
Terms for subject Food industry containing Front End | all forms | in specified order only
front endначальная стадия обработки (And the assumption that fattier varieties such as salmon and tuna fare better, texturally speaking, than leaner fish when frozen doesn't hold true, either. Our experts say it comes down to proper freezing and handling on the front end, and proper thawing—in the fridge, out of the package—on the back end. "There is no downside to buying frozen fish," Gibbons said. epicurious.com ART Vancouver)
on the front endна начальной стадии обработки (And the assumption that fattier varieties such as salmon and tuna fare better, texturally speaking, than leaner fish when frozen doesn't hold true, either. Our experts say it comes down to proper freezing and handling on the front end, and proper thawing—in the fridge, out of the package—on the back end. "There is no downside to buying frozen fish," Gibbons said. epicurious.com ART Vancouver)