
Terms for subject Natural resourses and wildlife conservation containing GAME | all forms | exact matches only
damage caused by gameповреждение, причинённое дичью
game managementхозяйственное использование дичи
game protecting fenceизгородь для охраны дичи
game rangerегерь (сотрудник заповедника или национального парка: Addo Elephant National Park is the third largest national park in South Africa, and they’re known for their conservation efforts. Elephants in this park are allowed to live in a natural environment as similar to the real wild as possible but they still have humans checking upon them. This allows game rangers to intervene quickly whenever an elephant is in danger. youtu.be Alexander Oshis)
game rangerгосударственный инспектор (сотрудник заповедника или национального парка. Предлагается для переводов рус-англ.: Addo Elephant National Park is the third largest national park in South Africa, and they’re known for their conservation efforts. Elephants in this park are allowed to live in a natural environment as similar to the real wild as possible but they still have humans checking upon them. This allows game rangers to intervene quickly whenever an elephant is in danger. youtu.be Alexander Oshis)
game reserveзаказник
game speciesдикорастущий вид
game toxicologyтоксикология диких животных
prevention of damage caused by gameпредотвращение повреждений, причиняемых дичью
prevention of damage done by gameпредотвращение повреждений, причиняемых дичью
regulation for shooting of gameуказания по отстрелу
small gameпроверяемый источник загрязнения
small gameмелкая и пернатая дичь
species of big gameвид крупной дичи
stock of game to be killed of stock of nutrientsплан обстрела