
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Ground | all forms | exact matches only
be thin on the groundредко встречаться (Порядочные люди нынче редко встречаются. 4uzhoj)
be thin on the groundбыть редкостью (By the mid-1970s, managers and executives in the late 30s to late 40s age group were thin on the ground. 4uzhoj)
begin from the ground upначинать с самого начала (Yeldar Azanbayev)
bite the groundупасть с лошади (Bobrovska)
boots on the groundпрямое вмешательство в военный конфликт (Баян)
boots on the groundфизическое присутствие военного контингента (Баян)
break fresh groundвнедрение новых методов или систем (Scientists have broken fresh ground in their exploration of outer space." Interex)
break fresh groundразработка новых методов или систем (Interex)
break groundприступить к строительству (They are hoping they might be able to break ground by the end of the year. ART Vancouver)
break groundначинать работы (tavost)
break new groundприступить к разработке совершенно нового вопроса (kee46)
break new groundраскрывать новые возможности (tavost)
build from the ground upпостроить с нуля (Clients told me how these lists were unhelpful and actually caused more confusion. So I built this diet from the ground up. ART Vancouver)
build from the ground upсоздать с нуля (Clients told me how these lists were unhelpful and actually caused more confusion. So I built this diet from the ground up. ART Vancouver)
build something from the ground upвыстроить что-либо с самого начала (jouris-t)
build something from the ground upпостроить с нуля (jouris-t)
burned down to the groundсгоревший дотла
burned down to the groundсожжённый дотла (Andrey Truhachev)
burnt down to the groundсгоревший дотла (esp. Br.)
change one's groundпоменять своё мнение (Гевар)
come in on the ground floorвступить в дело с самого начала (VLZ_58)
come in on the ground floorначать работу в компании с самой низкой должности (VLZ_58)
drive oneself into the groundработать до потери пульса (Taras)
ear to the groundрука на пульсе (Virgelle)
ear to the groundухо востро (Virgelle)
ear to the groundнос по ветру (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ear to the groundприметливый (Virgelle)
ear to the groundна стрёме (Virgelle)
ear to the ground"ушки на макушке" (Virgelle)
from the ground upс азов (VLZ_58)
from the ground upс начала до конца (A.Rezvov)
from the ground upкак облупленного (Alex Lilo)
from the ground upцеликом и полностью (A.Rezvov)
from the ground upна пустом месте (build practically from the ground up VLZ_58)
from the ground upиз ничего (VLZ_58)
from the ground upдосконально (VLZ_58)
from the ground upдо основания (VLZ_58)
gain groundпрогрессировать (VLZ_58)
gain groundзахватывать (VLZ_58)
gain groundпосягать (VLZ_58)
gain groundнаступать (VLZ_58)
gain groundполучать поддержку (VLZ_58)
gain groundделать прогресс (VLZ_58)
gain groundдобиваться успехов (VadZ)
gain ground onдогонять (VLZ_58)
gain ground onприближаться (get closer to someone or something that is ahead in a pursuit or competitive situation the dollar gained ground on all other major currencies VLZ_58)
get in on the ground floorучаствовать в чем-либо с самого начала (и таким образом получать некоторое преимущество; термин особенно часто используется в отношении новых инвестиций и, вероятно, возник на финансовых биржах Америки конца XIX века: Bruddah, if you had a chance to get in on the ground floor of Google, you would have taken it, right? – Бро, если бы у тебя был шанс вложиться в Гугл на старте, ты бы согласился, так? Taras)
get off the groundзапускать (When we get this event off the ground we can relax. VLZ_58)
get off the groundзапускаться (Because of legal difficulties, the construction project never got off the ground. VLZ_58)
get off the groundстартовать (VLZ_58)
get things off the groundзапустить проект (Because of the painstakingly complex and "restrictive" process, the Vancouver-based sports and entertainment company is forced to take business south. "In the States, it's so much more streamlined and they want you to do these things," says Weston. "For us to be successful, to get things off the ground, sadly we've got to go elsewhere." vancouverisawesome.com ART Vancouver)
get things off the groundзапустить проект (Because of the painstakingly complex and "restrictive" process, the Vancouver-based sports and entertainment company is forced to take business south. "In the States, it's so much more streamlined and they want you to do these things," says Weston. "For us to be successful, to get things off the ground, sadly we've got to go elsewhere." (vancouverisawesome.com)  ART Vancouver)
get things off the groundпривести в действие (Because of the painstakingly complex and "restrictive" process, the Vancouver-based sports and entertainment company is forced to take business south. "In the States, it's so much more streamlined and they want you to do these things," says Weston. "For us to be successful, to get things off the ground, sadly we've got to go elsewhere." vancouverisawesome.com ART Vancouver)
go over old groundвозвращаться к повторению пройденного (aspss)
go over old groundповторять пройденное (aspss)
grind one's gearsнадоедать (Interex)
grind one's gearsзлить (Interex)
grind one's gearsдосаждать (Interex)
grind one's gearsвозмущать (Interex)
grind one's gearsраздражать (It really grinds my gears when inconsiderate people litter. Interex)
happy hunting groundотправиться в поля богатые дичью = умереть (у индейцев BritW)
have a lot of ground to coverобсудить много вопросов (We have a lot of ground to cover. – Нам нужно охватить большую тематику, охватить большое число тем (в беседе). ART Vancouver)
