
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing INTO | all forms | exact matches only
a brilliant idea flashed into her mind, and she wrote it downвдруг ей в голову пришла блестящая идея, и она записала её (thefreedictionary.com kristy021)
all rolled into oneдва три, четыре и т.д. в одном (Elenq)
all rolled into oneобъединённые (Elenq)
all rolled into oneслитые воедино (Elenq)
and ... into the bargainа заодно и (I think after what happened on campus they should ban all booze except beer and all hard drugs, and pot into the bargain. ART Vancouver)
ass into gearперемещаться (Interex)
ass into gearначинать действие (Interex)
ass into gearтрогаться (Interex)
back into a cornerприпереть к стенке (Ballistic)
back someone into a cornerприжать к ногтю (VLZ_58)
be digging into"копать" под (Alex_Odeychuk)
be digging into"копать" в направлении (Alex_Odeychuk)
be playing into Putin's pocketлить воду на путинскую мельницу (действовать в интересах В.Путина; New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
be playing into Russia's pocketлить воду на мельницу России (действовать в интересах России Alex_Odeychuk)
be taking matters into their own handsвзять дело в свои руки (Los Angeles Times Alex_Odeychuk)
be thrown into sharp reliefрезко контрастировать (Andrey Truhachev)
be thrown into sharp reliefрезко выделяться (Andrey Truhachev)
be thrown into sharp reliefсоздавать резкий контраст (Andrey Truhachev)
bombed back into the stone ageударные волны отбросили в каменный век (массированные бомбежки разрушили культуру и технологию до примитивного уровня MariaDroujkova)
break intoиспользовать (что-то хранимое про запас, на всякий пожарный случай Stregoy)
break into a runтурманом полететь (Andrey Truhachev)
break into a runвзять ноги в руки (Andrey Truhachev)
bring into accordпримирить (It is impossible to bring his views into accord with yours. – Его взгляды и ваши примирить невозможно. Bobrovska)
bring something into focusразложить по полочкам (VLZ_58)
button oneself into lifeпробудиться к жизни (We take off our dream shoes and button ourselves into our lives. kirobite)
buy oneself into the good graces ofподкупом заслужить расположение (someone – кого-либо) Did the English think that one scholarship would be enough to buy themselves into the good graces of the coloured people of Jamaica? kirobite)
buy oneself into the good graces ofкупить себе расположение (someone – кого-либо) Did the English think that one scholarship would be enough to buy themselves into the good graces of the coloured people of Jamaica? kirobite)
cast no dirt into the well that gives you waterне плюй в колодец
channel into directionввести в русло (e.g., channel into a new direction grafleonov)
come into fruitionреализовываться (Баян)
come into fruitionматериализовываться (Баян)
come into fruitionвоплощаться в жизнь (Баян)
come into fruitionпретворяться в жизнь (Баян)
come into someone's handsподвернуться под руку (VLZ_58)
come into one's ownвзять своё (VLZ_58)
come into one's ownзавоевать успех (VLZ_58)
come into one's ownполучить обратно то, что принадлежало по праву (Everywhere the people would come into their own, and war and tyranny would vanish like a hateful nightmare! (U. Sinclair, ‘Jimmie Higgins', ch. XII) – Повсюду народ станет хозяином того, что принадлежит ему по праву, и война и тирания исчезнут, как тяжёлый кошмар! VLZ_58)
come into one's ownзавоевать признание (george serebryakov)
come into one's ownполучить признание (george serebryakov)
come into playпойти в ход (Alexgrus)
come into the pictureпринимать участие (VLZ_58)
come into the pictureвыходить на первый план (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureвыйти на первый план (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureвыступать на первый план (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureвыступать на сцену (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureфигурировать (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureвозникать (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureпоявиться (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureне обошлось без (Terrified residents of a quiet rural town in Oregon began to report hearing an unearthly loud shrieking noise piercing out from the surrounding countryside at night that no one could explain. The nerve-wracking sound was described variously as being a shrill squeal, a mechanical scream, metal scraping against metal, an off-kilter siren, or a banshee-like moan. Yes, of course, aliens come into the picture. Other wild theories included that the sound was made by UFOs or that it was the wailing of a ghost or some strange creature like a Sasquatch, or even the portentous trumpeting of angels from Heaven. ART Vancouver)
come into the pictureбыть вовлечённым (They had assumed that it was another gang execution, and had questioned hoodlums with records in the rackets and a history of strong-arm. Since Vito had never been in trouble he never came into the picture. VLZ_58)
