
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Head To Head | all forms | in specified order only
come to a headнакалиться до предела (Arky)
come to a headнаступить (о развязке, решающем моменте: Things are coming to a head. – наступает решающий момент • He told how matters came to a head on Saturday night when she allegedly repeatedly stabbed a wall with a knife at their rented house after she got drunk while celebrating his 30th birthday dailymail.co.uk ART Vancouver)
drive the nail to the headдоводить дело до конца (Yeldar Azanbayev)
drive the nail to the headпоставить финальную точку (Yeldar Azanbayev)
drive the nail to the headвбить гвоздь по самую шляпку (Yeldar Azanbayev)
hold a gun to someone's headвыворачивать руки (Yeldar Azanbayev)
hold a gun to headвыворачивать руки (Yeldar Azanbayev)
hold a pistol to headпоставить кого-либо в безвыходное положение (If someone holds a gun to your head or puts a gun to your head, they force you to do something by threatening very bad consequences if you do not do it.: If someone holds a gun to your head or puts a gun to your head, they force you to do something by threatening very bad consequences if you do not do it. thefreedictionary.com)
let stardom go to one's headзаболеть звёздной болезнью (She is smart and funny and obviously doesn't let Hollywood stardom go to her head. – не болеет звёздной болезнью ART Vancouver)
not be able to make head or tail ofне мочь разобраться в (used with a negative) to attempt to understand (a problem, etc): He couldn't make head or tail of the case. В.И.Макаров)
not be able to make head or tail ofне смыслить ни уха ни рыла (Нора Галь z484z)
not be able to make head or tail of somethingне смыслить ни уха, ни рыла (Lana Falcon)
not to have a brain in one's headплохо соображать (Bobrovska)
not to have a brain in one's headне иметь ничего в голове (Bobrovska)
not to have a brain in one's headбыть безмозглым (Bobrovska)
not to have got a brain in one's headплохо соображать (Bobrovska)
not to have got a brain in one's headне иметь ничего в голове (You haven't got a brain in your head! – Головы у вас на плечах нет, вот что! Bobrovska)
not to have got a brain in one's headбыть безмозглым (Bobrovska)
perform head-to-headидти нос к носу (against ... – с ... Alex_Odeychuk)
sleep head-to-toeспать валетом (masizonenko)
there's no need to run around like a chicken with its head cut off!не пори горячку!