
Terms for subject General containing For The Record | all forms | in specified order only
for the recordпрошу заметить (For the record, it was she who approached me about such a deal, not the other way around. 4uzhoj)
for the recordдля справки (Bullfinch)
For the record"Запишем и сохраним" (вариант перевода слогана The Companies House: Companies House is an agency of the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) whose functions include storing information which must be filed in accordance with the CA 2006 and making it available to the public. (It is not for nothing that Companies House's slogan is the unimpeachably accurate phrase 'for the record'). google.com)
for the recordнадо отметить (Alexander Demidov)
for the recordпрошу отметить, что (4uzhoj)
he holds the record for high jumpон держит рекорд по прыжкам в высоту
he set a record for the half mileон установил рекорд в беге на полмили
just for the recordпросто, чтобы вы знали
just for the recordпопутно замечу
not for the recordне для протокола (о замечании)
praise the pupil for his good recordхвалить ученика за хорошую успеваемость (the boy for his courage, the girl for her diligence, the film for its scenery, etc., и т.д.)
rules for record-keeping in the area of waste managementправила учёта в области обращения с отходами (ABelonogov)
set a record for the mileустанавливать рекорд в беге на одну милю
the ruling shall be for the recordопределение протокольное (Lavrov)