come into the pictureиметь касательство (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureкасаться (чего-либо Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureиметь отношение (к Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureвозникнуть (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureвмешиваться ("It isn't a question of which hockey team should play," Brundage said. "It is, one, whether the Olympic Games are for amateurs or for business institutions like the AHA; and two, whether the National Olympic Committee has the sole authority to certify entries as international rules specify or whether anybody can get into the picture." VLZ_58)
come into the spotlightо ком-либо заговорили (What did Edward Snowden do before he came into the spotlight? 4uzhoj)
come into the spotlightобратить на себя внимание (He came into the spotlight as a spokesman for the center-right in 2013, when he stood up to party leaders ahead of the government shutdown 4uzhoj)
come into the spotlightзаявить о себе (He came into the spotlight as a spokesman for the center-right in 2013, when he stood up to party leaders ahead of the government shutdown 4uzhoj)
come into the spotlightполучить известность (What did Edward Snowden do before he came into the spotlight? • Kinglimaa came into the spotlight in 2016 when she competed in the Miss Minnesota USA event wearing a hijab 4uzhoj)
crimp into someone's campперетянуть обманным путём в чей-либо лагерь (Bobrovska)
deep into the morningдо утра (i talked deep into the morning juribt)
deep into the nightглубокой ночью (Yeldar Azanbayev)
delve intoвникать (newbee)
dig oneself into a holeвыкопать себе яму (a situation when one causes a problem that one will find difficult to escape from:  I've dug myself into a hole Bob_cat)
disappear into the blueисчезнуть (We're all puzzled by the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle where hundreds of boats and planes have disappeared into the blue leaving no trace at all.)
disappear into the blueиспариться (4uzhoj)
disappear into the blueиспаряться (4uzhoj)
disappear into the blueисчезать (We're all puzzled by the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle where hundreds of boats and planes have disappeared into the blue leaving no trace at all.)
disappear into the blueбесследно исчезнуть (4uzhoj)
disappear into thin airбесследно исчезнуть (Andrey Truhachev)
disappear into thin airисчезнуть с лица земли (Andrey Truhachev)
disappear into thin airисчезнуть из поля зрения (Andrey Truhachev)
disappear into thin airскрыться из виду (Andrey Truhachev)
disappear into thin airисчезнуть с горизонта (Andrey Truhachev)
do some digging intoкопать в направлении (how ... – того, как ... Alex_Odeychuk)
drag intoвтянуть в (Баян)
drive a nail into coffinускорять смерть (чью-либо Yeldar Azanbayev)
drive a nail into coffinсвести в могилу (кого-либо Yeldar Azanbayev)
drive a nail into coffinускорять гибель (чью-либо Yeldar Azanbayev)
drive into a cornerзагонять в угол (Andrey Truhachev)
drive into the backgroundоттеснить на задний план (Bobrovska)
drive into the backgroundотодвинуть (Bobrovska)
drive oneself into the groundработать до потери пульса (Taras)
drop a bucket into an empty wellзря затрачивать энергию (Bobrovska)
drop a bucket into an empty wellпопусту стараться (Bobrovska)
drop a bucket into an empty wellзаниматься пустым, бесполезным делом (Bobrovska)
drop into lapдостаться даром, легко, без каких-либо усилий (Сибиряков Андрей)
drop into sleepпровалиться в сон (to pass into sleep without effort collinsdictionary.com В.И.Макаров)
drop salt into the woundсыпать соль на рану (Can you not drop salt into the wound? ART Vancouver)
drum into headвдалбливать в голову (drum something into one's head Yeldar Azanbayev)
enter into the pictureвыступать на сцену (Andrey Truhachev)
enter into the pictureвыходить на первый план (Andrey Truhachev)
enter into the pictureвыйти на первый план (Andrey Truhachev)
enter into the pictureвыступать на первый план (Andrey Truhachev)
enter into the pictureфигурировать (Andrey Truhachev)
enter into the pictureвозникать (Andrey Truhachev)
enter into the pictureпоявиться (Andrey Truhachev)
enter into the pictureиметь касательство (Andrey Truhachev)
enter into the pictureвыступать (Andrey Truhachev)
enter into the pictureкасаться (чего-либо Andrey Truhachev)
enter into the pictureиметь отношение (к Andrey Truhachev)
enter into the pictureвозникнуть (Andrey Truhachev)
enter into the pictureпоявляться (Andrey Truhachev)
enter into the spiritпраздновать (Come on, dance with us! Enter into the spirit! VLZ_58)
enter into the spiritвеселиться (VLZ_58)
enter into the spiritпрочувствовать дух праздника (VLZ_58)
enter into the spiritподыграть (join wholeheartedly in an event. 1994 Jonathan Coe What a Carve Up! His sarcasm was mischievous rather than icy, so I tried to enter into the spirit. VLZ_58)
enter into the spiritстать частью торжества (The party went well because everyone entered into the spirit of things. VLZ_58)
fade into the woodworkприкидываться шлангом (VLZ_58)
