
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing IS | all forms | exact matches only
a case in point isпример этого
a war is ongoingидёт война (Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed covered up NASA reports about a UFO destroying a rocket and anomalous data from Mars and Venus, as well as an odd military/UFO incident that suggests a "secret war" is ongoing between humans and some other intelligence. – идёт тайная война coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
an additional point is thatкроме того (Leonid Dzhepko)
an example of this isв качестве примера можно указать на ("Diseases are not genetic in any way, shape, or form. They're simple nutritional deficiencies," Wallach declared. An example of this, he continued, is osteoporosis, which he said is caused by a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3 and other minerals like copper. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
an example of this isпримером этого является ("Diseases are not genetic in any way, shape, or form. They're simple nutritional deficiencies," Wallach declared. An example of this, he continued, is osteoporosis, which he said is caused by a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3 and other minerals like copper. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
and while one is at itи заодно (John, pick up some milk at Safeway after work, okay? And while you're at it, don't forget hamburger buns. -- И заодно не забудь купить булочки для г. • Vancouver, where 180 Communists on six-figure salaries can hold an entire city's transit system hostage because they want more money. Mr. Mayor, Mr. Premier, and anyone else whose job it is, legislate these Marxists back to work, and throw in a pay cut while you're at it! -- и заодно сократите им зарплату! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
as everyone is well awareкак всем хорошо известно (As everyone is well aware, Highway 1 is basically in gridlock all the time heading east towards the IMB. Is there any plan to address this in the longer run? ART Vancouver)
as far as this is concernedв этом отношении (There are no hormones or antibiotics in your milk. Canada has strict regulations as far as this is concerned. ART Vancouver)
as far as this is concernedна этот счёт (There are no hormones or antibiotics in your milk. Canada has strict regulations as far as this is concerned. ART Vancouver)
as it isсамо по себе (A man and his girlfriend were reportedly driving along a rural road when they saw some movement near the side of the road. They originally thought the figure was a naked man crawling along on the ground, which was already odd enough as it is, but as they approached they realized that it was even much stranger than this. (mysteriousuniverse.org) -- что уже само по себе было странно ART Vancouver)
as long as there areдо тех пор, пока присутствует (что-л.)
as long as there areпока есть
as long as there areдо тех пор, пока существует (что-л.)
as long as there areпока существует
as long as there areпока присутствует
as long as there areдо тех пор, пока есть (что-л.)
as long as there isдо тех пор, пока присутствует (что-л.)
as long as there isпока существует
as long as there isпока присутствует
as long as there isпока есть
as long as there isдо тех пор, пока существует (что-л.)
as long as there isдо тех пор, пока есть (что-л.)
be a little short onнемного не хватать (о количестве: All you need to become a Snow Angel is a shovel and good health. The city currently has around 400 volunteers. “We’re a little short on volunteers in the Champlain and Marpole areas, but we can use volunteers across the city,” Lawrence said. (CityNews 1130) ART Vancouver)
be a major figureзанимать важное место (John Keats, one of the best-known English Romantic poets, was a major figure on the English literary scene. ART Vancouver)
be a top performerнаходиться на вершине рейтинга (sankozh)
be actively engagedпринимать активное участие (в – in: Dr. Elliott is Director of Clinical Trials and BC Diabetes. He has authored more than 60 scientific papers and is actively engaged in 15 ongoing research projects. ART Vancouver)
be an immediate successмгновенно завоевать успех (Once a child prodigy, Barbara Newhall Follet wrote her debut novel at the age of 12 in 1927. The House Without Windows was an immediate success, and she was heavily praised in newspapers. (thevintagenews.com) • Наша книга мгновенно завоевала успех и разошлась тиражом больше, чем любая другая моя книга. (из рус. источника) ART Vancouver)
be deeply sorryглубоко раскаиваться (I am deeply sorry for my selfish and irresponsible behaviour. – Я глубоко раскаиваюсь ... ART Vancouver)
be fine with sth.не возражать против (чего-л.: The finance minister says he's fine with an audit. ART Vancouver)
be fine with sth.не возражать ("Am I able to temporarily park on my lawn if I am a renter? City crews will be doing some paving out front tomorrow so I need to move my van. Is it even legal?" "City won't care as long as your landlord is fine with it. It is usually the neighbours that complain." -- если ваш хозяин не возражает / не против (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
be goodприносить пользу (for sb., sth.: Quitting smoking will be good for your health. • Cassidy argued that dog ownership is good for people’s mental health and that dogs are a good conversation starter. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
be heavily involvedпринимать активное участие (in sth. – в чём-л.: Peter was heavily involved in the port authority’s work with local partners to identify and secure funding for a suite of off-terminal trade enabling infrastructure projects throughout the region. portvancouver.com ART Vancouver)
be instrumentalсыграть основную роль (in sth. – в успехе чего-л.: These are insights Cross was uniquely positioned to share in her new book, In Light of All Darkness, as her father-in-law, Eddie Freyer, was not only instrumental in eventually capturing Polly’s murderer, he continues to teach law enforcement investigators lessons learned from the case. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
be instrumentalсыграть важную роль (in sth. – в чём-л.: These innovative techniques were instrumental in the structure of the new product. • He was instrumental in getting that contract. It got rolling under his leadership. • Konev is a problematic figure in Central Europe. Although he was instrumental in the defeat of Nazism, he also oversaw arrests and deportations of Soviet refugees in the immediate aftermath of the war. (washingtonpost.com) ART Vancouver)
be instrumentalсыграть главную роль (in sth. – в успехе чего-л.: These are insights Cross was uniquely positioned to share in her new book, In Light of All Darkness, as her father-in-law, Eddie Freyer, was not only instrumental in eventually capturing Polly’s murderer, he continues to teach law enforcement investigators lessons learned from the case. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
be keyиметь ключевое значение (to sth. / gerund – для чего-л.: Taking into account your current financial obligations is key to developing a customized lending solution that works for you. -- имеет ключевое значение ART Vancouver)
