
Terms for subject Informal containing His | all forms | exact matches only
a little light on his feetнемного напоминает педика (SBSun)
a little light on his feetженоподобный (urbandictionary.com SBSun)
a little light on his feetвозможно, гомосексуален (SBSun)
a perfectly plump man in his primeв меру упитанный мужчина в полном расцвете сил (sophistt)
a puddle of blood was spreading out beneath his headпод головой у него растекалась лужа крови (Technical)
after a brawl with his wifeпосле скандала с женой (sophistt)
All is grist that comes to his millон из всего извлекает прибыль (Andrey Truhachev)
all the world and his dogвсе (igisheva)
all the world and his wifeвсе
be already in his seventiesразменять седьмой десяток (Alex_Odeychuk)
be feel, seem cut up about his departureрасстраиваться из-за его отъезда (over the loss of his luggage, about his sister, etc., и т.д.)
beat one out of his reasonразубедить
beat one out of his reasonубедить в противном
beat one out of his reasonуверять
bring one to his/her sensesобразумливать (impf of образумить)
bring one to his/her sensesобразумить (pf of образумливать)
bring out of his shellрасшевелить
bring out of his shellпомочь преодолеть застенчивость
bring someone to his/her kneesпоставить кого-либо на колени
bullets were whistling over his headнад его головой свистели пули
cut out his cousin with the girlвытеснить своего кузена и т.д. из сердца девушки
do his businessсправлять нужду (Andrey Truhachev)
doesn't exactly brighten my/his/her/their etc. etc. dayвеселее не становится (Liv Bliss)
don't follow his exampleне смотрите на него
don't take his/her etc. word forдоверяй, но проверяй (фраза о необходимости контроля в любом деле a phrase stressing the importance of control in any undertaking; something)
drag someone somewhere against his willутаскивать
drag someone somewhere against his willтянуть
drag someone somewhere against his willутащить
drag someone somewhere against his willвытаскивать
drive someone to his/her graveвогнать кого-либо в гроб
drive someone to his/her graveсвести кого-либо в гроб
drive to his graveсогнать со света
drive to his graveсжить со свету
drive to his graveсогнать со свету
drive to his graveсжить со света
drive someone to his/her graveсжить со свету
drive someone to his/her graveсогнать со свету
drive someone to his/her graveсогнать со света
drive someone to his/her graveсжить со света
drop out in his last yearбросить ВУЗ на последнем курсе (Alex_Odeychuk)
empty-headed person who devotes his time to dancing and self-amusementполотёр
every man and his dogвсе от мала до велика (gauma)
every man and his dogкаждая собака (Every man and his dog knew about it. – Об этом каждая собака знала. gauma)
every man and his dogкаждый встречный-поперечный (4uzhoj)
every man and his dogвсе (gauma)
everybody and his brotherвсе (igisheva)
everybody and his cousinвсе (Interex)
everybody and his uncleвсе (igisheva)
everybody and his wifeвсе (igisheva)
everyone and his brotherвсе (igisheva)
everyone and his dogвсе (Горянина)
everyone and his dogкаждый встречный-поперечный (4uzhoj)
everyone and his uncleвсе (igisheva)
everyone and his wifeвсе (igisheva)
father-in-law who has sexual intercourse with his daughter-in-lawснохач
find a quality place to take his daughterискать хороший детский сад, в который можно отдать свою дочь (речь идёт о детском саде, который сможет посещать ребенок; New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
flog someone within an inch of his lifeвсыпать по первое число
get in with his crowdподружиться с его компанией (with the others, with him, etc., и т.д.)
get in with his crowdсойтись с его компанией (with the others, with him, etc., и т.д.)