fall back into old patternsвозвращаться к старым привычкам (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into old patternsскатиться к старым привычкам (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into old patternsвзяться за старое (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into old patternsвернуться к старому (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into old patternsвернуться к старой привычке (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into old patternsснова браться за старое (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into old patternsвернуться к старым привычкам (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into old patternsприниматься за старое (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into old patternsбраться за старое (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into one's old waysвернуться к старым привычкам (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into one's old waysвернуться к старому (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into one's old waysвзяться за старое (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into one's old waysснова браться за старое (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into old waysвозвращаться к старым привычкам (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into old waysскатиться к старым привычкам (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into one's old waysбраться за старое (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into one's old waysвернуться к старой привычке (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into one's old waysприниматься за старое (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into the old rutснова браться за старое (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into the old rutвернуться к старой привычке (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into the old rutвернуться к старым привычкам (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into the old rutвернуться к старому (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into the old rutвзяться за старое (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into the old rutприниматься за старое (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into the old rutвозвращаться к старым привычкам (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into the old rutскатиться к старым привычкам (Andrey Truhachev)
fall back into the old rutбраться за старое (Andrey Truhachev)
fall into a cold sweatпокрыться холодным потом (Lana Falcon)
fall into a good berthнайти хорошо оплачиваемую работу (Bobrovska)
fall into a nice berthнайти хорошо оплачиваемую работу (Bobrovska)
fall into a trapугодить в капкан (Andrey Truhachev)
fall into a trapпопасть в капкан (Andrey Truhachev)
fall into a trapугодить в ловушку (Andrey Truhachev)
fall into bad waysпойти по плохой дорожке (kozelski)
fall into disgraceпопадать в немилость (Andrey Truhachev)
fall into disgraceпопасть в немилость (Andrey Truhachev)
fall into one's lapс неба свалиться (Nothing will fall into your lap this morning. You're going to have to reach up and grab it. Также используется глагол "drop". VLZ_58)
fall into lapсамому приплыть кому-либо в руки (4uzhoj)
fall into lapсамому найти (кого-либо: Нельзя сидеть сложа руки и ждать, что хорошая работа сама найдет тебя. 4uzhoj)
fall into lapприходить на блюдечке (с голубой каёмочкой VLZ_58)
fall into lineсрастись (VLZ_58)
fall into lineвстать на своё место (Even though Denny McLain didn't win his first game until almost two weeks into the season, soon everything fell into line for him. VLZ_58)
fall into oblivionпредаваться забвению (Andrey Truhachev)
fall into obscurityсвернуть деятельность (Alex_Odeychuk)
fall into piecesвпасть в смятение (от горя и т. д.; быть смятенным, удручённым, убитым горем, потерять рассудок от горя; to become emotionally upset, to become distraught or lose one's ability to cope: Roger fell into pieces when his mother died. thefreedictionary.com elkaletom)
fall into piecesсломаться (от горя и т. д.; быть смятенным, удручённым, убитым горем, потерять рассудок от горя; to become emotionally upset, to become distraught or lose one's ability to cope: Roger fell into pieces when his mother died. thefreedictionary.com elkaletom)
fall into piecesбыть убитым горем (elkaletom)
fall into piecesбыть удручённым (elkaletom)
fall into piecesпотерять рассудок от горя (elkaletom)
fall into piecesрухнуть (от горя и т. д.; быть смятенным, удручённым, убитым горем, потерять рассудок от горя; to become emotionally upset, to become distraught or lose one's ability to cope: Roger fell into pieces when his mother died. thefreedictionary.com elkaletom)
fall into piecesбыть смятенным (elkaletom)
fall into placeналадиться (VLZ_58)
fall into placeвыстраиваться (в логическую цепочку VLZ_58)
fall into placeсрастаться (I was lucky because everything fell into place at exactly the right time. VLZ_58)
fall into placeустаканиться (VLZ_58)
fall into the ranksпримкнуть (with someone 4uzhoj)
fall into the ranksпримыкать (with someone 4uzhoj)