be keyиграть важнейшую роль (to – в: Taking into account the geopolitical situation ... is also key to doing high-quality research and finding the truth. -- Учёт геополитической ситуации играет важнейшую роль в проведении исследований на высоком уровне и в установлении истины coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be less than impressiveне впечатлять (A Mr. Yoneyama was out with three others taking pictures of the lake and its surroundings when they saw a surge of water out on the otherwise calm lake. They were able to capture the animal on film, but the results are less than impressive, showing merely a dark shape and thus proving to be inconclusive. (mysteriousuniverse.org) -- результаты не впечатляют ART Vancouver)
be not to the likingбыть не по вкусу (кому-л.: A few neighbours don't want an oil pipeline, of course the pipeline should be stopped. A sewage plant needs to be expanded, nix it if it is not to the liking of neighbours. Same goes for factories, and transmission towers, and roads, and everything else! -- если очистная станция не по вкусу соседям vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
be not to the likingне устраивать (of sb. – кого-л.: A few neighbours don't want an oil pipeline, of course the pipeline should be stopped. A sewage plant needs to be expanded, nix it if it is not to the liking of neighbours. Same goes for factories, and transmission towers, and roads, and everything else! -- если очистная станция не устраивает соседей vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
be on the lookoutбыть начеку (for sb., sth.: Officers are on the lookout for drunk drivers 24/7. ART Vancouver)
be outside one's area of expertiseвыходить за пределы компетенции (кого-л.: The Fowler case came to light after American psychiatrist Dr. Morton Prince, who Felber described as “the father of abnormal psychology” was contacted by general physician Jackson Putnam, who wrote to Prince that if he were living in a different time he would attribute the case to demonic possession, while acknowledging that it was outside his area of expertise. The symptoms, which Prince and his team would eventually observe themselves, included changes in her looks, voice, and temperament. “The symptoms were incredible,” Felber noted. “Her face would remold into a different face. Her voice would change into this terrifying voice… in different languages.” (coasttocoastam.com) • Её необычная заявка вне прейскурантного характера выходит за пределы компетенции всех уровней администрации фирмы. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
be rightподойти (for someone – для кого-либо: If you have a place you think could be right for us please feel free to contact me via email. ART Vancouver)
be stretched out on one's Chesterfieldрастянуться на диване (I was cycling west on Wall Street in Round Cape when I heard a crash behind me. Quickly I went back and saw a car bumper, then noticed the fence was gone. A car had flown across Wall Street coming down the hill on Renfrew Street. It missed me by seconds. I looked over the embankment and saw a white Honda on its side lying on train tracks! I called 911. Fire and ambulance and police were all there in under 15 minutes. I went on with my ride though I felt shaken. As I am stretched out on my Chesterfield in the living room, I can hear my mother saying 'it was not your day to die'. Good to be alive. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
be there for each otherприходить на помощь друг другу (That's what we do as Canadians. We're there for each other in difficult times. ART Vancouver)
be vehemently opposed toбыть категорически против (McMullen acknowledges how polarizing robots like his can be. “I think it’s very subjective, person-to-person,” he says. “Some people are fully fascinated and very open to the idea of a robot that could look like a human being. Other people are vehemently opposed to it.” reviewjournal.com ART Vancouver)
chances are slimвероятность невелика (The chances of us being able to go out and find that particular animal again are very, very slim. (KPNX 12News, Phoenix, AZ) ART Vancouver)
definitely won't be doing that againбольше никогда не буду так поступать (I usually shower right after I get home from swimming, but I went out directly from the beach this time. Definitely won’t be doing that again. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
efforts were rewardedусилия были вознаграждены (In subsequent years, speculation surrounding the strange disappearance of the weathervane swirled in large part thanks to the work of historian Michel Sabatery, who often wrote about the odd tale. His efforts to keep the story alive were rewarded this past November when he received an unexpected package containing the stolen piece. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
everything will be fineвсё будет в порядке
has been knownбыл замечен ранее в некоем поведении (+ infinitive: Warren has been known to frequent the Downtown East Side to feed his addiction, so his presence in the area on that night may be easily explained. ART Vancouver)
he is doing wellон делает большие успехи
hindsight is a wonderful thingзадним умом все крепки (ElzaSmart)
how is it possible?как это возможно? (Юрий Гомон)
I am entirely at your serviceя полностью к вашим услугам ("I am entirely at your service," said Sherlock Holmes, ringing the bell. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
I am honouredмне оказана честь (+ infinitive ART Vancouver)
I am hopeful thatя надеюсь, что (“I am hopeful that my actions will ultimately lead to a positive outcome of increased transparency," he said. singularfortean.com ART Vancouver)
I am pleased thatя рад, что (Leonid Dzhepko)
I could be wrongя могу ошибаться ("What is the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?" "I believe the main difference is that one will see you later and the other will see you in awhile. I could be wrong, I'm not a zoologist." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
if sth. is anything to go byесли судить по (An early and dramatic UFO landing took place in October 1952, a country seemingly much favoured by UFOs in the 1950s, if the quantity of sighting reports is anything to go by. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- если судить по количеству  ART Vancouver)
if past experience is any guideкак показывает практика (VLZ_58)
if past experience is anything to go byкак показывает практика (VLZ_58)
if that is the caseесли дело обстоит таким образом (The lack of any new sightings or evidence suggests that if these things ever existed at all, then they may well have already gone extinct or are close to it. If that is the case, then perhaps we will never know what they were or are. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
if that is the caseесли это так (The lack of any new sightings or evidence suggests that if these things ever existed at all, then they may well have already gone extinct or are close to it. If that is the case, then perhaps we will never know what they were or are. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
I'll be right back with thatсейчас принесу (ART Vancouver)
is a see also ofсм. также (portable is a see also of transportable MichaelBurov)
is a see also ofсмотри также (MichaelBurov)
is a see also ofсм. тж. (MichaelBurov)
is a see also ofсравни (cf. MichaelBurov)
