
Terms for subject British usage, not spelling containing IS | all forms | exact matches only
builder's teaкрепкий чай с молоком (wikipedia.org Abysslooker)
he was banged up for 16 years for a murder that he didn't commitон был посажен в тюрьму на 16 лет за убийство, которого не совершал (ssn)
how long is a piece of string?спроси что полегче (Обычно в ответ на вопрос: "Сколько времени это займет?" и т.п. AnnaOchoa)
how long is a piece of string?кто его знает (Обычно в ответ на вопрос: "Сколько времени это займет?" и т.п. AnnaOchoa)
is there life outside the M25есть ли жизнь за МКАДом (аналог русской фразы, но применительно к лондонским реалиям, напр. the-newshub.com)
it is all down toвсё дело в (british used for saying that something is caused by something else. Of course there are long delays, and it's all down to a lack of planning. MED Alexander Demidov)
it is not worth a farthingне стоит выеденного яйца (Anglophile)
it is not worth a farthingгроша медного не стоит (Anglophile)
Life is not all beer and skittles.не всё коту масленица (Skittles, a kind of bowling game played by throwing wooden disks at pins, was very popular in Great Britain, where drinking beer remains a widespread form of recreation)
might is rightтот прав, у кого больше прав (Anglophile)
S151 Officerфинансовый директор (Alexander Matytsin)
she is in the theatreона в операционной (ad_notam)
she is in the theatreеё оперируют (ad_notam)
that is not cricketтакой хоккей нам не нужен! (multitran.ru valtih1978)
that is not so bad consideringучитывая обстоятельства, это не так уж плохо (ad_notam)
that's a load of rubbish!Чушь! (ART Vancouver)
that's done itвсё (Well, that's done it. There's no way we can stop him finding out now. VLZ_58)
that's done itвот и всё (an exclamation when something is completed: Well, that's done it then. All the figures are up to date, all the projections are calculated and checked, and all the reports are filed. Ah, that's what I call a good day's work. goo.gl Ин.яз)
that's done itприехали (‘Uh oh, that's done it,’ he said. ‘We've got to get off this ship ASAP!’ • ‘That's done it!’ said a growl from the crackling intercom system. ‘Our energy transfer unit just had a stroke.’)
that's done itэто решило дело
that's done itэто довершило дело
that's done itну всё ("That's done it!" said Anna as she looked at the damage. "Now I really will have to get a new car." 4uzhoj)
that's done itну всё (с меня довольно) I've had it; that's more than I can tolerate: OK, that's done it, I'm calling the police—it's 2 AM and that party is still blasting music! 4uzhoj)
that's done itэто переполнило чашу
that's torn it!всё! (Liv Bliss)
the battery is flatбатарейка села (ad_notam)
this is getting past a joke!это уже несмешно! ("Man, this is getting past a joke!" cried MacDonald, rising angrily from his chair." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver)
what is the state of play?какой счёт? (Anglophile)
what's that when it's at homeа попроще? (о значении длинных или необычных слов ldoceonline.com Abysslooker)
what's that when it's at homeа по-русски? (Anglophile)
you must be over 16 to purchase cigarettesПродажа сигарет лицам, не достигшим 16 лет, запрещена (объявление в магазине bojana)