fall into the same trap twiceдважды наступить на одни и те же грабли ('More)
fall into the trapнаступать на грабли (Палажченко grafleonov)
feel backed into a cornerчувствовать себя припёртым к стенке (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
feel backed into a cornerчувствовать себя зажатым в угол (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
fit a square peg into a round holeвпихнуть невпихуемое (Баян)
fit a square peg into a round holeсочетать несочетаемое (eg The Regulation of E-Cigarettes: Trying to Fit a Square Peg Into a Round Hole? Баян)
fit well into someone's householdприйтись ко двору (VLZ_58)
fling themselves into each other's armsброситься друг другу в объятья (They flung themselves into each other's arms. (P.G. Wodehouse) – Они бросились друг другу в объятья. ART Vancouver)
fly will not get into a closed mouthв закрытый рот муха не влетит (Yeldar Azanbayev)
fly will not get into a closed mouthслово – серебро, молчание – золото (Yeldar Azanbayev)
fly won't get into a closed mouthв закрытый рот муха не влетит (Yeldar Azanbayev)
fly won't get into a closed mouthслово – серебро, молчание – золото (Yeldar Azanbayev)
get back into the swing of thingsвойти в привычный ритм (VLZ_58)
get back into the swing of thingsвновь окунуться в работу (VLZ_58)
get himself into a messпопасть впросак (Alex_Odeychuk)
get himself into troubleпопасть впросак (Alex_Odeychuk)
get into a beefвступать в перепалку (Solidboss)
get into a jamвлипнуть в историю (также be in a/the jam: "You don't seem much impressed by the jam you're in." "I don't figure I'm in any jam." "We'll see about that." (Raymond Chandler) – "Я смотрю, тебя не особенно беспокоит, что ты влип." "По-моему, я ни во что не влип." "Это мы ещё посмотрим." ART Vancouver)
get into a jamугодить в передрягу (ART Vancouver)
get sb. into a messвтравить в историю (Ask Bill? He got me into this mess in the first place! ART Vancouver)
get sb. into a messввязать в неприятную историю (It lead me up a long, very narrow dirt road that kept getting narrower. One car could barely fit on this road. Suddenly, there were steep cliffs on either side of me. I was on that twisting narrow death trap road driving at about five miles per hour for over an hour and a half. Then, I lost signal. GPS went out. GPS got me into that mess but it had no plans to get me back to a regular road. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
get sb. into a messзатянуть в неприятную историю (It lead me up a long, very narrow dirt road that kept getting narrower. One car could barely fit on this road. Suddenly, there were steep cliffs on either side of me. I was on that twisting narrow death trap road driving at about five miles per hour for over an hour and a half. Then, I lost signal. GPS went out. GPS got me into that mess but it had no plans to get me back to a regular road. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
get sb. into a messвовлечь в неприятную историю (It lead me up a long, very narrow dirt road that kept getting narrower. One car could barely fit on this road. Suddenly, there were steep cliffs on either side of me. I was on that twisting narrow death trap road driving at about five miles per hour for over an hour and a half. Then, I lost signal. GPS went out. GPS got me into that mess but it had no plans to get me back to a regular road. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
get sb. into a messвтянуть в авантюру (Ask Bill? He got me into this mess in the first place! ART Vancouver)
get sb. into a messвпутать в неприятности (It lead me up a long, very narrow dirt road that kept getting narrower. One car could barely fit on this road. Suddenly, there were steep cliffs on either side of me. I was on that twisting narrow death trap road driving at about five miles per hour for over an hour and a half. Then, I lost signal. GPS went out. GPS got me into that mess but it had no plans to get me back to a regular road. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
get into a pretty pickleвлипнуть в историю (VLZ_58)
get into a scrapeвлипнуть в историю (VLZ_58)
get into a stateразнервничаться (markovka)
get into bedиметь деловые отношения часто вопреки разногласиям и серьёзным различиям (Finoderi)
get into bedтесно сотрудничать (Finoderi)
get into bed withсвязаться с (to make an agreement to work with another person or group. This expression is usually used showing disapproval. : The leisure group has not been the only hotelier to contemplate getting into bed with a supermarket chain. collinsdictionary.com Orwald)
get into bed withсвязываться с (to make an agreement to work with another person or group. This expression is usually used showing disapproval. // To enter into a relationship with someone or something, often but not always one that is considered unseemly for some reason. // To become closely involved with another person or group, as in an intrigue: : The leisure group has not been the only hotelier to contemplate getting into bed with a supermarket chain. // The company is considering getting into bed with some of its suppliers, which may help to cut costs. collinsdictionary.com Orwald)
