical location of the item)
e-mail as sign in IDидентификатор для входа на основе адреса электронной почты (A Windows Live ID created in a domain, and using the domain name, before the domain was enrolled in Outlook Live. After the Windows Live ID is imported into the Outlook Live domain, it is subject to the security and privacy policies of the organization)
event batch IDидентификатор пакета событий (SQL Server 2008 ssn)
event IDкод события (ssn)
event source IDидентификатор источника события (SQL Server 2008 ssn)
exception event IDидентификатор события исключения (Windows 7 ssn)
exempt IDкод освобождения от налога (An identification number that is issued by a tax authority to indicate that a company is not required to pay sales tax)
flexible IDгибкий ИД (идентификатор Rori)
Functional Currency IDКод функциональной валюты (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 ssn)
global IDглобальный ИД (A unique identifier that is assigned to a data item. The identifier must be unique across all clients. A global identifier is a flexible identifier and so can be any format, but it is typically a GUID and an 8-byte prefix)
hardware IDкод оборудования (A vendor-defined string used by the Plug and Play Manager to find the correct .inf file to install a particular device)
hierarchy idкод иерархии (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
host IDадрес узла (The portion of the IP address that identifies a computer within a particular network ID)
ID of the eventИД события (Windows 8 ssn)
ID of the eventидентификатор события (Windows 8 ssn)
immutable IDнеизменяемый идентификатор (A unique user identifier that must not change for the user over the lifetime of the user being in the system)
invalid event IDнедопустимый идентификатор события (ASP.NET Web Pages 1.0 ssn)
invalid IDнедопустимый идентификатор (ssn)
Invalid User IDнедопустимый идентификатор пользователя (Andy)
Inventory transaction ID on the same siteКод складской проводки на том же сайте (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
invocation IDидентификатор вызова (один из глобальных уникальных идентификаторов – идентификатор контроллера домена, полученный во время репликации osp.ru bojana)
Invoice IDномер счёта (A text field in the Invoice form. An auto-generated number)
key IDИД ключа (A value that identifies the key for a packaged Windows Media file)
Language IDИД языка (A standard international numeric abbreviation for a country or geographical region. A language identifier is a 16-bit value that consists of a primary language identifier and a secondary language identifier)
linked IDсвязанный идентификатор (A Windows Live ID that is connected to at least one other Windows Live ID. When customers link IDs, they can sign in with one ID and switch to others without having to sign out from the first. Customers set up linked IDs in Windows Live Account. Rori)
linked IDсвязанный идентификатор (A Windows Live ID that is connected to at least one other Windows Live ID. When customers link IDs, they can sign in with one ID and switch to others without having to sign out from the first. Customers set up linked IDs in Windows Live Account)
LOB Idбизнес-идентификатор (An identifier used by the LOB system to perform create, update, and delete operations on an LOB entity. This identifier is unique per LOB entity type, but may not be unique across different types, solutions, and LOB systems)
locale IDкод языка (A 32-bit value which consists of the language ID in the low word (bits 0-15) and the sorting ID (bits 16-19) and a reserved value (bits 20-31) in the high word)
Locale IDидентификатор языковых стандартов (.NET Framework 4.5 Rori)
Locale IDкод локали (SQL Server 2008 R2 Rori)
Locale IDидентификатор языка (Office System 2010 Rori)
Locale IDкод языка
login IDимя пользователя (" A string that is used to identify a user or entity to an operating system, directory service, or distributed system. For example, in Windows® integrated authentication, a login name uses the form "DOMAIN\username.")
lot IDномер лота (A unique identifier that is assigned by the manufacturer for a quantity of material produced as a single lot)
Microsoft Affiliate IDкод партнёра корпорации Майкрософт (Office System 2010 Rori)
network IDидентификатор сети (A number used to identify the systems that are located on the same physical network bounded by routers. The network ID should be unique to the internetwork)
OAuth Client IDидентификатор клиента Oauth (A type of client ID that allows Open Authorization (OAuth))
object IDИД объекта (" An attribute type in which the value of the attribute is a globally unique identifier (GUID) assigned by ILM"2" to each resource when it is created.")
