
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Friendly | all forms | exact matches only
battery-friendly maintenanceобслуживание при питании от сети (A feature that enables IT professionals to wake mobile systems for servicing by using a timer that activates only when the computer is plugged in. Using this feature, Windows runs maintenance only if the computer is using AC power)
child-friendly sitecайт для детей (A website whose content is understandable and usable by kids and that is appropriate for them. The language is typically aimed at a grade-school reading level, and the concepts presented are accessible to younger minds)
child-friendly websiteвеб-сайт для детей (A website whose content is understandable and usable by kids and that is appropriate for them. The language is typically aimed at a grade-school reading level, and the concepts presented are accessible to younger minds)
family-friendly contentдля всех возрастов (Text or images appropriate for all users including children; often selected via a UI element, such as a dictionary parental control)
friendly nameпонятное имя (A way of displaying contact names that uses the first and last name instead of the email address or sign-in name, for each contact in the user's contact list)
friendly name attributesатрибуты понятного имени (Windows 8 Rori)
kid-friendly sitecайт для детей (A website whose content is understandable and usable by kids and that is appropriate for them. The language is typically aimed at a grade-school reading level, and the concepts presented are accessible to younger minds. Rori)
kid-friendly websiteвеб-сайт для детей (A website whose content is understandable and usable by kids and that is appropriate for them. The language is typically aimed at a grade-school reading level, and the concepts presented are accessible to younger minds)
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