
Terms for subject Contextual meaning containing Goods | all forms
be back in good timeуспеть (for something: I hope to be back in good time for the next spring meeting of the Shropshire volunteers. 4uzhoj)
be so good as to love smb and take smb into favourпрошу любить и жаловать ("Ивана Кузмича дома нет, – сказала она, – он пошел в гости к отцу Герасиму; да все равно, батюшка, я его хозяйка. Прошу любить и жаловать." (А.С. Пушкин "Капитанская дочка") – "Iván Kouzmitch is not at home," said she. "He is gone to see Father Garassim. But it's all the same; I am his wife. Be so good as to love us and take us into favour." (Перевод M. P. E. Milne-Home) weblitera.com Tamerlane)
encores start with a good day of rehearsalхороший экспромт – это хорошо подготовленный экспромт (In the theater, encores start with a good day of rehearsal. In other words, most casts spend many months preparing for their performances. Mikhail.Brodsky)
good afternoon!до свидания! (при расставании во второй половине дня)
good morning!до свидания! (при расставании утром: "Good morning!" he said at last. "We don't want any adventures here, thank you! You might try over The Hill or across The Water." By this he meant that the conversation was at an end.)