
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Easy | all forms | exact matches only
Easy Listeningлёгкая музыка (One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. Winamp genre ID 98)
fast and easy wayбыстрый и простой способ (Windows Live Social Networking W4M1 Rori)
Getting started is fast and easy and we'll clean up automatically when you are done.Начать работу очень быстро и просто. Кроме того, когда всё будет готово, мы автоматически удалим все ненужное (Outlook.com Wave 6 Rori)
Remote Desktop Easy Printкомпонент Easy Print служб удалённых рабочих столов (A printer driver in Remote Desktop Services that simplifies the administration overhead to enable printing to supported clients. It enables users to reliably print from a RemoteApp program or from a remote desktop server desktop session to the correct printer on their client computer. It also enables users to have a much more consistent printing experience between local and remote sessions)
Remote Desktop Easy Printкомпонент Easy Print служб удалённых рабочих столов (ssn)
Windows Easy Transferсредство переноса данных Windows
Windows Easy Transfer can't open the Easy Transfer fileСредству переноса данных Windows не удаётся открыть файл переноса данных (Windows 8 Rori)