have been running the country into the groundдоводить страну до ручки (Alex_Odeychuk)
have both feet on the groundбыть реалистом (Andrey Truhachev)
have both feet on the groundбыть практичным человеком (to be very practical and see things as they really are fluent)
have both feet on the groundбыть прагматиком (to be very practical and see things as they really are fluent)
have both feet on the groundстоять обеими ногами на земле (Andrey Truhachev)
have run the country into the ground duringдовести страну до ручки (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
hit the ground runningбез раскачки включиться в работу (with ... – над ... чем-либо Alex_Odeychuk)
hit the ground runningсразу взять быка за рога (Alex_Odeychuk)
hit the ground runningс ходу впрягаться в работу (with ... – над ... george serebryakov)
hold one's groundдержаться (VLZ_58)
home groundродные стены (Linera)
home groundродные места (an area, locality, or subject with which one is intimately familiar: When you see those familiar mountains appear on the horizon, you'll know you are back on home ground collinsdictionary.com Shabe)
home groundродное место (an area, locality, or subject with which one is intimately familiar: When you see those familiar mountains appear on the horizon, you'll know you are back on home ground collinsdictionary.com Shabe)
home groundсвоя стихия (Ремедиос_П)
run oneself into the groundработать до потери пульса (to work so hard that you become very tired or ill: He'll run himself into the ground if he doesn't take some time off Taras)
it's not hard to find common groundобщий язык найти не трудно (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
keep ear to the groundдержать ухо востро (Taras)
Keep one's feet on the groundтвёрдо стоять на земле (Drozdova)
keep one's feet on the groundоставаться спокойным и невозмутимым (slarti)
keep feet on the groundне терять голову (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep nose to the groundдержать ушки на макушке (Himera)
keep nose to the groundбыть начеку (Himera)
keep nose to the groundне расслабляться (Himera)
make up groundнаверстать упущенное (We're behind in the schedule, and we'll just have to make up ground as best we can. fddhhdot)
meet somebody on his own groundнаходить общий язык (VLZ_58)
meet somebody on his own groundдоговориться с кем-либо на приемлемых для него условиях (VLZ_58)
meet somebody on his own groundполемизировать с кем-либо на предложенную тему (VLZ_58)
middle groundкомпромиссный вариант (Acceptable Ads are nonintrusive ads. They are the middle ground between ad blocking and supporting online content 4uzhoj)
moral high groundвысокий моральный дух, высокие моральные стандарты, принципы ("Does it ever get cold on the moral highground?' 'Downton Abbey" kozelski)
rooted to the groundбудто вкопанный (ramix)
run oneself into the groundработать до потери пульса (Taras)
run something into the groundдовести до разорения (VLZ_58)
run something into the groundпрогореть (VLZ_58)
run something into the groundугробить (VLZ_58)
run something into the groundразвалить дело (VLZ_58)
shift one's ground"переобуться" (Adopt a different viewpoint or opinion. Гевар)
soften up the groundподготовить почву (Artillery from both sides constantly fired shells on the trenches, a rain of steel that attempted to shatter the morale of the defenders and soften up the ground for future attacks. 4uzhoj)
stand one's groundне сдавать позиции (jouris-t)
stand one's groundне уступать (The premier of Alberta is standing her ground in the ongoing pipeline dispute with BC. – не уступает / стоит на своём ART Vancouver)
stand one's groundотстаивать свою позицию (I'm standing my ground Taras)
suit one's down to the groundвполне подходить (vkhanin)
suit one's down to the groundболее чем устраивать (vkhanin)
support is thin on the groundне иметь широкой поддержки (Apart from ANU academic Clive Hamilton, support for the plan to censor the Internet is thin on the ground. 4uzhoj)
thick on the groundхоть отбавляй (Anglophile)
thick on the groundкак собак нерезаных (Anglophile)
thick on the groundвидимо-невидимо (Anglophile)
thick on the groundполным-полно (4uzhoj)
thick on the groundпруд пруди (Anglophile)
thick on the groundмного (Willing workers are not so thick on the ground these days.)
thin on the groundс гулькин нос (VLZ_58)
thin on the groundне густо (Useful suggestions have been thin on the ground lately. Alexander Demidov)
thin on the groundплохо (с чем-либо; в знач. "чего-либо мало": Hard evidence is thin on the ground, and what there is, is not encouraging. 4uzhoj)
thin on the groundднем с огнём не сыщешь (4uzhoj)
thin on the groundтуго (часто иронично: C грамотными инженерами нынче туго. 4uzhoj)
thin on the groundкот наплакал (Magazines about home improvement were very thin on the ground at the time – not like now. Anglophile)
thin on the groundраз, два и обчёлся (Based on our local area, one skill which is in very high demand is British Sign Language – there is new legislation coming in for local authorities to provide this for interpretation, and qualified folk are thin on the ground. Anglophile)
things haven't gotten off the ground yetконь не валялся (VLZ_58)
work oneself into the groundработать до потери пульса (Taras)
work oneself into the groundзагнать себя работой в могилу (Abysslooker)
worship the ground someone walks onготов пятки целовать (I worship the ground you walk on – you must know that by now. cambridge.org Shabe)
worship the ground someone walks onносить на руках (grafleonov)