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be out of touchоторваться от действительности ("There's nothing wacky about it! B.C.'s housing minister is slamming the opposition leader for making light of renting during the debate over the budget and gives the NDP some easy political points. "What we heard yesterday really demonstrates how the BC Liberals are out of touch," said Selina Robinson." (News 1130) – насколько они оторваны от действительности / от реальной жизни • I’ll bet that Harry and Meghan found something better at half the price in California. City Hall is so out of touch. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
be up to one's old habitsснова взяться за старое (Former Vancouver mayor Kennedy Stewart is up to his old habits: parading petty grievances around like serious issues. This habit is long past being tiresome and is completely unbefitting someone who held top job in our country’s third largest city. (nationalpost.com) ART Vancouver)
how is it that ...?как такое возможно, чтобы ...? (выражая своё возмущение: How is it that your ticket staff don’t seem to have accurate information as to when this ferry is supposed to arrive? We were stuck in a lineup for hours in the heat! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
someone is as good as a headacheот кого-либо проку, как от козла молока (igisheva)
someone is as good as a sick headacheот кого-либо проку, как от козла молока (igisheva)
is gratingкоробит (irritating (Oxford Dictionary): The tone she chooses to talk to me is truly grating. -- Она разговаривает со мной таким тоном, что меня просто коробит. • “The number of people calling us about renovictions just fell off a cliff,” said Robert Patterson, a lawyer for TRAC. (...) “It’s the absurdity of these kinds of claims,” he said. “A wealthy person claiming that they’re going to move into a poor person’s home as an excuse to kick them out so they can rent it for more money – it’s grating.” -- это коробит ctvnews.ca ART Vancouver)
is just beyond wordsя просто слов не нахожу (от возмущения: When Smith discovered that Snowflake was missing she went through the video footage and was shocked by what she saw. “We couldn’t believe it,” she said. “They’re beloved family pets, and to have these boys break in and take them is just beyond words.” (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
is just beyond wordsу меня нет слов (от возмущения: When Smith discovered that Snowflake was missing she went through the video footage and was shocked by what she saw. “We couldn’t believe it,” she said. “They’re beloved family pets, and to have these boys break in and take them is just beyond words.” (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
is just beyond wordsнет слов (от возмущения: When Smith discovered that Snowflake was missing she went through the video footage and was shocked by what she saw. “We couldn’t believe it,” she said. “They’re beloved family pets, and to have these boys break in and take them is just beyond words.” (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
someone is no more use than a headacheот кого-либо проку, как от козла молока (igisheva)
someone is no more use than a sick headacheот кого-либо проку, как от козла молока (igisheva)
it is pretty rich forЧья бы корова мычала, а твоя бы молчала (Насмешливое выражение: "It is pretty rich for some councillors to say we need more affordable rental housing when they in fact voted against a proposed rental building just two blocks down the street." ART Vancouver)
knew what he was signing up forзнал, на что шёл (Too bad. Those soldiers knew what they were signing up for. -- знали, на что шли ART Vancouver)
put up with sb.'s shenanigansтерпеть выходки (обычно с отрицанием: I'm not going to put up with his shenanigans anymore. -- больше не собираюсь терпеть его выходки ART Vancouver)
tax sb. out of sb.'s homeвыживать из собственного дома (высокими налогами, применительно к домовладельцам, вполне распространённая практика руководства крупных муниципалитетов в Канаде: 7.5 per cent? Too much. Tax increases way exceed my salary increases. They are taxing people out of their homes. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
that is going too far!этого ещё не хватало! (that’s)
that's a bit richэто уже чересчур (о нахальном поступке, высказывании ART Vancouver)
that's the last straw!этого ещё не хватало!
that would be too good for you!а не жирно тебе будет?
there is something wrong with this pictureчто-то здесь на так (ART Vancouver)
this is beyond comprehensionэто уму непостижимо (cannot be understood (Merriam-Webster): This action is beyond comprehension. ART Vancouver)
this is getting ridiculousэто слишком далеко зашло (возмущённо: This area is already turning away new students. The schools are full, and I'm assuming the utilities are also. City planning must be out to lunch. Brentwood is getting ridiculous. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
this is getting ridiculousэто ни на что не похоже (возмущённо: This area is already turning away new students. The schools are full, and I'm assuming the utilities are also. City planning must be out to lunch. Brentwood is getting ridiculous. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
this is getting ridiculousэто уже переходит все границы (возмущённо: This area is already turning away new students. The schools are full, and I'm assuming the utilities are also. City planning must be out to lunch. Brentwood is getting ridiculous. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
this is not like youэто на вас не похоже (I sat up in bed, and pointed at him rather coldly with the teaspoon. ‘Jeeves,' I said, ‘I would be the last man to accuse you of dithering, but this is not like you. It is not the old form, Jeeves. You are losing your grip.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
this is really too much!этого ещё не хватало!
why is there a need + infinitive + in the first placeзачем вообще нужно (Why is there a need to demo the viaducts in the first place? They are an important east-west connection out of downtown. ART Vancouver)