is a stretchэто перебор (Is it your obsession with Eby and the NDP? Blaming him somehow for a project that was done by a different level of government before he was Premier is a stretch when there are so many legitimate things to complain about that aren’t childish whining like your comment. -- это уже перебор (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
is all aboutвсё решает (Origami is all about symmetry. – В искусстве оригами всё решает симметрия.  ART Vancouver)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет ничего страшного (igisheva)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет ничего предосудительного (igisheva)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет ничего плохого (igisheva)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет ничего криминального (igisheva)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет ничего зазорного (igisheva)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет никакого криминала (igisheva)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет ничего дурного (igisheva)
is anyone's guessникто не знает (How much this will cost taxpayers is anyone's guess. ART Vancouver)
is anyone's guessостаётся только догадываться (Остаётся только догадываться, по какому объекту будет нанесён следующий удар. ART Vancouver)
is anyone's guessникому не известно (ART Vancouver)
is anyone's guessможно только догадываться (Offset porch, gables, bay windows, and jigsaw trim maintain the original form of this early Edwardian home, although the original colour scheme, vividly overpainted, is anyone's guess. (Ron Philips) ART Vancouver)
is badly neededочень нужен (Abbotsford mayor says this project is badly needed and was promised by the NDP during the 2020 election. A budget of $2.34 billion has been approved for widening work through this stretch of Highway 1. ART Vancouver)
is consideredсчитается (Fresh corn is considered a starchy vegetable, but dried corn is considered a grain. Botanists classify corn in the fruit family. • Although Vancouver hasn't topped the list of the world's most livable cities since 2011, our city is still considered one of the best places in the world in which to live. favfamilyrecipes.com ART Vancouver)
is going to get sb. into a lot of troubleдо добра не доведёт (ART Vancouver)
something is someone's headacheу кого-либо о чём-либо голова должна болеть (что-либо является чьей-либо заботой, проблемой igisheva)
is in the worksведётся (о работе: It's in the works, it takes a little while to be built. – Работа ведётся ... • The changes and upgrades to Hillcrest and Riley parks designed to add more green space and cycling infrastructure have been in the works since the home of the Vancouver Curling Club was torn down. – Работа над ... ведётся ... ART Vancouver)
is key toимеет первостепенное значение (Taking into account the geopolitical situation in each place she visits is also key to doing high-quality research and finding the truth. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
is key toиграет первостепенную роль (Taking into account the geopolitical situation in each place she visits is also key to doing high-quality research and finding the truth. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
is key toотведена центральная роль (Taking into account the geopolitical situation in each place she visits is also key to doing high-quality research and finding the truth. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
is nearly upon usостаются считанные дни до (The year 2023 is nearly upon us. -- До наступления нового года остаются / остались считанные дни. ART Vancouver)
someone is new to somethingчто-либо незнакомо (кому-либо igisheva)
something is not someone's headacheу кого-либо о чём-либо голова не должна болеть (что-либо не является чьей-либо заботой, проблемой igisheva)
is of the essenceимеет решающее значение (Time is often of the essence, Harris continued, because witnesses can die or important details can be missed. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
is of the essenceимеет немаловажное значение (Time is often of the essence, Harris continued, because witnesses can die or important details can be missed. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
is of the essenceиграет существенную роль (Time is often of the essence, Harris continued, because witnesses can die or important details can be missed. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
something is okayв чём-либо нет ничего зазорного (igisheva)
something is okayв чём-либо нет ничего криминального (igisheva)
something is okayв чём-либо нет никакого криминала (igisheva)
something is okayв чём-либо нет ничего страшного (igisheva)
something is okayв чём-либо нет ничего предосудительного (igisheva)
something is okayв чём-либо нет ничего плохого (igisheva)
something is okayв чём-либо нет ничего дурного (igisheva)
is ongoingидёт (Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed covered up NASA reports about a UFO destroying a rocket and anomalous data from Mars and Venus, as well as an odd military/UFO incident that suggests a "secret war" is ongoing between humans and some other intelligence. – идёт тайная война coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
is sureнаверняка (+ infinitive: Napoleon barbecue is sure to satisfy the most discerning barbecuer. ART Vancouver)
is that all there is?только и всего? (ART Vancouver)
is that even worth it?стоит ли оно того? (I don't know if I would want to buy outright, but maybe put enough of a downpayment to have a mortgage somewhere around 1,000/month....but again, with the rates, is that even worth it? -- Вообще, стоит ли оно того? (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
is the language forпо-язык означает (также без the: Another cave, Ogof Fynnon Ddu (ogof is the Welsh for 'cave') lies to the east. -- по-валлийски означает "пещера" (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) • Pump is Welsh for five. ART Vancouver)
is the language forпо-язык значит (также без the: Another cave, Ogof Fynnon Ddu (ogof is the Welsh for 'cave') lies to the east. -- по-валлийски значит "пещера" (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) • Pump is Welsh for five. ART Vancouver)
it is all right toнет ничего предосудительного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего плохого в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего зазорного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет никакого криминала в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего криминального в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего страшного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего дурного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is immediately apparent from the foregoing thatиз вышесказанного ясно, что (ssn)
it is never any use tryingбесполезно пытаться (+ infinitive: I gave it up. It is never any use trying to reason with Jeeves on these occasions. "Pig-headed" is the word that springs to the lips. One sighs and passes on. (P. G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
it is no good at allэто никуда не годится
it is not my bagэто не моё призвание (narod.ru owant)
