
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Got | all forms | exact matches only
but what's it got to do with me?но при чём здесь я?
but what's it got to do with me?но при чём тут я?
get an eyeful ofнасмотреться (Chris and Emily told me they had spent two days in Vancouver and got an eyeful of crackheads, drug dealers and panhandlers hanging around their hotel, so they're not planning to come back any time soon. – достаточно насмотрелись на ART Vancouver)
get sb's attentionнасторожить (That got my attention. – Это меня насторожило. ART Vancouver)
get away with itуйти от ответственности (Wow, just wow! Mayor McCallum's lies vs. video evidence, and the lies win. Congrats BC court system, you've let another criminal get away with it. At least you're consistent. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
get busyзаполняться (людьми или машинами: Now this beautiful beach does get a little busy at times, so head out early with your towel and pick your spot. • The Oak Street Bridge is getting busier due to an earlier crash at Sea Island Way, so take the Knight Street Bridge instead if you're heading south. • "Isn't it crowded?" "Well yes, it can get busy, especially in and around St Mark's Square." -- многолюдно ART Vancouver)
get busyприняться за работу (ART Vancouver)
get busyзаняться делом (It's not enough to talk about change, the new premier's got to get busy and make these changes. ART Vancouver)
get buy-inполучить согласие (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Get cleaned outостаться без денег (No money left. Interex)
get closeподойти близко (to sth., to sb. – к чему-л., к кому-л.: It's too hot, you can't get close to it. -- Он слишком горячий, к нему нельзя близко подойти. ART Vancouver)
Get crushedпотерять много денег (When the stock market went down, I got crushed. Interex)
get exhaustedвыбиться из сил (Anybody can get exhausted, anybody can get frustrated by hearing this kind of music all day long. Therefore I'm asking for two months of probation for my client. ART Vancouver)
get into a rageвыйти из себя (Whatever happens on the road, it's not worth getting into a rage. -- не стоит выходить из себя ART Vancouver)
get sb. into troubleдоставить неприятности (High-fat dairy foods could get you into trouble. ART Vancouver)
get it behind the earполучить оплеуху (ART Vancouver)
get luckyповезти (But even basic apartments are super expensive. If you get lucky you’ll get a house share but that’s also very competitive. -- если тебе повезёт (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
get out of the rainвыйти сухим из воды (igisheva)
get rid ofповыбрасывать (There's so much junk I should have gotten rid of years ago. -- мне давно надо было повыбрасывать ART Vancouver)
get one's shoes wetзамочить обувь (You're going to get your shoes all wet! Are they wet inside? Let me see. ART Vancouver)
get one's shoes wetзамочить ноги (You're going to get your shoes all wet! Are they wet inside? Let me see. ART Vancouver)
get things doneдобиваться конкретных результатов (Liberal leader Ken Kaiser promotes himself as a person who ‘gets things done.’ ART Vancouver)
get toприходится (+ infinitive: Friends living in Portside District pay $2,000 less in property taxes compared to us in Sunshine Hills due to the waterfront industry. We wake up to the sound of birds in the greenbelt behind us, and they get to listen to trains, grain elevators working 24/7 and now this. The price we pay is worth it. -- а им приходится слушать)
get sb. to do sth.заставлять (Are they getting you to do any exercises in the bed, like lifting your feet? -- Тебя не заставляют ...? ART Vancouver)
get to knowпознакомиться с (When you move into a new neighbourhood, be sure to get to know your local pharmacist. – обязательно познакомьтесь со своим аптекарем ART Vancouver)
get to meetпознакомиться с (someone – кем-л.: The Raiders were performing on the Freedom Barge and Tamara got to meet them. "What a great group of guys," she said, noting she brought some of the members back to her home where her mother made them sandwiches. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
get to workдобраться до работы (My wife and I have two cars, in case one breaks down, so we can still get to work. BC ferries, should try something, along those lines. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
get under controlсправиться (The crews are trying to get the wildfire situation under control. ART Vancouver)
get under controlодолеть (The crews are trying to get the wildfire situation under control. ART Vancouver)
get under controlсовладать (The crews are trying to get the wildfire situation under control. ART Vancouver)
get your arms aroundиметь уверенность в знании чего-то сложного (Yeldar Azanbayev)
get your arms around itполностью овладевать ситуацией (Interex)
get your arms around itвникать в суть дела (Interex)
Get your foot in the doorпервый шаг в развитии деловых отношений (Interex)
Got spankedпотерять большую сумму денег (Lost a large amount of money Interex)
Got whoopedпотерять большую сумму денег (Lost a large amount of money. Interex)
I got to seeмне довелось увидеть (Went to visit Lost Lagoon to see the skaters.... But lucky me, I got to see the famous beaver!!! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
it got to the point whereдошло до того, что (It got to the point where I really didn't want to go out and meet people. I would panic if the phone rang. It was scary. ART Vancouver)
it's got a long way to goдо этого ещё далеко ("Well, we'll see what happens. It's got a long way to go, just so you understand. That has a long, long way to go." – До этого ещё очень далеко. – Donald Trump in an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes." ART Vancouver)
it's got nothing to do with meпри чём здесь я? (It's got nothing to do with me. I'm staying out of it. – При чём здесь я? Разбирайтесь сами / без меня. ART Vancouver)
I've got it!Придумал! (используется не только для выражения понимании, но часто для ввода найденного решения или новой идеи: "Great Scott! I've got it!" ART Vancouver)
never got around to doing sth.так и не выбрался сделать что-л. (That addition exists only in the artist's imagination, although back when the bridge was designed, provision was made for a second level for rail and streetcars. They just never got around to building it. The lower span, of course, would have opened for boats. (Chuck Davis) -- так и не выбрались / не дошли руки, чтобы его построить ART Vancouver)
what's it got to do with me?а я здесь при чём? (ART Vancouver)
what's that got to do with it?при чём тут это?
you got that rightвот это точно (Leonid Dzhepko)
you got your just dessertsкаждому воздастся по заслугам (Interex)
you've got it backwardsна самом деле всё наоборот (You’ve got it backwards. ART Vancouver)
you've got something coming to youвы за это заплатите (ART Vancouver)