
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing For A | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a change for the worseиз кулька в рогожку
a feast for the eyesглаз радуется (SirReal)
A for AndrewБуква "эй" как в слове Эндрю (Andrey Truhachev)
a sight for the godsзрелище для богов (Andrey Truhachev)
a sight for the godsзрелище, достойное богов (Andrey Truhachev)
a sight for the godsзрелище для богов (Andrey Truhachev)
a treat for the sensesуслада для ушей и глаз (sankozh)
an eye for an eye, a tooth for a toothоко за око, зуб за зуб (Andrey Truhachev)
angle for a positionметить на должность (Alistair was angling for the General Manager job and he was furious that Tommy got it over him. • Maybe he was angling for the position Bennen had left vacant. 4uzhoj)
anything for a quiet lifeчем бы дитя ни тешилось, лишь бы не плакало
at a loss for wordsмолча (Interex)
at a loss for wordsбез единого слова (Interex)
at a loss for wordsне смея ничего сказать (Interex)
be a burning passion for someявляться для кого-то всепоглощающей страстью (Alex_Odeychuk)
be a crucial building block forстать последним кирпичиком в (Mira_G)
be at a loss for wordsне знать, что сказать (Andrey Truhachev)
be at a loss for wordsпотерять дар речи (Andrey Truhachev)
be at a loss for wordsне находить слов (Andrey Truhachev)
be gasping for a drinkумирать от жажды (Andrey Truhachev)
be gasping for a drinkтомиться от жажды (Andrey Truhachev)
be gasping for a drinkтомиться жаждой (Andrey Truhachev)
be gunning for a victoryстремиться к победе (Alexey Lebedev)
be in for a treatкому-либо есть где разгуляться (Art aficionados are in for a treat when they travel to London sankozh)
be in for a treatкому-либо есть что посмотреть (Art aficionados are in for a treat when they travel to London. Вариант перевода: "Лондон – это рай для любителей искусства" sankozh)
be not stuck for a responseза словом в карман не лезть (Dmitry_Arch)
be spoiling for a fightпроявить агрессию (Liv Bliss)
belabour o.s for a fod and a knaveпроклинать себя на чём свет стоит (Avrelius)
carry a torch forсокровенные чувства (secret feelings Interex)
do you have change for a twenty?не могли бы вы разменять двадцать долларов?
draw a cheque on a bank forвыписать чек на банк на (определенную сумму Yeldar Azanbayev)
eat well for a reasonable priceвкусно и недорого поесть (sankozh)
for a decent clipза достойную плату
for a good five minutesдобрых пять минут ("Whatever was moving beneath the surface seemed pretty large and was moving directly across the line of waves, at right angles, rather than with it." "It was long with two distinct fin-like shapes either side of it." "I stood and watched for a good five minutes before it just seemed to disappear into the depths." While he was watching it, he grabbed his mobile phone and snapped pictures of what he saw. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
for a later timeдо поры до времени (Abysslooker)
for a livingна хлеб насущный (Andrey Truhachev)
for a livingна кусок хлеба (Andrey Truhachev)
for a long haulнадолго (Yeldar Azanbayev)
for a long timeтысячу лет (He and Michael had known each other for a long time. Abysslooker)
for a songочень дёшево (Andrey Truhachev)
for a songпо бросовой цене (Andrey Truhachev)
for a songпочти даром (Andrey Truhachev)
for a songза копейки (jouris-t)
for a songза небольшую сумму денег (Yeldar Azanbayev)
for a songпо смехотворной цене (Andrey Truhachev)
for a songза гроши (Andrey Truhachev)
for a songза маленькую сумму (Yeldar Azanbayev)
for a songбуквально за шапку груш (очень дёшево Alex_Odeychuk)
for a songдёшево (jouris-t)
for a split secondза долю секунды (yashenka)
for a split secondна короткий момент (yashenka)
for a tarnished pennyза потёртый пенни (за копейки Pipina)
for a taste of the past in the presentчтобы заглянуть в прошлое (sankozh)
for ever and a dayбесконечно долго (Wakeful dormouse)
for ever and a dayцелая вечность и ещё немного (Wakeful dormouse)
for ever and a dayцелая вечность (Wakeful dormouse)
for every action there is a reactionсила действия равна силе противодействия (Andrey Truhachev)
for every action there is a reactionкаждое действие равно противодействию (Andrey Truhachev)
for lack of a better termназовём это так (Баян)
for one that is missing there is no spoiling a weddingсемеро одного не ждут
get taken for a rideбыть облапошенным (Баян)
give a run for someone's moneyсоставить конкуренцию (VLZ_58)
give someone a run for someone's moneyне уступать (Баян)
give a run for someone's moneyдостойно состязаться (I think only Liverpool will be able to give Manchester United a run for their money next season. VLZ_58)