it is okay toнет ничего предосудительного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is okay toнет ничего криминального в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is okay toнет никакого криминала в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is okay toнет ничего страшного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is okay toнет ничего плохого в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is okay toнет ничего зазорного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is okay toнет ничего дурного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is one thing + infinitive, but it is quite another thing + infinitiveодно дело, и совсем другое (At a meeting to decide on the request, council member Billy Webb offered a rather interesting reason for why he took issue with such a ghost hunt, musing that "it is one thing to have a paranormal investigation in a public building, but it is quite another thing to have them in buildings that have previously been a private home." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
it is quite likely thatвесьма может статься, что (ART Vancouver)
it is said thatговорят, что (It's said that the heritage 1911 Century House bank building on Richards Street has a resident ghost – or a few. • An extreme windstorm took place back in 1743. It is said that it caused the collapse of the Dreaghmuir bridge with carriages and pedestrians, no one survived in the icy waters beneath. ART Vancouver)
it is with deep sadness that we share the news thatс глубоким прискорбием сообщаем (It is with deep sadness that we share the news that Ian Punnett passed away from a brief illness yesterday. His keen intellect and delightful sense of humor will be deeply missed. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
it is worth notingпримечательно, что
it is worthwhile noting thatстоить отметить, что (While this method does have its advantages, it is worthwhile noting that it has a number of side effects. ART Vancouver)
it really isтак оно и есть ('My overall impression of CBC has always been that it is a liberal propaganda tool.' 'It really is.' (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
it really isтак и есть ('My overall impression of CBC has always been that it is a liberal propaganda tool.' 'It really is.' (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
it really is that simpleвсё очень просто (If you don't have the proper tires, know how to drive the conditions, leave plenty of space between cars... leave the car at home. It really is that simple. ART Vancouver)
it's a good thing thatхорошо, что (I noticed that some St. Louis fans were booing the Canadian anthem. It's a good thing that we won't have to go back there after Tuesday's game.• Perhaps it was a good thing he went away. He would never have agreed with this. ART Vancouver)
it's a once-in-a-lifetime experienceтакое бывает только раз в жизни (ART Vancouver)
it's all aboutвсё дело в ('The cost of rent in Edmonton is nearly $1,400 cheaper than in Vancouver.' 'That's because no one wants to live in Edmonton, it's all about supply and demand. Have you been to Edmonton in February? A $1,400 discount doesn't seem like enough...' ART Vancouver)
it's all up toвсё решает (1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock sailings have been cancelled because of high winds, and there could be more cancellations – it's all up to Mother Nature! ART Vancouver)
it's been some timeпрошло уже немало времени (Dear ICBC, it's been some time and no word on my counter claim. You can scroll through our interactions on this matter. It's been some time and nothing!!! Why do I even pay monthly to ICBC for no results??? (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
it's freezingзамёрзнуть можно (The furnace is on but it's freezing in here. -- Отопление работает, но в доме замёрзнуть можно от холода. ART Vancouver)
it's gone for goodс концами (Once it's gone, it's gone for good. • Now, I only use cash, so I don't need a bank account. If it is stolen, it's gone. I will never own a house or rent an apartment, so I don't need credit. businessinsider.com ART Vancouver)
it's gone for goodуже не вернёшь (Once it's gone, it's gone for good. ART Vancouver)
it's got nothing to do with meпри чём здесь я? (It's got nothing to do with me. I'm staying out of it. – При чём здесь я? Разбирайтесь сами / без меня. ART Vancouver)
it's no good tryingбесполезно пытаться (+ infinitive: "You aren't suggesting that you think this scheme I have been sketching out is Jeeves's?" "Of course it is. It's no good trying to kid me, Bertie. You wouldn't have thought of a wheeze like that in a million years." (P.G. Wodehouse) – Бесполезно пытаться меня обмануть ART Vancouver)
it's not my place to judge youБог вам судья (denton)
it's not so muchдело даже не в (чём-л., а в чём-то другом: It's not so much the road conditions on a snow day that's dangerous, it's more so the utter insane interpretation of Newtonian laws of physics of too many drivers who can't believe their car on balding all-season tires is undriveable. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
it's not yet clearпока неясно (Plants emit sounds, akin to ‘screams’, when they’re distressed, according to a new study. They allegedly produce clicking noises that humans can’t hear without the use of scientific equipment, research has found. However, it’s not yet clear how the plants produce the noises. The findings show that plants which are distressed have incredibly high-pitched popping noises, while unstressed plants do not emit noises. The study’s definition of distressed included plants that were having their stems cut or were dehydrated. indy100.com ART Vancouver)
it's one thing + infinitive, butодно дело, и совсем другое (It's one thing not to get vaccinated, we have this freedom here, but when you're sick with a case of measles and you walk into a postnatal ward, you have to be a total moron not to realize that you're putting these 30 babies and their mothers at risk. ART Vancouver)
it's the oppositeкак раз наоборот (ART Vancouver)
it's up to youпоступай как знаешь! (ART Vancouver)
it's up to youкак хочешь (реакция на вопрос о действии ART Vancouver)
it's uselessбесполезно пытаться (+ infinitive: It’s useless to try to talk sense to this guy. -- Бесполезно пытаться его вразумить. ART Vancouver)
it should be noted thatследует отметить, что (*** при огромном изобилии предложенных вариантов именно этот является наиболее точным: It should be noted that the building had been in a state of disrepair for some time. ART Vancouver)
it was not until ... thatтолько когда (with verbs in the past: On May 2 at about 3:00pm, my neighbor Ken took a series of 3 shots of me throwing my Frisbee in my backyard. I should have seen that white disc in the top left corner, but I didn't and neither did my friend who was taking the photos. It was not until I downloaded the pictures to my computer that I saw it. We are truly perplexed that we didn't see it at the time. ART Vancouver)
it was then thatименно в этот момент (что-то произошло: At first, they thought it was a joke being played on them by their friends, but as the wailing intensified they ran away in a panic. As the two friends ran down the hill along a trail they reached a curve in the path, and it was then that the source of the alien howling made itself known. According to Carlson, a huge, 7-to-8-foot-tall hairy female creature, naked except for a cloth around the waist, lumbered into view. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
let God be your judgeБог вам судья (denton)
let's face itположа руку на сердце (ART Vancouver)
let's keep that up!так держать!