give somebody his marching ordersуволить (кого-либо)
give the finger behind his/her backпоказать кому-либо кукиш в кармане
go with his gutслушать свой внутренний голос (Andrey Truhachev)
greed was his or her, etc undoingжадность фрайера сгубила
greed was his or her, etc undoingжадность фраера сгубила
have with his back up against the wallприжать к тёплой стенке (вынудить что-либо сделать to force someone into doing something)
someone having a burr under his saddleшило в заднице
he always puts me on the spot with his remarksон меня всегда подводит своими замечаниями
he began to join in with her in his deep bass voiceон начал ей подтягивать густым басом
he blew his last money on a dinner for meон потратил свои последние деньги, чтобы угостить меня обедом
he can take his drinkу него крепкая голова, он может много выпить
he can't take his drinkон не умеет пить
he didn't have a piece of bread in his mouth all dayон целые сутки не видал во рту куска хлеба
he forgot all his friends graduallyон позабывал всех друзей
he gaped with his mouthон рот разинул (VLZ_58)
he got on his high horseнадулся как индюк
he had his fling in his youthв молодости он пожил в своё удовольствие
he has a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomachу него засосало под ложечкой
he has gone off his headна него дурь нашла
he has got over his diarrheaего закрепило
he has got over his diarrhoeaего закрепило
he has made hisон отправился (на тот свет)
he has not all his buttonsу него винтика не хватает
he has not all his buttonsу него с головой не всё в порядке
he has opened his bowelsего пронесло
he has taken leave of his sensesна него накатило
he is at his wit's endу него ум за разум заходит
he is at his wit's endхоть в петлю лезть
he is good with his handsу него руки из того места растут
he is looking after his sister's childrenон глядит за сестриными детьми
he is off his feedу него нет аппетита
he is off his headон спятил
he is on his high horseон с большим гонором
he is out of his headу него не все дома
he is slurring over his wordsу него язык заплетается
he is spending his last rubleон доживает последний рубль
he is suspected of having done away with his wifeего подозревают в убийстве жены
he is the living image of his fatherон точная копия своего отца
he is the very image of his fatherон точная копия своего отца
he is the very image of his fatherон вылитый отец
he is twiddling his thumbsон мышей не ловит
he is very fixed in his ways and thoughtон постоянен в своих привычках и образе мыслей
he keeps changing his mindу него семь пятниц на неделе
he keeps his head in his books all dayон целый день сидит над книгами
he knows which side his bread is butteredу него губа не дура
he knows which side his bread is buttered onу него губа не дура
he lies through his teethон врёт как сивый мерин
he passed his medicalон прошёл медицинский осмотр
he really knows his onionsон не зря ест свой хлеб (Technical)
he resembles his fatherон смахивает на отца
he shot up the lion but his guide killed itон только подстрелил льва, а проводник его прикончил
he smudges the wall with his dirty handsон мажет стену грязными руками
he swore under his breathон беззвучно выругался (epoost)
he swore under his breathон ругнулся сквозь зубы (epoost)
he swore under his breathон вполголоса чертыхнулся (epoost)
he threw a stone through the window and then took to his heelsон бросил камень в окно и давай Бог ноги
he took after his fatherвышел в отца
he tried in every way to right his wrongsон всячески старался загладить свою вину
he was shaking in his shoesу него сердце в пятки ушло
he wears his heart upon his sleeveу него душа нараспашку
he wouldn't hurry up to save his own lifeего только за смертью посылать (VLZ_58)
he'd be late for his own funeralего только за смертью посылать (VLZ_58)
He's going out with a girl from his courseон "ходит" с девушкой с его курса (Andrey Truhachev)
He's going out with a girl from his courseон дружит с девушкой с его курса (Andrey Truhachev)
he's got a head on his shouldersу него ума палата
he's got nothing but nonsense in his headу него на уме одни лишь глупости
his bowels have movedего пронесло
his dog was taken for a monkeyего собака сходила за обезьяну
his eyes popped out of his headего глаза на лоб полезли
his goose is cookedего песня спета
his goose is cookedего песенка спета