get into bed withиметь дело с (Orwald)
get into one's hairдоставлять хлопоты (to annoy one, often by being in the way: A fine figure of a young fellow as far northwards as the neck, but above that solid concrete. I could not see him as a member of the Big Four. Far more likely that he would end up as one of those Scotland Yard bunglers who used, if you remember, always to be getting into Sherlock Holmes's hair. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
get into one's hairпутаться под ногами (to annoy one, often by being in the way: A fine figure of a young fellow as far northwards as the neck, but above that solid concrete. I could not see him as a member of the Big Four. Far more likely that he would end up as one of those Scotland Yard bunglers who used, if you remember, always to be getting into Sherlock Holmes's hair. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
get into hot waterпопасть в неприятное положение (Andrey Truhachev)
get into hot waterпопасть в неловкое положение (Andrey Truhachev)
get into hot waterпопасть в самое пекло (Andrey Truhachev)
get into hot waterприключиться (с кем-то SergeyL)
get into one's ribsдонимать (ART Vancouver)
get into one's ribsприставать с просьбами (ART Vancouver)
get into the actпристроиться к какому-либо делу (В.И.Макаров)
get into the actвнести свою лепту (в какое-либо успешное начинание VLZ_58)
get into the actподключиться к делу (Liv Bliss)
get into the actвоспользоваться чьим-либо успехом (чтобы заработать: We started selling them last year, and now other stores are getting into the act. • Other publishers wanted to get in on the act and publish their own line of children's books.)
get into the habitвойти в привычку (у нас вошло в привычку ужинать вместе --- "It wasn't long before Jill, Charlie and I got into the habit of dining together every night at our hotel. (...) By then I knew that Charles [Bronson] was a man capable of taking violent dislike to people." – Michael Winner ART Vancouver)
get into the spiritпроникнуться (Taras)
get into the swim of thingsвойти в курс дел (It'll take me a few days to get into the swim of things, so you'll just have to be patient. ART Vancouver)
get into the swim of thingsвникнуть в фактуру (When you start a new job, it takes a bit of time to get into the swim of things and figure out how the whole systems works. – нужно время, чтобы вникнуть в фактуру и понять всю систему целиком ART Vancouver)
get into the swing of thingsпонять суть вещей (VLZ_58)
get into the swing of thingsвернуться в обойму (Taras)
get into the swing of thingsвойти в курс дела (She only started work last week, but she quickly got into the swing of things. VLZ_58)
get into the thick of thingsокунуться в гущу событий (Баян)
get into troubleвыйти кому-либо боком (High-fat dairy foods could get you into trouble. ART Vancouver)
get money into the pockets ofперечислить средства (The Government of Canada is taking strong, immediate and effective action to protect Canadians and the economy from the impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic. (...) The government is working to get money into the pockets of Canadians as quickly as possible. canada.ca ART Vancouver)
get one's teeth intoпопасться на зубок (someone); [Хлестаков:] А уж Тряпичкину точно, если кто попадёт на зубок – берегись, отца родного не пощадит для словца… Гоголь 4). [Kh.:] Now if Tryapichkin gets his teeth into anybody– watch out! He wouldn't spare his own father for a wisecrack. VLZ_58)
go down into the soilуйти в землю (grafleonov)
go off into the deep endсовершать необдуманные поступки (VLZ_58)
go off into the deep endпотерять контроль над собой (VLZ_58)
go off into the deep endприйти в ярость (VLZ_58)
hack into piecesразбить на части/куски (After all that work, the result was something I just wanted to hack into pieces." Interex)
have been running the country into the groundдоводить страну до ручки (Alex_Odeychuk)
have run the country into the ground duringдовести страну до ручки (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
if you have been brainwashed into thinkingесли вам навешали лапшу на уши, что (Alex_Odeychuk)
into the bargainпритом
into the bargainв придачу (тж. "to the bargain": Yet he's nothing more than an ignorant fool, and a liar into the bargain)
into the bargainдо кучи (I think after what happened on campus they should ban all booze except beer and all hard drugs, and pot into the bargain. m_rakova)
into the bargainпомимо того (В.И.Макаров)
into the bargainк тому же
into the bargainкроме того (В.И.Макаров)
into the bargainза ту же цену (В.И.Макаров)
into the bargainзаодно (in excess of what has been stipulated; besides bargain: We are going to visit my parents in Brookemere, do some shopping on High Street, and have dinner at Brookemere Manor into the bargain. What do you say? ART Vancouver)
into the bargainвдобавок (Yet he's nothing more than an ignorant fool, and a liar into the bargain.)