let's wait and see how this plays outпосмотрим по обстановке (ART Vancouver)
make-believe one isпредставлять себя (someone – кем-либо igisheva)
make-believe one isвоображать себя (someone – кем-либо igisheva)
my impression from what I hear isу меня сложилось впечатление, что... (в данном случае из общения с людьми: Gambioli said she had concerns that the public doesn’t understand the plan. “It’s very complicated,” she said. “My impression from what I hear is people don’t understand what this is.” (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
no action is requiredот вас не требуется предпринимать никаких действий (Effective August 1, 2023, the maximum shelter allowance for recipients of income assistance, hardship assistance, and disability assistance will increase by $125 per family unit. If your shelter expenses have not changed, you will not need to contact the ministry and no action is required. ART Vancouver)
not everything's about youмир не крутится вокруг тебя (Sick and tired of obnoxious drivers sitting on their car horns, at all times during the day and sometimes night. You’re taking out your frustrations on neighbourhood dwellers trying to live peacefully. ... Just drive at regular speeds in residential areas, don’t be stupid, and grow up. If you need to use your horn, just hit it once and be done with it. Not everything’s about you. reddit.com ART Vancouver)
nothing could be further from the truthдальше этого от истины нет ничего (ART Vancouver)
oh, that's so pretty!!красота! ("So happy! Just purchased a Cowichan sweater, from local buy sell. They are so warm, I just wore it on our walk and now I am sweaty!" "Oh that’s so pretty!! No dryer for that okay? Because it's gonna felt up!!! Great find!" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
oh, that's so pretty!!как красиво! ("So happy! Just purchased a Cowichan sweater, from local buy sell. They are so warm, I just wore it on our walk and now I am sweaty!" "Oh that’s so pretty!! No dryer for that okay? Because it's gonna felt up!!! Great find!" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
our aim isнаша цель – (+ infinitive: Our aim is to raise critical funds so we can support even more families living in poverty. ART Vancouver)
our goal isнаша цель – (+ infinitive: Our goal is to save you effort, time and money. ART Vancouver)
our objective isнашей задачей является (+ infinitive: Our objective is to ensure the strictest quality standards possible for these products.  ART Vancouver)
please be assured thatзаверяю Вас, что (Leonid Dzhepko)
problems are risingпроблемы нарастают (Goreham noted that Americans don't like being told what to do and that while EV purchases have reached about 8% of the market, sales seem to be slowing down beyond the early adopters, and problems are rising. He cited more expensive insurance costs for EVs due to the expense of repairing a damaged vehicle, as well as difficulties charging the vehicles in cold weather. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
seating is limitedколичество мест ограниченно (MichaelBurov)
seating is limitedколичество мест ограничено (sissoko)
should that be the caseесли это действительно так (Although the origins of the doll appear to be shrouded in mystery, one business owner in Lucinda claims that the 'little girl' and her swing were created by a local couple as something of an art installation with the goal of adding some color to the community. Should that be the case, their mission has proven to be a strange success as the town has now become infamous for being the home of a haunted doll that curses anyone who dares go near it. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
should that be the caseесли дело обстоит именно таким образом (Conceding that he is stumped as to where the creature might be when it is not out looking for food, O’Faodhagain posited that perhaps it "rests on ledges down in the depths of Loch Ness." Should that be the case, he mused, this would "explain why folk do not see her too often during the day, when all tourist cruisers and pleasure crafts are out and about, creating noise and disturbance." (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
should that be the caseесли это в самом деле так (Although the origins of the doll appear to be shrouded in mystery, one business owner in Lucinda claims that the 'little girl' and her swing were created by a local couple as something of an art installation with the goal of adding some color to the community. Should that be the case, their mission has proven to be a strange success as the town has now become infamous for being the home of a haunted doll that curses anyone who dares go near it. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
smoking is bad for your healthкурить вредно для здоровья (We all know that smoking is bad for our health. ART Vancouver)
something is amissчто-то не то (Feed him a nutritious diet, monitor his bathroom behavior and be sure to go to your vet if you suspect something is amiss. – что-то не в порядке / что-то не так ART Vancouver)
spring is approachingскоро весна (Spring is approaching and we are extending our service to the Maritime Museum until 6:00pm effective March 1st. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
tell what is fact and what is fictionотделить правду от вымысла (Breedlove thinks that "there is a lot of reality to the Bell Witch legend but it's hard to tell what is fact and what is fiction." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
that is another storyэто другой вопрос (igisheva)
that is another storyэто другая тема (igisheva)
that is another storyэто отдельная история (igisheva)
that is another storyэто отдельный вопрос (igisheva)
that is another storyэто отдельная тема (igisheva)
that is another storyэто другая история (igisheva)
that is not the pointне в этом дело (That is not the point. What I'm saying is that some bus drivers should not be on the road. I just saw a near-accident caused by a transit bus travelling in the right turn lane and blowing straight through the intersection. The guy turning left was almost T-boned. ART Vancouver)
that's a feasible planэтот план вполне осуществим
