
Terms for subject Notarial practice containing Government | all forms | exact matches only
agencies of state or governmentгосударственные учреждения
arbitrary governmentцарство произвола
arbitration between different branches of one of the departments of governmentведомственный арбитраж
cabinet governmentпарламентаризм
coercion of a government representativeпринуждение представителя власти
constitutional governmentконституционное правление
crimes against the normal functioning of governmentпреступления против порядка управления
despotic governmentдеспотия
executive department of governmentадминистративная власть
executive department of governmentисполнительная власть
executive functions of governmentадминистративная власть
federal governmentфедеративное государство (in so far at these words designate a certain type of a composite state)
federal governmentсоюзное государство (in so far at these words designate a certain type of a composite state)
form of governmentстрой
form of governmentформа государства
form of governmentгосударственный строй
government agenciesорганы власти
government by a single personединоличная власть
government by the peopleнародовластие
government employeeправительственный служащий (as a noun)
government notaryгосударственный нотариус (e.g., a government notary may perform notarial acts only during work hours and may not charge for these notarial services. To become a government notary, one must be employed by the government of Guam. All other persons are private notaries, including persons employed by the Federal Government. Private notaries may charge for notarial services in accordance with the fees prescribed by law. Private notaries for the Federal Government are subject to applicable Federal laws and regulations, as well as Guam laws and regulations Alex_Odeychuk)
government officialправительственный служащий (as a noun)
government shipsгосударственные суда
judicial branch of governmentсудебное ведомство
law of government socialist propertyправо государственной социалистической собственности
local government home ruleместное самоуправление
municipal governmentмагистрат
one skilled in governmentгосударственный муж
parliamentary governmentпарламентаризм
parliamentary system of governmentпарламентаризм
personal intervention in government agenciesхождение по делам
presidential governmentпрезидентская система
prosecution on behalf of the state or governmentгосударственное обвинение
prosecution on behalf of the state or of the governmentгосударственное обвинение
recognition of a governmentпризнание правительства
republic form of governmentреспубликанский строй
republican governmentреспубликанский строй
suspension of civil governmentосадное положение
type of governmentформа государства
world governmentмировое правительство