
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Grade | all forms
above my pay gradeвне моей компетенции (He had some great ideas about how to run the company, but contributing such things was above his pay grade. Val_Ships)
above my pay gradeне входит в круг моих обязанностей (Sorry, fishing garbage out of the lake is above my pay grade. Val_Ships)
above my pay gradeвыше уровня моей ответственности (All these questions you're asking are above your pay grade. Val_Ships)
beyond one's pay gradeза пределами способности (Interex)
beyond one's pay gradeза пределами возможности (beyond capability Interex)
failing gradeплохая отметка (Халеев)
make the gradeвыйти на новый виток (Vadim Rouminsky)
make the gradeвзойти на новую ступень (Vadim Rouminsky)
make the gradeвыполнить требования (jouris-t)
we made the grade!знай наших! (VLZ_58)