give a run for someone's moneyперещеголять (joyand)
give a run for someone's moneyбросить вызов (VLZ_58)
give someone a run for someone's moneyдать фору (Баян)
give somebody a run for their moneyдать бой (compete very strongly against someone who is expected to win a competition: I think only Liverpool will be able to give Manchester United a run for their money next season.; кому-либо КГА)
go for a burtonрухнуть (о планах; Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a Burtonотдать концы (=get killed in action; f rom the name of one of the first R.A.F. pilots killed in WWII 4uzhoj)
go for a burtonне дать никаких результатов (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonлететь в тартарары (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonпойти насмарку (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonокончиться пшиком (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonокончиться провалом (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonпропасть даром (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonне увенчаться успехом (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonсорваться (о планах; Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonпотерпеть фиаско (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonтерпеть неудачу (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonтерпеть провал (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonполететь к чертям (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonполететь к чертям собачьим (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonпропадать даром (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonполететь в тартарары (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonпровалиться (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonпотерпеть провал (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonпотерпеть неудачу (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonтерпеть фиаско (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a burtonполететь к черту (Br. Andrey Truhachev)
go for a songпродаваться по бросовой цене (Andrey Truhachev)
go for a songпродаваться почти даром (Andrey Truhachev)
go for a songпродаваться за бесценок (Andrey Truhachev)
go for a songпродаваться по мизерной цене (Andrey Truhachev)
have a character forиметь репутацию (smth Bobrovska)
have a character forбыть известным (чем-либо; smth: He has a charcter for veracity. – Он известен своей правдивостью. Bobrovska)
have a head forиметь способность к (чем-либо Andy)
have a head forхорошо понимать (что-либо; I am sorry but I have no head for figures. Мне жаль, но я не умею считать. Andy)
have a knack forиметь дар (к чем-либо Andrey Truhachev)
have a knack forиметь талант (к чем-либо Andrey Truhachev)
have a knack forбыть созданным (для Andrey Truhachev)
have a knack forобладать талантом (к чем-либо Andrey Truhachev)
have a knack forобладать даром (Andrey Truhachev)
have a knack for somethingобладать талантом (к чем-либо Andrey Truhachev)
have a knack for somethingиметь талант (jouris-t)
have a knack for somethingиметь дар (к чем-либо Andrey Truhachev)
have a knack for somethingбыть созданным для (чего-либо jouris-t)
have a lot going for oneselfбыть незаурядным (Баян)
have a nose forиметь нюх на
have a nose forиметь нюх на (Austin police's new recruit has a nose for money and guns)
have a nose forчуять (4uzhoj)
have a nose for somethingобладать инстинктивным чувством выбора или находки (что-либо Yeldar Azanbayev)
have a nose for somethingиметь нюх (Yeldar Azanbayev)
have a nose for somethingобладать собачьим нюхом (Yeldar Azanbayev)
have a soft spot forбыть неравнодушным к (Though he denied being in love with her, it was evident that he had a soft spot for her – he could never see her unhappy and was always caring for her.)
have a soft spot forс состраданием относиться к (с участием относиться к, проявлять сердоболие по отношению к, сочувствовать (чужому горю) : He should fire her, but he hated doing that. He suspected that the woman was running from something, and he had a soft spot for people in trouble. • I've always had a soft spot for the less fortunate. • He has a soft spot for the weak and helpless, and gives to them with a generous heart.)
have a soft spot forпитать нежные чувства к (кому-либо В.И.Макаров)
have a soft spot forиметь слабость к (I mean, I have a soft spot for brunettes, too.)
have a soft spot forнравиться (особ. о противоположном поле – have a strong liking for; have a crush on: How do you tell if a guy has a soft spot for you? • My brother used to have a soft spot for a girl in his class. • She had a soft spot for the boy next door.)
