
Terms for subject Dog breeding containing GREAT | all forms | exact matches only
Great Anglo-French HoundБольшая англо-французская гончая (wikipedia.org Himera)
Great Anglo-French Tricolour Houndбольшая англо-французская трёхцветная гончая ('More)
Great Daneдог (порода)
Great Gascony Blueбольшая голубая гасконская гончая (wikipedia.org Himera)
Great Serum RunГонка Милосердия (Himera)
Great Swiss Mountain and Cattle DogБольшая швейцарская горная пастушья собака (Himera)
Harlequin Great Daneмраморный немецкий дог (черно-белой окраски // Harlequin: The base colour is pure white with black torn patches irregularly and well distributed over the entire body; a pure white neck is preferred. The black patches should never be large enough to give the appearance of a blanket, nor so small as to give a stippled or dappled effect. Eligible, but less desirable, are a few small patches of grey that is consistent with a merle marking, or a white base with single black hairs showing through, which tend to give a salt and pepper or dirty effect. Merlequin (see below), a white coat with grey patches instead of black, is a disqualification. wikipedia.org)
Kennel Club of Great BritainКлуб Собаководства Великобритании