
Terms for subject General containing Earnings Statement | all forms | in specified order only
Accumulated Earnings StatementОтчёт о полученном доходе (Lavrov)
Accumulated Retained Earnings StatementОтчёт о полученной прибыли к распределению (Lavrov)
earnings statementсправка о начислении заработной платы (Andrey250780)
form earnings statementведомость расчёта заработной платы (Lavrov)
statement of average monthly earningsсправка о среднем месячном заработке (ABelonogov)
statement of earningsсправка о заработной плате (Alexander Demidov)
statement of retained earningsотчёт об изменении капитала (A statement of retained earnings (and similarly an equity statement, statement of owner's equity for a single proprietorship, statement of partners' equity for a partnership, statement of financial position, and statement of retained earnings and stockholders' equity for a corporation) is a basic financial statement. The statement explains the changes in a company's retained earnings over the reporting period. They break down changes in the owners' interest in the organization, and in the application of retained profit or surplus from one accounting period to the next. Line items typically include profits or losses from operations, dividends paid, issue or redemption of stock, and any other items charged or credited to retained earnings. The statements are expected by generally accepted accounting principles and explain the owners' equity and retained earnings shown on the balance sheet, where: owners' equity = assets – liabilities. WK Alexander Demidov)
Statement of Retained EarningsОтчёт о накопленной нераспределённой прибыли