that's a new oneэто что-то новенькое (Montana is known for plenty of large wildlife like bears, mountain goats and elk. But elephants? That's a new one. (NBC Montana) youtube.com ART Vancouver)
that's a new oneэто что-то новое (Montana is known for plenty of large wildlife like bears, mountain goats and elk. But elephants? That's a new one. (NBC Montana) youtube.com ART Vancouver)
that's a new one!это ещё что за новость! (Leonid Dzhepko)
that's about itбольше ничего (The late Prof. Fred Rodell of the Yale Law School once remarked that there are two things wrong with almost all legal writing: "One is its style. The other is its content. That's about it." ART Vancouver)
that's about itвот, в общем-то, и всё (Leave a few lights on and make sure you pick up the paper every morning. That's about it. ART Vancouver)
that's all fine and good, butэто всё хорошо, но (That's all fine and good, but they need to address the bottle neck around Hastings and Cassiar to make it work. ART Vancouver)
that's all settled, thenзначит, договорились (Ну, значит, договорились. -- Well, that's all settled, then. • So that's all settled. ART Vancouver)
that's exactly rightсовершенно верно (ART Vancouver)
that's exactly what I wantэто как раз что мне нужно
that's for the bestэто к лучшему (Perhaps that's for the best. -- Может быть, это и к лучшему. ART Vancouver)
that's it for me todayна сегодня я закончил работу (ART Vancouver)
that's it for me todayна сегодня я отработал (ART Vancouver)
that's not really the caseвсё совсем не так (It can feel like this must be true, as every new building project works its way through an agonizing steeplechase to get approved—as if every metre of height and every protruding corner will be the last straw for this so-so-so crowded city. However, as anyone who has lived here longer than a month knows, that’s not really the case. There are squares, rectangles, slices, whole blocks of mystifyingly empty land throughout our supposedly high-priced, packed-to-the-gills metropolis. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
that's quite enoughэтого вполне достаточно (Okay, I think that's quite enough. ART Vancouver)
that's rightсовершенно верно (ART Vancouver)
that's settledрешено
that's settledдоговорились!
that's the least of my worriesэто меньше всего меня беспокоит
that's what I thoughtя так и думал
that's what ... is all aboutв этом суть ("That's not conflict of interest. That's favoritism." Fine – whatever you call it, should there be inequality in sports? "If you take the risk, if you put up the money. That's what free enterprise is all about." (Vanity Fair) ART Vancouver)
that will be something to watch forза этим нужно следить (bloomberg.com Alex_Odeychuk)
the best-case scenario is thatпри самом наилучшем раскладе событий
the fact that ... is common knowledgeмногие знают о том, что (The fact that neither their bodies nor their aircraft were ever recovered is common knowledge, but one theory regarding their fate isn’t as well known. mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
the fact that ... is common knowledgeявляется общеизвестным фактом (The fact that neither their bodies nor their aircraft were ever recovered is common knowledge, but one theory regarding their fate isn’t as well known. mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
the fact that ... is common knowledgeмногим известно о том, что (The fact that neither their bodies nor their aircraft were ever recovered is common knowledge, but one theory regarding their fate isn’t as well known. mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
the importance of ... cannot be overstatedневозможно переоценить важность, значение (As the day begins to heat up, shutting the windows and drawing the blinds helps keep the indoor air cool for as long as possible. The importance of window coverings in this process cannot be overstated. Light-coloured blinds, shades, or curtains can block out the heat of the sun and reduce indoor temperatures significantly. This is especially important for windows facing east or west, which receive the most sunlight. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
the importance of ... cannot be overstatedнельзя переоценить важность, значение (As the day begins to heat up, shutting the windows and drawing the blinds helps keep the indoor air cool for as long as possible. The importance of window coverings in this process cannot be overstated. Light-coloured blinds, shades, or curtains can block out the heat of the sun and reduce indoor temperatures significantly. This is especially important for windows facing east or west, which receive the most sunlight. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
the issue isвсё дело в (The issue is immigration. It is destroying Canada's residential architecture, traditions and way of living, all in the service of allowing diaspora populations to live in Canada. ART Vancouver)
the issue is thatпроблема заключается в том, что (He says the City told them they needed to provide additional information and that those documents needed to match the people who live in the home. The issue is that his wife put down her legal name instead of her maiden name on the declaration, which is what was used when they bought the home years ago, and now they have a paper trail nightmare. (dailyhive.com) ART Vancouver)
the likelihood is thatвероятно (It almost sounds impossible, yet within mere moments the school was engulfed by a wave of slurry waste that reached a height of around thirty-feet. Had the children and teachers been outside at the time, the likelihood is that they would have survived. Or, at least, many of them would have. -- Если бы дети и преподаватели были в этот момент на улице, вероятно, они бы выжили. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
the powers that beтайные силы (в правительстве, спецслужбах: Some viewers have suggested that his initial 'giant' video was genuine and that the young man either really did raise the ire of the proverbial 'powers that be' or he was so overcome with paranoia that he believed this was the case. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
the Russian attitude of "I couldn't care less" is incurableРусский пофигизм неизлечим (From: "Indifference as a National Idea" by Michael Bohm // The Moscow Times, August 15, 2008.)
