
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Equipment | all forms | exact matches only
Data Communications Equipmentоборудование передачи данных (One of two types of hardware that are connected by an RS-232-C serial connection, the other being a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) device)
Depreciation, EquipmentАморт. машин и оборудования (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 – амортизация Rori)
equipment mailboxпочтовый ящик оборудования (A type of resource mailbox that is assigned to a non-location-specific resource such as a laptop projector, microphone, or company car. Equipment mailboxes can be included as resources in meeting requests, providing a simple and efficient way to utilize resources for an organization)
original equipment manufacturerизготовитель оборудования (A company that acquires a product or component and incorporates it into a new product with its own brand name, e.g. a computer manufacturer that pre-installs a Microsoft Windows desktop operating system onto a new computer for sale)
original equipment manufacturerпоставщик вычислительной техники, OEM (A company that acquires a product or component and incorporates it into a new product with its own brand name, e.g. a computer manufacturer that pre-installs a Microsoft Windows desktop operating system onto a new computer for sale)
original equipment manufacturerсборщик систем
original equipment manufacturerпоставщик вычислительной техники (stachel)