into the bargainсверх того
into the blueв никуда (4uzhoj)
Into the breach!в бой! (NGGM)
Into the breach!в атаку! (NGGM)
run oneself into the groundработать до потери пульса (to work so hard that you become very tired or ill: He'll run himself into the ground if he doesn't take some time off Taras)
jump into the deep endброситься в омут с головой (VLZ_58)
jump out of the frying pan into the fireпопасть из огня да в полымя (Andrey Truhachev)
jump right into the thick of itзаняться вплотную (It's a great story and when I come back, we'll jump right into the thick of it. -- У тебя отличный сценарий. Когда я вернусь, мы займёмся им вплотную. ART Vancouver)
kick into high gearначаться полным ходом (The coffee urn was set up, the serving counter sponged down, and the preparations kicked into high gear. • Pretty soon students will be back and things will kick off into high gear. • Navy Day preparations kick into high gear. 4uzhoj)
kick into high gearвыйти на полную мощность (4uzhoj)
kick into high gearнабирать оборотов (As the sharing economy kicks into high gear, more and more Americans will become independent contractors activated at the touch of a button. 4uzhoj)
kick off into high gearпойти полным ходом (At the end of August, when the late summer vegetables are finally kicking into high gear, we almost can't pick enough peppers, tomatoes or eggplant every day. 4uzhoj)
knock into shapeисправить положение дел (The prime minister's main aim is to knock the economy into shape VLZ_58)
knock into shapeоздоровить (VLZ_58)
lapse into silence like the deadнем как рыба (замолчать как мертвый Drozdova)
lick someone or something into shapeпривести кого-либо или что-либо в кондицию (wordhistories.net paseal)
make intoсделать важной шишкой (someone); CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
marry into moneyжениться выйти замуж из-за денег (maystay)
marry into moneyжениться выйти замуж по расчёту (maystay)
melt into thin airбесследно исчезнуть
move into the etherбесследно исчезнуть (Ремедиос_П)
nose intoсовать свой нос
nuzzle intoсовать свой нос (В.И.Макаров)
out of the frying pan and into the fireиз огня да в полымя (Andrey Truhachev)
out of the trying pen into the fireиз огня да в полымя
paint oneself into a cornerзагнать себя в глупое положение (ART Vancouver)
pale into insignificanceсойти на нет (VLZ_58)
piss into the windплевать против ветра (Liv Bliss)
play into someone's handsлить воду на чью-либо мельницу
play into the hands of the enemyиграть на руку врагу (Merriam-Webster ART Vancouver)
plunge directly into the heart ofпогружаться в самую гущу (Alex_Odeychuk)
plunge into dissipationпускаться во все тяжкие (Taras)
plunge into miseryввергнуть в нищету (Andrey Truhachev)
plunge into miseryввергать в нищету (Andrey Truhachev)
plunge someone into miseryзагонять в нужду (Andrey Truhachev)
plunge someone into miseryзагнать в нужду (Andrey Truhachev)
plunge into somethingокунуться с головой (VLZ_58)
plunge into turmoilпогружаться в хаос (Баян)
poke sticks into spokesвставлять палки в колеса (Vadim Rouminsky)
pop into someone's headнеожиданно вспомнить, прийти в голову (Yeldar Azanbayev)
pop into someone's mindнеожиданно вспомнить, прийти в голову, подумать (Yeldar Azanbayev)
pressure into doing somethingпринудить кого либо сделать что либо (He was pressured into signing a document that stated he would never play cards again. Ozbekov)
pry intoсовать свой нос (в чужие дела)
pry intoсовать свой нос (в чужие дела и т. п. В.И.Макаров)
put a bullet intoзастрелить (someone – кого-либо Bobrovska)
put a bullet intoвсадить пулю (someone); в кого-либо Bobrovska)
put all eggs into one basketскладывать все яйца в одну корзину (soulveig)
put one's back into itсделать усилие, постараться (If you put your back into that report, you'll soon be done. melomanka25)
put into buttonsнадеть ливрею (о мальчике-коридорном Bobrovska)
put something into cold storageоткладывать на потом (Andrey Truhachev)
put sth. into perspectiveвзглянуть шире на что-л. (ART Vancouver)
put into sharp reliefсм. ⇒ throw into sharp relief (Баян)
put into stark reliefсм. ⇒ throw into sharp relief (Баян)
put something into the pending trayоткладывать что-либо в долгий ящик (gramma.ru anenja)
put into the spotlightподнять на щит (VLZ_58)
put oneself into a pretty pickleвлипнуть в историю (VLZ_58)
put things into layman's termsдоступно изложить (Dr. Baldelli is very easy to talk to and has no problem putting things into layman's terms. ART Vancouver)