the sun is outвышло солнце (The sun was out today. :) After 13 days of rain. That's it. Nothing more to say. (reddit.com) ART Vancouver)
the time is nowсейчас самое время (igisheva)
the time is nowвремя пришло (для того, чтобы сделать что-либо igisheva)
the time is nowтеперь самое время (igisheva)
the world is yoursвесь мир у ваших ног (sankozh)
the worst-case scenario is thatпри самом худшем раскладе
there is a a host of reasons whyесть масса причин, по которым (“There is a host of reasons why things aren’t happening on those sites,” said Kirk Kuester, an executive vice-president with Colliers International in Vancouver. “It could be a situation on the owner’s side: ‘I missed the market and now I want to sell for yesterday’s price.’” Or it could be an environmental problem (sites of former gas stations and drycleaning operations are particularly difficult and can take years to resolve). Or it could be that an owner or developer has gotten lost in the city’s permitting labyrinth. Or they’re afraid of putting in short-term tenants. Or who knows.” bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
there is A and Bбывает разный ("Now we're all comfortable --- " "There is comfort and comfort," sniffed Mary Poppins. (Pamela Travers) -- Удобство бывает разное. ART Vancouver)
there is a partyесть такая партия (*There is a + noun* model = Есть такой ..., e.g. Are you saying there is a hack for peeling oranges I don't know about?: 'There is a party!' he exclaimed. -- "Есть такая партия!" ART Vancouver)
there is a view overоткрывается вид на (There are two golf courses and from Compton Acres gardens there is a superb view over the harbour. (AA Illustrated Guide to Britain) -- открывается великолепный вид на гавань ART Vancouver)
there is arguably noвероятно, не существует (более известного ...: There is arguably no cryptozoological creature as widely known as the Loch Ness Monster – a mystery animal described as a long-necked prehistoric reptile that is said to lurk in the depths of Scotland's famous loch. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
there is arguably noпожалуй, нет (более известного ...: There is arguably no cryptozoological creature as widely known as the Loch Ness Monster – a mystery animal described as a long-necked prehistoric reptile that is said to lurk in the depths of Scotland's famous loch. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
there is frost in my bonesхолод до костей пробирает ("Admiral's telescope says East Wind. I thought as much. There is frost in my bones. I shall wear two overcoats." (Pamela Travers) ART Vancouver)
there is frost in my bonesмороз до костей пробирает ("Admiral's telescope says East Wind. I thought as much. There is frost in my bones. I shall wear two overcoats." (Pamela Travers) ART Vancouver)
there is no difference at allнет никакой разницы
there is no doubt about itнет никакого сомнения в этом
there is no gainsaying thatочевидно, что (grafleonov)
there is no gainsaying thatнельзя отрицать тот факт, что (grafleonov)
there is no gainsaying thatнесомненно, что (grafleonov)
there is no gainsaying thatне будет преувеличением сказать, что (grafleonov)
there is no other way of putting itиначе это никак не назовёшь (It was illegal, there's no other way of putting it. ART Vancouver)
there is no question of a mistakeошибки быть не может (In June 1966 a couple on the lake [Seton Lake] in a 25-foot boat sailed alongside a giant fish. Paul Polischuk said: 'It was a giant sturgeon, a good ten feet longer than my boat. It swam close to the surface for quite a long time before turning and heading for deep water. There is no question of a mistake.' (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
there is no question of a mistakeошибка исключена (In June 1966 a couple on the lake [Seton Lake] in a 25-foot boat sailed alongside a giant fish. Paul Polischuk said: 'It was a giant sturgeon, a good ten feet longer than my boat. It swam close to the surface for quite a long time before turning and heading for deep water. There is no question of a mistake.' (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
there is no real evidenceнет никаких оснований (for: Other ideas include that Kamphuis disappeared voluntarily to become a spy or to go on an undercover mission for Assange, that he committed suicide, or that he was recruited into a top-secret hacker organization, but there is no real evidence for any one of these either. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
there is no use ... giving her adviceнет смысла (давать ей совет и т.д.; ...)