have a soft spot forбыть падким на (have a sentimental weakness for: You have to love a man in uniform. And I've always had a soft spot for marines. Especially sexy marines like Luke. • He had a soft spot for old cars. • Jimmy always had a soft spot for high-maintenance girls.)
have a soft spot forне мочь сердиться на (не мочь быть строгим с кем-либо и т.п.; have a sentimental fondness or affection toward; to continue to like someone even when they do not behave well: She has a soft spot for her grandchildren. • I have a soft spot for my grandaughter and her mother says she can get away with anything around me. • Listen, boopsie, even though you never call and never write I still got a soft spot for you. )
have a soft spot forнеровно дышать к (How do you tell if a guy has a soft spot for you?)
have something for a songприобрести что-то за бесценок (Yeldar Azanbayev)
he has made a rod for his own backон сам себя наказал
he is in for a rough rideон узнает, где раки зимуют
he is in for a rough rideон у меня узнает, где раки зимуют
he is never at a loss for something to sayон за словом в карман не полезет
head out for a night on the townотправиться повеселиться вечером (ART Vancouver)
I have a heart for itэто мое (sankozh)
in for a penny, in for a poundсказал "А", говори и "Б" (Alex_Odeychuk)
in for a penny, in for a poundраз сказал "А", то надо говорить и "Б" (Alex_Odeychuk)
normally is not stuck for a responseобычно за словом в карман не лезет (Dmitry_Arch)
it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needleлегче верблюду пройти сквозь угольное ушко (It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Luke 18:25 Indeed, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." John 3:3: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Luke 18:25 Indeed, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." John 3:3 crosswalk.com shapker)
it's a honeypot forэто Клондайк для (Alex_Odeychuk)
it's a real honeypot forэто настоящий Клондайк для (Alex_Odeychuk)
knock someone for a loopдать прикурить (a goal, a row, etc. – подставляется практически любое понятие, выражающее нечто престижное, известное, сл. общепринятое)
make a break for itвырваться на свободу (to escape from/towards somewhere or something, often by force (Cambridge Dictionary): According to a local media report, the wild incident occurred early Saturday morning in the Cape Town suburb of Grassy Park. During a skirmish between two hippos at the Rondevlei Nature Reserve, one of the monstrous creatures attempted to flee the fracas and, in doing so, barreled through a fence to freedom. Noting that the fence that fell to the hippo during its escape was newly built, residents are understandably calling for the barrier to be strengthened in order to prevent future incidents wherein the sizable animals make a break for it. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
make a pitch forрекламировать (Her agent's been making a pitch for her books all over town. VLZ_58)
make a rod for one's own backсамому себе рыть яму
make a run for itсбежать ("Though he tried to make a run for it, Fujiwara was suddenly whisked off his feet and levitated to an orange-colored UFO hovering over a field outside." bizarreandgrotesque.com ART Vancouver)
make a run for itуносить ноги (Understandably curious about the object, the team proceeded to land the helicopter and investigate it up close. "We were kind of joking around that if one of us suddenly disappears," Hutchings laughed, "then the rest of us make a run for it." Fortunately, the ten-to-12-foot tall rectangular metal object was not dangerous, though it was undoubtedly mysterious. – остальным придётся уносить ноги coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
make a stand forстоять стеной (VLZ_58)
monarch for a dayкалиф на час (george serebryakov)
once a ..., ... for liveбывших ... не бывает (Himera)
paying with a hangover for the feasting of othersв чужом пиру похмелье (VLZ_58)
people work for money but die for a causeлюди работают за деньги, а умирают за идею (Ivan Pisarev)
play for a suckerвыставлять дураком (Andrey Truhachev)
play for a suckerоставить в дураках ("He wrote me that letter because he had a guilty conscience. He had played me for a sucker and he was too nice a guy for that to rest easy on him." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
play for a suckerнадуть ("He wrote me that letter because he had a guilty conscience. He had played me for a sucker and he was too nice a guy for that to rest easy on him." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
