
Terms for subject Foreign affairs containing Foreign Minister | all forms | in specified order only
Council of Foreign MinistersСМИД (Совет министров иностранных дел Sunny Slonik)
Council of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the BSECСовет министров иностранных дел ЧЭС
deputy foreign ministerзаместитель министра иностранных дел (After 10 January talks with his US counterpart in Geneva, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov insisted there were "no plans, no intentions to attack Ukraine". bbc.com)
Deputy Minister of Foreign AffairsЗаместитель Министра иностранных дел
First Deputy Minister of Foreign AffairsПервый заместитель Министра иностранных дел
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian FederationМинистр иностранных дел Российской Федерации
State Secretary/Deputy Minister of Foreign AffairsСтатс-секретарь – заместитель Министра иностранных дел