Open Bug By IDОткрыть ошибку по идентификатору (Office System 2010 Rori)
order IDномер заказа (A number that the system assigns to an order for identification purposes)
Partner IDИД партнёра (The ID assigned to businesses when they sign up as partners in the Microsoft Partner Network. This ID is used by Microsoft and its customers to identify the correct partner)
Partner IDпартнёрский идентификатор (An ID that allows someone to sign in to a non-Microsoft website that uses the Windows Live ID service)
port IDИД порта (The method that Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) use to specify which program running on the system is sending or receiving the data)
process IDпроцесс с идентификатором (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
product IDартикул (A unique manually created alpha-numeric label that is used to identify a product)
product IDкод продукта (A unique manually created alpha-numeric label that is used to identify a product)
readiness state IDидентификатор состояния готовности (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
reason IDкод причины (The error (identification) number of the reason for a failure of a bulk import)
relative IDотносительный идентификатор (The portion of a security identifier (SID) that identifies a user or group in relation to the authority that issued the SID. The authority is usually either the local computer or a domain)
relative ID masterхозяин относительных идентификаторов (RID master – одна из ролей хозяев операций microsoft.com bojana)
replica IDидентификатор реплики (A value that uniquely identifies a replica)
replica IDИД реплики (A value that uniquely identifies a replica)
Replication IDидентификатор репликации (A 16-byte value generated from the unique identifier on a device, the current date and time, and a sequence number. It is used to identify a particular device, component, user, or session)
saved state of virtual machine with IDсохранённое состояние виртуальной машины с идентификатором (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
security IDИД безопасности (In Windows-based systems, a unique value that identifies a user, group, or computer account within an enterprise. Every account is issued a SID when it is created)
service set IDидентификатор SSID (Alex Lilo)
service set IDидентификатор набора служб (Alex Lilo)
Shape IDкод фигуры (Office System 2010 Rori)
Shape IDидентификатор фигуры (Visio 2013 Rori)
Split transactions per payment IDРазбить проводки по кодам оплаты (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
state of virtual machine with IDсостояние виртуальной машины с идентификатором (ssn)
System Default Locale IDкод системного языка по умолчанию (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
tag IDИД маркёра (A number that is on the tag and is used to identify a tag. It can contain item information, such as the type of the commodity and the company that produces it)
task IDидентификатор задачи (A number that Project automatically assigns to a task as you add it to the project. The task ID indicates the position of the task with respect to the other tasks)
test run state IDидентификатор состояния тестового запуска (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
test suite type idидентификатор типа набора тестов (A unique identifier that is assigned to a type of selected test cases. Rori)
the disk group transaction ID field is invalid.Неверное поле кода транзакции для группы диска (Windows Server 2003 R2)
the ID of the user running the report.Идентификатор пользователя, запустившего отчёт (SQL Server 2012)
the index number of the last ID record processedИндексный номер последнего обработанного идентификатора записи (Windows Server 2003 R2)
the Locale ID specified is invalid.Указан недопустимый идентификатор языка (Office System 2010)
the specified locale id was not valid for the operationУказанный код языка недопустим для этой операции (Windows 8.1)
tracing IDИД трассировки (A unique ID that identifies the session instance in which the specified error occurred. IDs are stored in trace logs)
transaction IDкод проводки (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Transaction IDидентификатор операции (Rori)
transaction IDидентификатор операции (Access 2007 Rori)
transaction IDкод операции (Windows Vista Rori)
transmitting station ID stringстрока с кодом TSID
unique IDуникальный идентификатор (A number used as a unique identifier for each Windows Live ID holder. This number is disclosed to residents of the European Union to comply with EU privacy regulations)
uplink IDИД канала исходящей связи (The key ID of the root element in the license chain)
user defined event IDидентификатор события, определённого пользователем (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
user IDИД пользователя (An alphanumeric identification used to identify a particular user)
VAT IDкод НДС (A unique number governments issue to companies and citizens in order to track taxes paid on goods and services. VAT IDs in the European Union contain a country prefix followed by up to 12 digits or characters)
virtual circuit IDкод виртуальной цепи (Windows Server 2003 ssn)
virtual machine with IDвиртуальная машина с идентификатором (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
work item IDидентификатор рабочего элемента (The unique identifier of a work item in the database. Rori)
workgroup IDидентификатор рабочей группы (A case-sensitive alphanumeric string that is 4 to 20 characters long and that you enter when creating a new workgroup information file by using the Workgroup Administrator. This uniquely identifies the Admin group for this workgroup file)