his grammar is poorу него грамматика страдает
his hands are all thumbsу него руки – крюки
his head is in a muddleу него ералаш в голове
his head is not screwed on straightу него котелок не варит (VLZ_58)
his head is screwed on rightу него котелок хорошо варит (VLZ_58)
his heart jumped in fearсердце у него колотилось от страха (Technical)
his jaw droppedон рот разинул (VLZ_58)
his jaw dropped openон рот так и разинул (Technical)
his jokes didn't get across to the audienceего шутки не доходили до аудитории
his lower lip is swellingу него разносит нижнюю губу
his mind was racingмысли путались у него в голове (Pickman)
his mind was racingон не успевал за собственными мыслями (Pickman)
his mind was racingего мысли путались (Pickman)
his mouth fell openон рот разинул (in amazement VLZ_58)
his nerves are shatteredего нервы расшалились
his nose is bleedingу него кровь носом идёт
his peopleего родственники
his peopleего родители
his peopleего родные
his peopleего предки
his plan didn't work out.его расчёт не оправдался
his plan didn't work out.его план не сработал
his promotion went up in smokeповышение ему улыбнулось
his song is endedего песенка спета
his speech is slurredу него язык заплетается
his stepfather used to beat him unmercifullyотчим драл его немилосердно
his teeth are chattering with coldон клацает от холода
I cut in ahead of his carя «подрезал» впереди идущую машину
I do not mind his waysя не обращаю внимания на его выходки
I knocked his price down to $45мне удалось сбить цену до сорока пяти долларов
I knocked it into his head that...я всё-таки вбил ему в голову, что...
I like his impudence!подумать только, какое нахальство!
I like his impudence!подумать только, какая наглость!
I like his impudence!подумай, какая наглость!
I like his impudence!подумай, какое нахальство!
I love to listen to his storiesсмерть люблю слушать его рассказы
I was turned away by his wordsменя перекоробило от его слов
if he shows up, throw him out on his earесли он придёт, гони его в шею
I'll cook his goose for herей устрою весёлую жизнь
in his/her head, there's nobody homeТупой как сибирский валенок (He might be the nicest person in the neibourhood but in his head, there’s nobody home.)
it took his breath awayу него дух заняло
it's way over his headэто не его ума дело
knock smb. back into his sensesтак стукнуть кого-л., что он придёт в себя
knock smb. back into his sensesтак двинуть кого-л., что он придёт в себя
knock smb. back into his sensesтак двинуть кого-л., что он опомнится
knock smb. back into his sensesтак стукнуть кого-л., что он опомнится
knock someone off his feetсрезать кого-либо с ног
knock someone off his/her feetсрезать кого-либо с ног
knows his way aroundпрекрасно разбирается в этом (agrabo)
knows his way aroundзнает, что делает (agrabo)
leave someone with his thumb up his dumbоставить с носом (Technical)
may god watch his soulда упокоит господь его душу (Val_Ships)
one not wishing to dirty his handsбелоручка
one who clears his throat oftenхаркун
one who shuffles his feetшаркун
one who takes the law into his own handsсамоуправец
one who takes the law into his own handsсамоуправщик (= самоуправец)
one who takes the law into his own handsсамоуправщик
one who worms his/her way into someone's confidenceвтирушка (masc and fem)
one who worms his way into someone's confidenceвтирушка
or whatever his name isили как его там (4uzhoj)
person in his own rightличность сама по себе (Val_Ships)
put someone in his/her placeсбить форс с кого-либо
put someone in his/her placeсшибить форс с кого-либо
put someone in his placeсбить форс с (кого-либо)
release on his/her own recognizanceосвободить под подписку о невыезде (освободить до окончания следствия, получив от подозреваемого официальное обещание в письменном виде не выезжать из страны, города в течение оговариваемого срока to free someone from pre-trial detention with the condition that s/he not leave town)
run someone of hisзагоняться
run someone of hisзагнать
run someone of hisзагонять
run someone off his/her feetзагонять
Sasha takes after his fatherСаша пошёл в отца
send on his wayспроваживать
send on his wayспровадить
send on his wayспроваживаться
spends most of his time thinkingтолько и делает, что думает (pelipejchenko)