put things into layman's termsизложить доступно (Dr. Wardill is very easy to talk to and has no problem putting things into layman's terms. ART Vancouver)
put things into layman's termsдоступно объяснить (Dr. Smyth is very easy to talk to and has no problem putting things into layman's terms. ART Vancouver)
put things into layman's termsобъяснить доступно (Dr. Jackson is very easy to talk to and has no problem putting things into layman's terms. ART Vancouver)
puts it more into prospectiveдругими глазами смотришь на это (после чего-л.: "On Jan. 7, 1981, carpenters Gunther Couvreux, Brian Stevenson, Donald Davis and Yrjo Mitrunen plunged 36 floors to their deaths when the fly-form platform they were working on at the Bentall IV tower collapsed." -- Just watched the short documentary on it put out by the IUOE local 115. Showing photos of each of them and family talking. Puts it more into prospective then just reading about it. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
reach an understanding before going into something togetherдоговориться на берегу (SirReal)
ride off into the sunsetуйти в закат (Origin: from a Western movie cliché, in which the good guy who has arrived in a troubled town and solved whatever grave problem it was experiencing with bad guys, gets on his horse and rides west in the direction of the picturesque setting sun: My work here is finished, its time for me to ride off into the sunset urbandictionary.com Dominator_Salvator)
rope intoвтянуть во что-то (Tatiana H)
run headlong intoстолкнуться лоб-в-лоб с (Alex_Odeychuk)
run intoнечаянно столкнуться с (ART Vancouver)
run into a brick wallзайти в тупик (Taras)
run into a brick wallбиться головой об стенку (делать что-то без особого успеха nosorog)
run into a brick wall withмолчать как партизан (someone: We ran into a brick wall with the office of secure transportation. They refused to acknowledge whether they had any weapons in transit Taras)
run into a roadblockнатолкнуться на стену (VLZ_58)
run into a roadblockстолкнуться с препятствием (VLZ_58)
run into deep troubleстолкнуться с серьёзными неприятностями (Alex_Odeychuk)
run into someone in the heat of the momentпопасться под горячую руку (VLZ_58)
run into the sandзайти в тупик (K*i*v*i)
run into the sandувязнуть на полдороге к цели (K*i*v*i)
run into the sandзастрять (K*i*v*i)
run into the sandувязнуть (K*i*v*i)
run oneself into the groundработать до потери пульса (Taras)
run smack intoнапороться (Баян)
run something into the groundпрогореть (VLZ_58)
run something into the groundдовести до разорения (VLZ_58)
run something into the groundугробить (VLZ_58)
run something into the groundразвалить дело (VLZ_58)
send into the firing lineпослать под пули (Anna_EKB)
send into the line of fireпослать под пули (Anna_EKB)
settle into a grooveвойти в колею (VLZ_58)
settle into a grooveустроиться (VLZ_58)
settle into a routineвойти в будничный ритм (VLZ_58)
settle into a routineвойти в привычную колею (VLZ_58)
shrink into insignificanceбледнеть (VLZ_58)
shrink into insignificanceмеркнуть (VLZ_58)
shrink into insignificanceсойти на нет (VLZ_58)
sink one's teeth into somethingделать что-либо с энтузиазмом (When Julie got promoted, she immediately sank her teeth into her new job. Interex)
slip into a blissful sleepзаснуть сном младенца (sankozh)
slip into a blissful sleepуснуть сном младенца (sankozh)
slip into a different frame of mindнастроиться на другой лад (askandy)
slip into slumberна боковую отправиться (kirobite)
soak into someone's brainстать совершенно ясным (Bobrovska)
soak into someone's brainдойти до сознания (it soak into his brain. – его сознание прояснилось. (К. Причард "Поцелуй в уста") Bobrovska)
spend your heart and soul intoвкладывать душу в (во что-либо theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
spin straw into goldдобиваться успеха вопреки обстоятельствам (как героиня сказки "Румпельштильцхен" Linch)
spit into the windплевать против ветра (Liv Bliss)
spring into actionэнергично взяться за дело (Authorities immediately sprung into action to get to the bottom of the astounding turn of events and quickly determined that the downing of the tree was the work of a truly misguided individual with a chainsaw. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
spy intoсовать свой нос (в чужие дела В.И.Макаров)
stare into spaceглядеть в пустоту (Andrey Truhachev)
stare into spaceглазеть в пустоту (Andrey Truhachev)
stare into spaceпялиться в пустоту (Andrey Truhachev)
