
Terms for subject Botany containing EGG | all forms | exact matches only
butter-and-eggsльнянка обыкновенная (Linaria vulgaris)
egg apparatusяйцеклетка с синергидами
egg appleдемянка
egg appleбаклажан обыкновенный
egg bearerбадиджан
egg bearerдемьянка
egg-fruitяичный фруктPouteria campechiana (It is not to be confused with the eggplant (Solanum melongena).: Pouteria campechiana (commonly known as the canistel) leonid21061975)
egg-fruitканистель (It is not to be confused with the eggplant (Solanum melongena).: Pouteria campechiana (commonly known as the canistel) leonid21061975)
egg plantбадиджан
egg plantдемьянка
egg-shaped thymeчабрец блошницевидный (Thymus pulegioides, Thymus ovatus)