
Terms for subject Microsoft containing EXtension | all forms | exact matches only
application extension servicesслужбы расширения приложений (In Silverlight, classes that extend the application model by providing services that can participate in the application life cycle)
behavior extension elementэлемент расширения реакции на событие (An XML element in a configuration file that allows you to configure a service behavior)
behavior extension elementэлемент расширения реакции на событие (An XML element in a configuration file that allows you to configure a service behavior. Rori)
binding extensionsрасширения привязки (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
browser extensionрасширение браузера (A program that extends the capabilities of Internet Explorer. Browser extensions usually appear in Internet Explorer as new buttons, toolbars, or menu items)
Class ID extensionрасширение CLSID (An extended HTML element that is used to describe the class of a viewable or downloadable document. It can be misused to pass dangerous attachments; EHS allows users to block this tag)
client extensionрасширение клиента (A category of customizations that enable configuration of client extension controls)
client extension controlэлемент управления расширения клиента (A user interface control that can be added to Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity forms and within the application toolbar or navigation area of an entity form. These controls are configured in XML within ISV.Config and are designed to allow the inclusion of functionality from another web application within Microsoft Dynamics CRM. There are three types of client extension controls: Menu Items, Buttons, Entity Form Navigation areas)
custom data processing extensionпользовательский модуль обработки данных (Ding_an_sich)
data extensionмодуль обработки данных (A plug-in that processes data for a specific kind of data source. For example, Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2)
data mining extensionрасширение интеллектуального анализа данных (ssn)
data processing extensionмодуль обработки данных (A plug-in that processes data for a specific kind of data source (similar to a database driver))
data processing extensionмодули обработки данных
delivery extensionмодуль доставки
domain extensionрасширение домена (Andy)
Domain Name System Security Extensionsмодули безопасности службы доменных имен (DNSSE microsoft.com bojana)
Dynamic IP Restrictions Extension for IISрасширение "Динамическое ограничение IP-адресов для IIS" (An IIS extension that enables administrators to configure IIS to block access for IP addresses that exceed the specified number of requests and determine the behavior when an IP address is blocked)
Dynamic IP Restrictions Extension for IISрасширение "Динамическое ограничение IP-адресов для IIS" (An IIS extension that enables administrators to configure IIS to block access for IP addresses that exceed the specified number of requests and determine the behavior when an IP address is blocked. Rori)
extension factoryфабрика расширений (A class that hides the implementation of the extension components as well as how they are created. Rori)
extension methodметод расширения (A static method that can be invoked by using instance method syntax. In effect, extension methods make it possible to extend existing types and constructed types with additional methods)
Extension Raw ValueНеобработанное значение расширения (Andy)
Failover Cluster Network Share ExtensionsРасширения сетевых общих ресурсов отказоустойчивых кластеров (Windows 8 Rori)
Group Policy client-side extensionклиентское расширение групповой политики (A component responsible for implementing a specific portion of Group Policy on the client computer. For example, Registry client-side extension processes registry-specific information within Group Policy)
HTML extensionрасширение HTML (A feature or setting that is an extension to the formal HTML specification. Extensions may not be supported by all Web browsers, but they may be used widely by Web authors. An example of an extension is marquee scrolling text)
link extensionсвязанное расширение (A Web Deploy feature that makes it possible to perform additional custom tasks during deployment)
managed code extensionрасширение управляемого кода (An application-level add-in or document-level customization. Generally, an extension to Microsoft Office that is created by using Visual Studio Tools for Office)
Managed Extensions for C++управляемые расширения для C++ (A set of language extensions to C++ that help Visual C++ developers write .NET Framework applications. Managed Extensions allow you to mix unmanaged and managed C++ code within the same application)
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions mappingсопоставление MIME (A method of configuring browsers to view files that are in multiple formats. An extension of the Internet mail protocol that enables the sending of 8-bit-based e-mail messages, which are used to support extended character sets, voice mail, facsimile images, and so on)
OData Extension Providerпоставщик расширений OData (A Business Connectivity Services feature that enables developers to extend functionality that is provided by the OData connector)
physical address extensionрасширение физических адресов (A feature that allows x86-based computers to support more than 4 gigabytes (GB) of physical memory. Up to 64 GB of physical memory can be used as regular 4-kilobyte (KB) pages, and the number of bits that can be used by the kernel to address physical memory can be expanded from 32 to 36)
RD licensing diagnoser extensionрасширение средства диагностики лицензирования удалённых рабочих столов (Windows 8 ssn)
Remote Desktop Server Extensionрасширение "Сервер удалённых рабочих столов" (ssn)
Remote Desktop Server Extensionрасширение "Сервер удалённых рабочих столов" (A Windows Server feature that adds Remote Desktop Services-specific tabs to the Properties sheet of a user account)
rendering extensionмодуль подготовки отчётов (A plug-in that renders reports to a specific format (for example, an Excel rendering extension))
security extensionмодуль безопасности (A component in Reporting Services that authenticates a user or group to a report server)
SOAP extensionрасширение SOAP
thread pool extensionрасширение пула потоков (Windows 10 ssn)
tools menu extensionsрасширения меню "Сервис" (Internet Explorer 9, Windows 8 Rori)
virtual extension methodвиртуальный расширяющий метод (метод интерфейса с реализацией по умолчанию Alex_Odeychuk)