stare into spaceуставиться в пустоту (Andrey Truhachev)
step into a time capsuleпереноситься во времени (sankozh)
step into someone's shoesвлезть в шкуру (VLZ_58)
step into the breachбыстро заменитького-либо (Andrey Truhachev)
step into the shoes of"побывать в шкуре" (кого-либо: He has already stepped into Kenyon 's shoes once before, replacing him as deputy chief executive three years ago.' nrdmc)
step into the shoes ofзанять чьё-либо место (Over the past few years we have managed to put about half-a-dozen dealers behind bars but there are always successors ready to step into their shoes.' 'More)
step into the shoes ofпочувствовать себя в чьей-либо роли (nrdmc)
take a journey into the history ofсовершать исторический экскурс (VLZ_58)
take into the woodshedзадать трёпку (george serebryakov)
take into the woodshedотчитывать (george serebryakov)
take into the woodshedустраивать нагоняй (george serebryakov)
take into the woodshedвыговаривать (george serebryakov)
take it intoвознамериться (Interex)
take someone into one's confidenceсообщить кому-либо конфиденциальную информацию (jouris-t)
take someone into one's confidenceдовериться (кому-либо jouris-t)
the heart sinks into someone's bootsсердце в пятки уходит (Wakeful dormouse)
the heart sinks into someone's shoesсердце в пятки уходит (Wakeful dormouse)
things haven't kicked into gear yetконь не валялся (VLZ_58)
throw a monkey wrench into somethingвставлять палки в колёса
throw a monkey wrench into somethingставить палки в колёса (В.И.Макаров)
throw a monkey wrench into somethingпомешать (Trump Is Trying To ‘Throw A Monkey Wrench’ Into A Criminal Investigation)
throw a monkey wrench into somethingмешать (чему-либо)
throw a monkey wrench intoполомать (планы: The storm threw a monkey wrench into our plans.)
throw a wrench into the worksподпортить обедню (to damage or change something in a way that ruins it or prevents it from working properly merriam-webster.com Alex_Odeychuk)
throw into sharp reliefрезко выделяться (на фоне чего-либо Andrey Truhachev)
throw into sharp reliefрезко контрастировать (с Andrey Truhachev)
throw into sharp reliefсоздавать резкий контраст (чем-либо; The red vase was thrown into sharp relief against the black background. Andrey Truhachev)
throw into stark reliefвысветить (Dmitryrus)
throw into stark reliefсделать более очевидным (Dmitryrus)
throw oneself into the arms ofискать защиты (someone); у кого-либо; или throw oneself into somebody's arms Bobrovska)
throw oneself into the arms ofискать защиты (у (someone – кого-либо) или throw oneself into somebody's arms Bobrovska)
thrown into disarrayполетел кубарем (все предыдущие планы полетели кубарем – all earlier plans were thrown into disarray ART Vancouver)
turn geese into swansпреувеличивать (Yerkwantai)
turn geese into swansприукрашивать (Yerkwantai)
turn someone into a heroподнять на щит (VLZ_58)
turn into a pumpkinбыть вынужденным пойти спать (SirReal)
turn into a pumpkinбыть вынужденным отправиться домой (thefreedictionary.com SirReal)
turn rhetoric into actionперейти от слов к делу (Andrey Truhachev)
turn this dream into realityсделать сказку былью (Alex_Odeychuk)
twist someone into a pretzelскрутить кого-либо в бараний рог (Abysslooker)
upon putting the building into operationсо сдачей здания в эксплуатацию (Yeldar Azanbayev)
vanish into thin airисчезнуть без следа (At least four groups of people who were out that night spotted the peculiar sight, which resembled a set of glowing lights that seemingly slowly spun in the sky until vanishing into thin air. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
vanish into thin airбесследно исчезнуть
someone vanished into thin airи след простыл
walk into the same trap twiceдважды наступить на одни и те же грабли ('More)
whip into shapeсделать человека (VLZ_58)
whip into shapeпривести в надлежащий вид (His crew includes a bunch of misfits whom he whips into shape in time to win the contest. VLZ_58)
whip into shapeисправить (These three new programs will help you whip your hard disk into shape. VLZ_58)
whip into shapeисправить положение дел (The district brought in a new principal to whip the school into shape. VLZ_58)
work oneself into a snitдоводить себя до исступления
work oneself into the groundработать до потери пульса (Taras)
work oneself into the groundзагнать себя работой в могилу (Abysslooker)
worm oneself into someone's confidenceвтереться в чьё-то доверие (Tumatutuma)
you will turn me into a beggarты меня пустишь по миру (snowleopard)