
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Distance | all forms | exact matches only
a short distance fromна небольшом расстоянии от (The incident, which occurred on October 4, 1967, involved multiple witnesses who saw an unidentified object descend from the sky into the ocean a short distance from Shag Harbour – a small fishing village situated along the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
a short distance fromнедалеко от (The incident, which occurred on October 4, 1967, involved multiple witnesses who saw an unidentified object descend from the sky into the ocean a short distance from Shag Harbour – a small fishing village situated along the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
maintain a safe distanceнаходиться на безопасном расстоянии (from – от: Warning! Crocodiles inhabit these waters. Do not clean fish at the water's edge. Do not enter the water while fishing from the bank. Maintain a safe distance from the water. ART Vancouver)
within walking distanceв двух шагах ("I have lived in downtown New Westminster for a year. There are tons of cute antique shops and a coffee shop on every corner. There is pretty much anything you need within walking distance: you can stay green and take a stroll to get last-minute items for dinner." (The Province) ART Vancouver)