there is not a cloud in the skyна небе ни облачка (Юрий Гомон)
there is nothing likeничто не сравнится с (Those people who have never seen a ghost or heard ghostly footsteps may be forgiven for wondering if it is 'all in the mind' -- but there is nothing like a personal brush with the supernatural for swiftly changing doubt to certainty. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
there is ongoing debateведутся дискуссии о том (возможно с whether: There is ongoing debate whether vitamin D3 “cholecalciferol” is better than vitamin D2 “ergocalciferol” at increasing blood levels of the vitamin. (hsph.harvard.edu) • В современном мире долгое время ведутся дискуссии о том, какая экономическая модель является лучшей для обеспечения благополучия и процветания наций. (из рус. источника) ART Vancouver)
there's no way of knowingнеизвестно (Based on the size of the footprints, it appears the child was less than 3 years old and did not accompany the older female on the return journey. Did she drop the kid off in a camp? Why were they traveling among dangerous animals on the slippery lakeshore? “There’s no way of knowing,” says Bennett. “But if you’ve ever rushed to get somewhere important while carrying a tired toddler, you’ve experienced a very similar emotion”—even if you weren’t looking over your shoulder for saber-toothed cats. smithsonianmag.com ART Vancouver)
there's no way of knowingэто невозможно установить (Based on the size of the footprints, it appears the child was less than 3 years old and did not accompany the older female on the return journey. Did she drop the kid off in a camp? Why were they traveling among dangerous animals on the slippery lakeshore? “There’s no way of knowing,” says Bennett. “But if you’ve ever rushed to get somewhere important while carrying a tired toddler, you’ve experienced a very similar emotion”—even if you weren’t looking over your shoulder for saber-toothed cats. smithsonianmag.com ART Vancouver)
there used to beраньше было (There used to be a bunch of cabins down below the cut – had many a great party at one in particular. Long gone now. (Reddit) -- Раньше там были избушки ART Vancouver)
things are roughнесладко приходится (Unlike Metro Vancouver, the San Francisco region also has the fourth-highest median household incomes in North America. Indeed, median wages in the California city come in at the equivalent of about $145,000 Cdn., 61 per cent higher than $90,000 in Vancouver. In other words, while things are rough for would-be homeowners in the San Francisco area, they are horrible for those squeezed out of the Metro Vancouver market. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
this is a reminder thatнапоминаем вам, что (This is a reminder that Clarissa McKay is due for a dental check-up and cleaning on or after Thursday August 18, 2016. ART Vancouver)
this is all your faultэто ты во всём виноват (ART Vancouver)
this is an appreciate moment toэто подходящий момент, чтобы
this is beside the questionсуть не в этом (This, however, is beside the question. ART Vancouver)
this is irrelevantэто не актуально (предложил Палажченко П.Р. Leonid Dzhepko)
this is my treatя угощаю (напр., в ресторане)
this is of little importance nowэто не актуально (предложил Палажченко П.Р. Leonid Dzhepko)
this is to inform you thatнастоящим заявлением сообщаю, что (singeline)
this is what I live and breatheэто то, чем я живу (sankozh)
this letter is in furtherance of our phone conversation of this morningнастоящее письмо написано в продолжение нашего разговора по телефону сегодня утром
this problem is important today becauseАктуальность этой проблемы вызвана тем, что (предложил Палажченко П.Р. Leonid Dzhepko)
time is getting on, we had better startвремя идёт, давайте начинать (Perhaps, as time is getting on, we had better start. ART Vancouver)
Time is running outвремени в обрез (Interex)
Time is running outвремя на исходе (Interex)
time is running shortвремя на исходе
to be fairговоря по справедливости ("People have asked me whether the provincial gentle density and Transit-Oriented Area initiatives will increase property values. In some cases, they will, e.g.: this property at 5708 Alma, next to the Dunbar Bus Exchange, assessed at $2,520,500 was recently listed at $5,800,000!" "To be fair, you can list your property at whatever you like. There are lots of realtors who "buy" listings. The real proof would be what it sells for ... if it does." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
to_say is an understatementсказать, что -- это ничего не сказать (Checked out the new seafood place in Lincoln Square… to say it is popular is an understatement. Had to wait in line for two hours if you can believe it! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
well, there you areну, вот видите (ART Vancouver)
what is he like?что он за человек?
what is he like?что он собой представляет?
what is he like?какой он? (Юрий Гомон)
what is he like?как он выглядит?
what is the point of a ...?в чём смысл ...? (What is the point of an election here in Canada if the losers can gang up and toss out the winner? I don't think this is what democracy is about. ART Vancouver)
what matters isважно то, что
what's good about ...?что хорошего в ...? (My partner and I are looking to upsize and I’m curious about what we could expect if we were to live in Richmond. What’s good about Richmond? What neighborhoods should we be looking at? What restaurants or cute little bougie shops do we need to know about? (Reddit) • What’s good about smoking two packs a day? ART Vancouver)
what's it got to do with me?а я здесь при чём? (ART Vancouver)
what's the best way to go about it?как это лучше сделать? (ART Vancouver)
what's the good of that?а что толку? (ART Vancouver)
which is fineя не против (Sophie took the bus to school for the first time. She wants to be more independent, which is fine. ART Vancouver)
which is fineя не возражаю (Sophie took the bus to school for the first time. She wants to be more independent, which is fine. ART Vancouver)
whose turn is it?чья очередь?
why is it so expensive?!за что такие деньги?!
wouldn't it be cool + verb?вот было бы здорово, если бы ...! (He began sculpting when he was a teenager, attending art school for a time in his 20s, before landing a job with San Diego Halloween design company Disguise. One day around this time, he had an epiphany in a department store. “They had hired an actress to pretend to be a mannequin — and she was really good at it,” McMullen recalls. “For some reason that stuck with me, I was like, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool to have a mannequin that looks so real, that people would think that it was?’ Kind of like an inverse of that experience. I started coming up with this, like, crazy idea of a hyper-realistic, pose-able mannequin.” reviewjournal.com ART Vancouver)
X is more equalX у кого надо X (Фраза "Это нога – у кого надо нога" превратилась в клише, в котором говорящий может при желании заменить ногу другим словом. На мой взгляд, при переводе этого клише на английский язык можно использовать фразу 'All animals are equal, but some are more equal (than others)' в полном либо усечённом виде, заменяя 'animals' соответствующим словом: Some hate speech is more equal than other = Эта hate speech – у кого надо hate speech. Alexander Oshis)
you would be well served in doing soвам не помешало бы это сделать (If you have a car make sure to not leave anything in there. If you have the option of increasing insurance coverage for window breakage, you would be well served in doing so. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
your guess is as good as mineспроси что-нибудь полегче (ART Vancouver)