
Terms for subject Figurative containing High | all forms | exact matches only
a high priest of scienceжрец науки
be high in the instepподымать нос
be making a high-stakes betиграть по-крупному (Alex_Odeychuk)
be tired highбыть в состоянии, когда не спал или мало спал ночью, но при этом на удивление бодр и энергичен в течение дня (maystay)
drive a vehicle at high speedразогнать
drive a vehicle at high speedразгонять
feelings are running high and it may end up in a fightстрасти разгораются и дело может кончиться дракой
find a place high above the groundвзгнездиться
find oneself in the spotlight against a background of passions running highпопасть под горячую руку (VLZ_58)
get on one's high horseзадирать хвост кверху
get on one's high horseзадирать хвост
go sky-highнеизмеримо вырасти (Andrey Truhachev)
go sky-highнеизмеримо вырастать (Andrey Truhachev)
high and dryни с чем (Example: "After being assisted with his the flat tire, Billy was robbed and was left high and dry.")
High DollarОчень дорогой (Example: "These shoes are high dollar." Franka_LV)
high-glossяркий (in the sense of "eye-catching," "attention-worthy" Liv Bliss)
high groundпреимущество (in a figurative sense, "high ground" refers to a position of advantage, superiority, or moral authority in a given situation or context. It can imply having a better perspective, a clearer understanding, or a more advantageous position than others involved in the same situation. For example, a person who takes the "high ground" in a disagreement or conflict might choose to remain calm, respectful, and rational, even when provoked or attacked. This approach can help them maintain their dignity and credibility, while also demonstrating their commitment to finding a fair and peaceful resolution to the situation. In politics or business, "high ground" can refer to a position of ethical or strategic advantage that allows one to gain leverage over their opponents or competitors. This might involve taking a principled stand on an issue, or positioning oneself as an expert or thought leader in a particular field. Overall, taking the "high ground" in a figurative sense means acting with integrity, wisdom, and compassion, and striving to do what is right and just, even in the face of opposition or adversity: You have the high ground Taras)
high groundпревосходство (Taras)
high groundморальный авторитет (Taras)
high horseбелое пальто (ханжество Ремедиос_П)
high-maintenanceдорого обходится (о человеке ART Vancouver)
high-maintenanceтребующий слишком больших сил и затрат (о человеке: "Look, Ted is a very high-maintenance guy," says a long-time girlfriend of Fonda's from Los Angeles. "He is known for loving-the-one-you're-with syndrome, and fooling around on his wives." (Vanity Fair) ART Vancouver)
high noonлучшая часть (чего-либо)
high placesсферы (Liv Bliss)
high pointапогей
high priestглашатай (доктрины, движения)
high priestглашатай
high-profileгромкий (a high-profile murder case – громкое дело об убийстве • It was a high-profile case involving well-known public servants and their mobster friends. -- громкое дело • high-profile campaign -- громкая кампания ART Vancouver)
high-roadпрямой путь (к чему-либо)
high steelвысотные конструкции (plushkina)
high tensionsнапряжённость в отношениях (Tensions between the council and park board have been high ever since ABC Mayor Ken Sim unveiled in December his plan to abolish the board, and bring parks and recreation under the control of council, similar to how other cities operate. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
high water markитог, рекорд на определённый день (irene2012)
high-water markнаивысший предел
in a high placeнаверху (They think that because I'm your daughter, you might pass along a kind word to someone in a high place were they to catch your eye in a favorable way. 4uzhoj)
in a high-up placeнаверху (ART Vancouver)
in high gearв разгаре
in high placesв высоких инстанциях (Andrey Truhachev)
in high placesв верхних инстанциях (Andrey Truhachev)
in high placesв высших эшелонах власти (Andrey Truhachev)
in high placesв высших кругах (Andrey Truhachev)
in high placesна верхних этажах власти (Andrey Truhachev)
move into high gearзакипать
of high standardвысокопробный
reach a high position in societyвзбираться в гору
reach a high rungзалететь (Достичь очень высокого положения (обычно в сочетании с нареч. высоко, далеко; разг. фам.). Иван Иванович высоко залетел: заведует целым отделом. george serebryakov)
run high of feelingsвзыграть (impf of взыграть)
run highразыграться (pf of разыгрываться)
run highвзыгрывать (of a river)
stink to high heavenиметь очень дурной запах (Taras)
up highнаверху (And someone up high didn't want it solved.)
work is moving along in high gearдело кипит