stare at his tabletсидеть в планшете (уставиться в планшет; пристально всматриваться в экран планшетного компьютера Alex_Odeychuk)
stare at his tabletуткнуться в планшет (Alex_Odeychuk)
student who didn't make up his assignmentsхвостист
student who didn't make up his assignments, term papers, or examsхвостист
student who didn't make up his examsхвостист
student who didn't make up his term papersхвостист
student with only the lowest grade "two" in his recordдвоечник
student with only the lowest grade "two" in his recordдвоечник
tears trickled down his faceслезы ползли у него по лицу
tell someone his/her ownрезать правду-матку (говорить правду, невзирая на то, что это может быть неприятно собеседнику)
that is his besetting sinза ним водится этот грешок
that is his besseting sinза ним водится этот грешок
that runs in his bloodон в родню
that runs in his bloodвесь в родню
that's another of his foiblesэто у него очередной заскок (Taras)
that's his handiworkэто дело его рук
that's his whole dealвот такая у него фишка (SirReal)
that's just his wayтакой уж он человек (VadZ)
that's just his wayтакой у него характер (VadZ)
that's none of his business.это не его дело (Andrey Truhachev)
that's none of his business.пусть он не лезет не в своё дело! (Andrey Truhachev)
that's none of his business.его это совершенно не касается
the look on his face is enough to set you offдостаточно одного его вида, чтобы испортить вам настроение
the whole world and his wifeвсе (igisheva)
there is some talk of his returningпоговаривают о его возвращений
there was a hint of alcohol on his breathот него попахивало алкоголем (Technical)
this remark that one act, that one mistake, his insolence, illness, etc. lost him his jobон лишился работы и т.д. из-за этого замечания (his place, his situation, etc., и т.д.)
this remark that one act, that one mistake, his insolence, illness, etc. lost him his jobон потерял работу и т.д. из-за этого замечания (his place, his situation, etc., и т.д.)
this remark that one act, that one mistake, his insolence, illness, etc. lost him his jobэто замечание и т.д. стоило ему работы (his place, his situation, etc., и т.д.)
throw someone out on his earвыталкивать в загривок дать по загривку
throw someone out on his/her earтолкать в загривок
throw someone out on his/her earвыталкивать в загривок
throw someone out on his/her earдать по загривку
thumb nose at behind his/her backпоказать кому-либо кукиш в кармане (Секретарша показала своему начальнику кукиш в кармане. The secretary thumbed her nose at her boss behind his back.; выразить трусливое, робкое несогласие to express disagreement or rejection in a cowardly manner (in Russian literally "to show 'a fig' in one's pocket," a fig being a rude gesture in the form of a fist with the thumb protruding between the index and middle fingers))
to each his ownкому как (InessaS)
top of his classотличник своего выпуска (Val_Ships)
toss his cookiesвытошнить (slangcity.com Tanya Gesse)
what must his feelings be now!каково ему теперь!
what's his faceкак его там (I saw old what's his face in school yesterday. 4uzhoj)
what's his faceнепонятно кто (4uzhoj)
what's his faceэтот самый (And then what's his face showed up at the party and ruined the whole thing! 4uzhoj)
what's-his-faceкак там его (inn)
what's his faceэтот, как там его (если не удается вспомнить имя: Hey, are you going to what's-his-face's party tonight? • She started dating old what's-his-face, John Mellencamp, took to wearing leather jackets and I haven't seen her since. • And then what's his face showed up at the party and ruined the whole thing! inn)
what's-his-nameкак там его (He paused and added quickly, `With that assistant, what's-his-name , the one from McDonald's. • The John-or-what's-his-name-guy that work in the office next to yours that you only know because you sometimes see him arrive or go back. 4uzhoj)
what's-his-nameкак его там зовут
what's-his-nameну как его там (зовут; as a reference to someone unknown Val_Ships)
what's his nameкак его там зовут
with his blessingс его благословения
worth his/her saltуважающий себя (о соответствии должному уровню: любой уважающий себя врач поступил бы точно так же – any doctor worth his salt would do the same synth)
you can't force his handс него взятки гладки (VLZ_58)
you're not among his favoritesон вас не жалует
you're not among his favouritesон вас не жалует