
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Game | all forms | exact matches only
be a game changerсовершенно изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be a game changerцеликом и полностью изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be a game changerполностью изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be a game changerкардинально изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be a game changerкоренным образом изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be a game changerрадикально изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
be a game changerв корне изменить ситуацию (The experimental propulsion technology, referred to as a 'Quantum' space drive, is potentially a game changer, as it could alter the inertia of a spacecraft. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
game overпесенка спета (And he never had any kids of his own, but he’s always felt a link to the boy in Deep Cove. “That little guy and me have a connection because it was game over for him,” he said. “In a sense, I kind of feel like, you know, he’s my kid.” nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
Game, set and match to someoneпобедила (Scarlett_dream)
Game, set and match to someoneпобеда за (people say this when they win at something; this is usually heard at the end of a tennis match when play has finished and a winner has been decided. Scarlett_dream)
Game, set, matchполное, безоговорочное поражение (заимствовано из теннисной терминологии (гейм, сет, матч) krolikova)
give the game awayвыдать планы (Fig. to reveal a plan or strategy. Now, all of you have to keep quiet. Please don't give the game away. If you keep giving out hints, you'll give the game away. george serebryakov)
give the game awayвыдать себя (george serebryakov)
give the game awayраскрыть секреты (george serebryakov)
signal that the game is upнамекнуть, что пора сливать воду (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
skin in the game, to have skin in the game.иметь шкурный интерес (He doesn't have skin in the game in the deal. – У него нет шкурного интереса в этом проекте. romanmsk)
skin in the game, to have skin in the game.шкурный интерес (He doesn't have skin in the game in the deal. – У него нет шкурного интереса в этом проекте. romanmsk)
sod this for a game of soldiersну на хрен, ещё время на это тратить (и прочие вариации. Вместо "sod" может стоять другое ругательство. Обсуждение происхождения фразы stackexchange.com Abysslooker)
the game is overможно сливать воду (т.е. дело проиграно; CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
the game's up!Кончен бал, погасли свечи!
the only game in townвне конкуренции (plushkina)
the only game in townто, чем приходится довольствоваться в отсутствие выбора (Beforeyouaccuseme)
the only game in townединственная возможность (Александр_10)