
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Fast | all forms | exact matches only
Exchange Fast Accessбыстрый доступ к Exchange (A feature that enables Exchange users to see new email messages and up-to-date calendar items as soon as they open Outlook, without waiting for it to finish synchronizing)
fail fast exceptionисключение с быстрым прекращением (An exception that cannot be caught by any exception handler and that immediately causes the application to terminate and launch error reporting. Rori)
fail fast exceptionисключение с быстрым прекращением (An exception that cannot be caught by any exception handler and that immediately causes the application to terminate and launch error reporting)
fast and easy wayбыстрый и простой способ (Windows Live Social Networking W4M1 Rori)
fast first logonбыстрый первый вход (A folder redirection functionality that frees users from waiting while files are copied to the server the first time they log on after a Folder Redirection policy has been applied that redirects the path of a user folder to a network location. It also optimizes network usage on WAN links by synchronizing files as a background task)
Fast Fusionфаст фьюжн (One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. Winamp genre ID 84)
fast inventoryбыстрый учёт (The reading of the barcode of each tape in the library)
fast page-mode RAMпамять FPM RAM
fast startupбыстрый запуск (A method of starting the computer that speeds boot time by ending the user session and hibernating the computer, rather than shutting down all running services)
Fast Streamingкомбинированное потоковое воспроизведение
Fast User Switchingбыстрое переключение пользователей (A feature in Windows that allows you to switch to a different computer user account without closing programs and files first)
Getting started is fast and easy and we'll clean up automatically when you are done.Начать работу очень быстро и просто. Кроме того, когда всё будет готово, мы автоматически удалим все ненужное (Outlook.com Wave 6 Rori)
lightning-fast performanceособо высокая производительность (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
the internet connection between you will be fast enough for audio calls and high quality video calls.Скорости вашего интернет-соединения достаточно для голосовых звонков и высококачественной видеосвязи (Skype for Windows 5.10)
the Page Bar is for fast navigation within larger notes.Полоса язычков страниц предназначается для быстрого перемещения в длинных заметках (Windows Server 2008)