play for a suckerводить за нос ("He wrote me that letter because he had a guilty conscience. He had played me for a sucker and he was too nice a guy for that to rest easy on him." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
play for a suckerодурачить ("He wrote me that letter because he had a guilty conscience. He had played me for a sucker and he was too nice a guy for that to rest easy on him." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
play for a suckerдержать за дурака (Andrey Truhachev)
play for a suckerвыставить дураком (Andrey Truhachev)
queen for a dayкалиф на час (george serebryakov)
ride for a fallсамому себе рыть яму
room for a little oneв тесноте, да не в обиде (jocular UK usage Liv Bliss)
sad excuse for aсм sorry excuse of a (Баян)
save for a rainy dayкопить на чёрный день (Andrey Truhachev)
save for a rainy dayоткладывать на чёрный день (Yeldar Azanbayev)
save it for a rainy dayоставь это до лучших времён, свои люди – сочтёмся (до лучших времен = на черный день)
save it for a rainy dayоткладывать деньги на чёрный день (musichok)
save up for a rainy dayоткладывать на чёрный день (Andrey Truhachev)
save up for a rainy dayкопить на чёрный день (Andrey Truhachev)
serve as a hub forслужить визитной карточкой (The city serves as a hub for coffee culture sankozh)
shake the trees for a new jobактивно заниматься поиском работы (VLZ_58)
sod this for a game of soldiersну на хрен, ещё время на это тратить (и прочие вариации. Вместо "sod" может стоять другое ругательство. Обсуждение происхождения фразы stackexchange.com Abysslooker)
someone was thrown for a loopнебо с овчинку показалось (VLZ_58)
sorry excuse for aсм sorry excuse of a (Баян)
spoil the ship for a hap'orth of tarуронить марку, решив сэкономить на мелочах (to spoil something big or important by refusing to spend a small amount of money or make a small amount of effort They spent millions on a wonderful architect-designed building, but they've bought really cheap furniture. It's just spoiling the ship for a hap'orth of tar. VLZ_58)
spoil the ship for a hap'orth of tarне удержать фасон (VLZ_58)
take for a foolдержать за дурака (Andrey Truhachev)
take for a foolпринимать за дурака (Andrey Truhachev)
take for a foolвыставлять дураком (Andrey Truhachev)
take for a foolсчитать дураком (Andrey Truhachev)
take for a rideподставить (Yeldar Azanbayev)
take for a rideпровести (кого-либо)
take for a rideодурачить (It's one of those classic stories out of Italy: take the tourists for a ride when you see them. A restaurant in Venice charged four Japanese tourists $1300 for their order of pasta while their wives were charged $500 for their dish of pasta at another eatery. ART Vancouver)
take for a rideпровести (If someone takes you for a ride, they deceive or cheat you.: Car salesmen will take you for a ride in more ways than one! | I think we've been taken for a ride. -- Мне кажется, нас провели / обдурили. ART Vancouver)
take sb. for a rideпудрить мозги (If someone takes you for a ride, they deceive or cheat you.: I think he's taking you for a ride. ART Vancouver)
take for a rideразвести (Баян)
take for a rideпровести
take for a rideнадуть (Yeldar Azanbayev)
take for a rideоблапошить (Баян)
that's a turn-up for the booksкто бы мог подумать (Well, that's a turn-up for the books – I never thought he'd get the job. • Well this is a turn-up for the books. After almost four years of banging the BlackBerry 10 drum it seems the Canadian firm has finally admitted defeat, launching its first Android smartphone. 4uzhoj)
that's too long a conversation for one lunchв двух словах об этом не расскажешь (Microsoft Russian Style Guide, 2017 Alex_Odeychuk)
there is a first time for everythingвсегда что–то происходит впервые (VLZ_58)
there is a first time for everythingвсегда есть первый раз (VLZ_58)
there is a reason for everythingвсё имеет свою причину (Brücke)
there is a time for everythingвсему своё время (Andrey Truhachev)
there's a feeding frenzy forотрывать с руками (someone); "There's a feeding frenzy for people with specific skills," notes Gallis of Palatine. "And just to attract and hold on to people, companies are willing to offer a lot." VLZ_58)
Today, for instance, I took a sheep to town. Why not? You've got to feed the people somehow – that's what we're here forя вот отнёс барашка в город. А как же? Кормить-поить народ надо-мы к тому приставлены (Г. Троепольский, Белый Бим Чёрное ухо Taras)
we are not just sitting around waiting for someone to write a checkфирма веников не вяжет (Taras)
what a poor excuse for a professor!профессор кислых щей (VLZ_58)
you can't take someone for a rideна кривой не объедешь (VLZ_58)